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74 Cards in this Set

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Dread Scott Decision decided what?
Territories must allow slavery
Who was the famous conductor on the Underground Railroad?
Stephen Douglas/Fredrick Douglass
In what way did we win the War of 1812?
Nationalism increased
What is the main purpose of the 14th amendment?
Give blacks born in America US citizenship
Lincoln was assassinated by ? at ?
John Wilkes Boothe at Ford's Theater
What was not part of the Johnson's Amnesty Plan?
90% loyalty oath
What is the purpose of Freedman's Bereua?
To help former slaves to freedom
what group was created to prevent blacks from using their new freedoms?
What ends Reconstruction?
Compromise of 1877
What is the deadliest day in American history?
Battle of Antietam
What is the reason why Uncle Tom's Cabin was important to America?
It encouraged Abolitionist Activities
What was an advantage for the North in the Civil War?
More factories
What was an advantage of the South in the Civil War?
Had more military academies
The Fugitive Slave Law did what?
Could capture any black believed to run away
How many slaves lived in the US by 1860?
All of the following items were taken to Europe except...
Sugar Cane
The Articles of Confederation struggled with all of these problems except...
Having a powerful president
What power did the Supreme Court get from the Marbury vs. Madison trial?
Judicial Review
Who was the only president voted unanimously?
George Washington
The Trail of Tears was from the:
Indian Removal Act
Monroe Doctrine told ? to stay out of the Americas
What was Hoover's Plan for the economy?
Rugged Individualism
Why didnt the Agricultural Marketing Act work?
Because it still allowed overproduction of crops
Prihibition led to an increse in:
Organized crime
In the Election of 1928, what was the biggest factor in Hoover's victory?
National prosperity
What was the type of woman called that believed in a more liberal fashion and attitude during the 1920s?
Scopes Trial discussed what issue?
Teaching evolution
Universal Negro Improvement Legue wanted to do which of the following?
Move back to Africa
Why did most people lose trust in banks during the Great Depression?
Most people didnt get money back
What targeted the Red Scare?
What part of the Treaty of Versailles did reservationists disagree with the most?
A Legue of Nation's power over congress
Treaty of Versailles targets which country to blame?
Which battle was the deciding factor for breaking the hole in the German line in WWI?
Battle of Argonne Forest
The Threaty of Brest-Litovsk did which of the following?
Took Russia out of WWI
Which country is not included in the Big Four
Which of the following is true about the Treaty of Paris, 1898?
Cuba becomes independent
What was the name of Roosevelt's policy used in foreign matters?
Big Stick
Which of the following is not included in the Square Deal?
Payne-Aldrich Tariff
Who won the Election of 1912?
Wilson- democrat
Which of these nations was not part of the triple entente?
Pircip, from the Black Hand, killed the Archduke of...
Which did the Dust Bowl affect the most?
Midwest States
Which of the following was targeted in the Emergency Quota Act of 1921
Eastern/Southern Europeans
In the Dawes Plan, ? gave loans to ? pay back reparations to ?
Trickledown economics meant to the gov't
Gives more money to rich to invest in the poor
What scandal discredited Harding's secretary of interior?
Teapot dome scandal
Henry Ford used all of the following on car production except:
Horizantal integration
Which is not a reason America wanted to remain neutral in WWI?
Hates both Allied and Central powers
What did the Selective Service Act do during WWI?
Required all young men to register for the draft
Which of these trenches had the most casualties?
Front-line Trench
Technology that wasnt first used in farming, biut then used in No-Man's land in WWI was:
Barbed wire
What was used to protect American merchants ships during WWI
Which part of the 14 Point Peace Plan specifically discussed creating a global aliance
The Legue of Nations
Whites in the South used violence, intimidation, literacy test and ? to limit blacks voting rights
Poll taxes
What did "How the Other Half Lives" discuss
Horrible Living Conditions
Which party is known as the party of moral values, that supported high tariffs and prohibition
Which party had the support of the Southern whites and Northern factory workers
What urbanization problem is specifically addressed in the San Francisco earthquake
Pro-expansionists in America believed America should take other land to spread:
The populist party platform wants to help which group?
Which of these is not a Native American Characteristic:
Which Massacre ended the Indian War
Battle of Wounded Knee
Which of the followingwas not a goal for the Unions during the 1890s
Government support companies
On Ellis Island, most immigrants were required to:
Pass a physical exam
In which Battle did Grant stop Lee in the North, making a major turning point in the Civil War?
Battle of Gettysburg
The Gov. helped the industrial revolution in all of the following ways except:
Mininum wage laws
Which of these was not part of the Anaconda Plan?
Army would kill confederate president
Who was chosen to lead the confederate states after they seceded
Jefferson Davis
The Emancipation Proclamation freed the slaves where specifically
The confederate states
Which river is mentioned in the song follow the drinking gourd?
Which of these were not used as labors plantations?
Asian immigrants
What state land rid the US gain from the Mexican American War?
New Mexico
Where did Lee surrender to Grant?
Total number of deaths during the civil war?
360,000- North
260,000- South
690,000- Total