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121 Cards in this Set

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What 4 attributes should your standards have in an initial feedback?

 achievable/attainable
 specific (clearly defined)
 observable (behavior can be seen)
 measurable (using quality, quantity, and timeliness)

What are the steps in the Progressive Discipline Process?

1. Counseling

2. Admonishments

3. Reprimands

Who can establish an UIF?

Only the commander can establish an UIF

What is the absolute last option that can be taken before non-judicial punishment?

The Commander can place the individual on a Control Roster

What works in conjunction with the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) to allow an individual to accept punishment in lieu of trial by courts martial?

NPJ - Non-judicial punishment

What are the three purposes of the EES?

1. Provide meaningful feedback

2. Provide long-term, reliable, cumulative record of performance

3. Provide senior NCO evaluation boards, WAPS, and other personnel managers sound information to assist in identifying the best- qualified enlisted personnel

What are the Impacts to the EES?

1. Promotions

2. Productivity

3. Force Management

What are the methods of monitoring?

1. Direct Observation

2. Indirect Observation

3. Checking Completed Products or Services

This type of monitoring involves relying on someone else to provide you with information about how your subordinate is performing.

Indirect Observation

__________ involves observing your subordinate‟s performance with your own eyes.

Direct observation

What are the three categories of common pitfall?

1. Ratability

2. Relevancy

3. Variability

Pitfalls in this area occur when an evaluator attempts to evaluate factors that are essentially unratable, like interest in the job, loyalty, and attitude.


This pitfall creeps into evaluations when you omit essential elements of the job from consideration, when you give undue weight to an isolated incident, or when you include factors that don‟t contribute to performance.


This pitfall is evident when evaluations of individuals don‟t show appropriate differences in performance.


When some evaluators tend to give high ratings and are reluctant to give low ratings

Evaluator Leniency

This error occurs when an evaluator‟s standards are unreasonably high

Evaluator Strictness

This pitfall occurs when evaluators rate everyone as average

Central Tendency

Evaluators commit this error when one factor, or possibly a characteristic of the subordinate, influences the evaluation of other factors

Halo Effect

This occurs when evaluators allow their personal likes and dislikes of an individual to influence the evaluation.

Personal Bias

This occurs when evaluations are disproportionately affected by the recent performance of a subordinate


This pitfall involves being unduly influenced by the first impression made by the subordinate—first impressions don‟t always reflect typical performance


When evaluators allow past performance to influence current periods, they fall victim to this pitfall.


_______is the type of feedback done before a subordinate violates a standard or falls below your supervisory line of acceptability.

Preventative feedback

________is the type of feedback done after a subordinate violates a standard or falls below your supervisory line of acceptability.

Rehabilitative feedback

What are the three ways you can improve the job for your subordinate?

Job Rotation

Job Enlargement

Job Enrichment

A _______ is a group organized to work together.


A _______ is an assemblage of persons or objects located or gathered together.


__________ define the "where and what" work centers, units, wings, etc. accomplish on a daily basis.

Mission statements

What are the roles of the team leader?

Manage the team: calling and facilitating meetings, assigning administrative details, and organizing all team activities.

What are the responsibilities of the team leader?

Communication skills

Human relation skills

Participation skills

The primary role of the ____________ is participant, that is, one who actively participates. This role is fulfilled through:

Team member

Just like the team leader, team member ___________ are communication skills, human relation skills, and participation skills.


______________ is an ongoing process involving interaction of individuals within

a team to achieve the desired objective.‖

Team dynamics

“Work done by several associates with each doing a part, but all subordinating personal prominence to the efficiency of the whole" is the definition of what?

Team work

What are the 5 stages of team development?

1. Forming

2. Storming

3. Norming

4. Performing

5. Adjourning or Transforming

During this stage, everyone is on his or her best behavior and group members become acquainted with each other.


This stage is where team members want to know the goals and objectives - probably the most difficult stage


During this stage, members reconcile competing loyalties and responsibilities; there is an attitude change.


By this stage, the team has settled its individual relationships and expectations.


This stage takes place as the team begins to break up and individual members move on to other activities.

Adjourning or Transforming

What are the primary dimensions of diversity?

Characteristics that cannot change

 Gender

 Age

 Race

 Sexual affiliation/orientation

 Mental and Physical abilities/qualities

 Ethnicity/Culture

What are the secondary dimensions of diversity?

Characteristics that can change i.e.

 Work ethic

 Income

 Marital status

 Experience

 Religious and Philosophical beliefs

__________ refers to legal and regulatory mandates prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, sex, national origin, religion, age, disability, and reprisal.


A “diversity-supportive” organization embraces all aspects of diversity and exhibits the following five characteristics:

Act Proactively


Encourage Ownership of Initiatives

Think Inclusively

Mainstream Diversity

These organizations know the value of diversity and the importance of tapping into it.

Act Proactively

Top-down management endorses and actively champions the organization’s diversity initiatives.


When ownership is strong within an organization, everyone is committed to carrying out their role in valuing diversity, allowing it to flourish.

Encourage Ownership of Initiatives

Everyone is considered a valuable member of the organization.

Think Inclusively

These organizations make diversity a part of every effort, process, and procedure.

Mainstream Diversity

What are the 8 Socio-Behavioral Tendencies (SBTs)?

- Assumptions

- Stereotypes

- Social Biases

- Perceptions

- Perspectives

- Collusion

- Prejudices

- Discrimination

___________ is when we take the liberty of declaring something about a situation, item, or someone else that is not supported by fact.


___________ is is a “fixed or distorted generalization about ALL members of a particular group that share a particular diversity characteristic."


___________ is is where one unfairly favors or prefers one person, culture, group, or race to another.

Socially Biases

This is how we mentally view or “see” a situation or the world around us from a particular angle.


____________ occurs when people cooperate with others, knowingly or unknowingly, to reinforce the behaviors that prevent others from fully entering into the workplace culture.


___________ is “the creation of an adverse or unreasonable opinion about a person or group without [gathering] all the facts and is usually based on deeply held beliefs.”


_________ is the visible act, or consideration to act, in favor of or against a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs to rather than on individual merit or value.


Leading the FAIR way...what does the FAIR acronym stand for?

- Feedback (giving)

- Assistance (offering)

- Inclusion (assuring)

- Respect (giving)

What is giving and receiving information about expectations?


What is making sure workers have what they need to work to their fullest potential?


What is making sure everyone has the opportunity to fully participate in the workplace?


What is recognizing each person’s unique value, contributions, and potential to the organization?


"To offer or suggest information or ideas as a reaction from an inquiry" is the definition of what?


"An opinion or recommendation offered as a guide to action or conduct" is the definition of what?


In follwership traits, what does the acronym CILI stand for?





What three attributes are in loyalty?

Faithfulness, Obedience, Respectfulness

What does the acronym SLICED stand for when talking about leadership traits?







What does the acronym DAC stand for when talking about leadership skills?




___________ is the step a leader takes to determine what is going on in an organization.


What are four categories can you use to diagnose the status of your people?


Esprit De Corp



_________ involves adjusting your behaviors and other resources based on what you have diagnosed in a way that helps close the gap between the current situation and what you want to achieve.


________ is derived from your position within the organization and is given or delegated to you by your superiors.

Postion power

What are the four powers that affect the amount of positional influence a leader has?

coercive, reward, legitimate, and connection

Another power that is linked to your position is called ___________.

connection power

Influence based on position comes from the leader’s title, rank, or assignment in an organization; this is __________________.

legitimate power

_____________ power is the leader‘s ability to enforce discipline—the perception followers have of your ability to take action by counseling, giving administrative paperwork (LOC, LOR, etc.), recommending punishment, etc.


____________ power is your ability to provide rewards—the perception the followers have of your ability to reward their actions by giving or recommending letters of appreciation, 3- day passes, medals, etc.


_________ power is derived from the confidence and trust that other people, normally the followers, have in the leader.


Personal power consists of ___________, __________, and __________ power.

referent, expert, and information power.

A person‘s _______ power is his/her special knowledge or skills related to the job.


A person‘s _________ power is his/her perceived access to important data and useful information, like reenlistment information or promotion statistics.


_________ power is the personal charisma or likeability characteristics (trust, confidence, etc.) that a person has.


What are some factors to consider when diagnosing the developmental needs of Airmen?




Attitudes and Values

What is...

A communication process involving two or more people/groups where:

- the parties have a degree of difference in positions, interests, goals, values or


- the parties strive to reach agreement on issues or course of action


What is defined as: The person or group with whom you are engaged in negotiations.


In negotiations, a position is what you ______, not necessarily what you _____.

want, need

An interest is what you ______. It is the underlying reason behind your position.


In negotiating, what is the best each party hopes to get out of a negotiated agreement?

Aspiration Point

In negotiating, this is your ‘bottom line’ in negotiation. It is the point you will absolutely not got over...your limit.

Reservation point

What is ZOPA in negotiating?

Zone of Possible Agreement (ZOPA): The area between each party’s aspiration point and reservation point. It is also called the ‘bargaining range.’

What is BATNA when discussing negotiating?

Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA): An alternative to negotiation that you can execute independent of your ‘opposite’.

When talking about a negotiating environment, what does the acronym TIPO stand for?





A ________ relationship means you are willing to consider the opposite’s needs and desires during negotiations as well as sharing information with the expectation of receiving these actions of trust in return.


The ______ strategy is a passive, unassertive strategy where you do not have any motivation to work your expectations or meet their expectations.


The ________ strategy tends to delegate the responsibility to the other person or party.


The ______ strategy is useful when you believe that obtaining your objective is paramount, regardless of the cost to the opposite’s interests or the relationship.


The _______ strategy may be an option when you seek resolution to a situation, but see little chance for you to really get it “your way” (e.g. the Insist Strategy) or you don’t want to “give in” (e.g. the Comply Strategy) to the opposite.


The ________ Strategy (CNS) reflects high interests in both people and task orientations.

Cooperative Negotiation Strategy (CNS)

___________ is the “careful and responsible management of resources under one’s control.”

Resource stewardship

This is considered our “most valuable resource,” the appropriate amount (and mix) of skilled and qualified individuals provides the workforce necessary for organizations to meet ongoing and future mission requirements.


This is the resource that is required in order to procure the material, information and technology, and warfare resources we need to accomplish our missions.


_________ are the physical goods that are required by our personnel to complete their assigned duties.

Material resources

__________ is a perpetual cycle of planning, programming, revising, adjusting, and spending.

The budgeting process

When does the fiscal year begin and end?

Fiscal year (FY) which begins on 1 October and ends on 30 September of the following year.

________ is a review cycle conducted twice during the fiscal year to identify, validate, prioritize, and request additional resources for unfunded requirements.

The BER - The Budget Execution Review

________ is an Air Force product used to balance available funding while delivering goods and services to customers within the Operations and Maintenance (O&M) appropriation.

Financial Execution Plan (FEP)

____________ is a law where Congress exercises its constitutional control over the public purse.

The Anti-Deficiency Act (ADA)

_________ prohibits from involving the government in a contract or obligation for the payment of money before an appropriation is made unless authorized by law.

anti-deficiency act

____________ is an act that results in exceeding limitations [misuse] of funds authorized and appropriated by Congress in support of contract obligations.

Anti-Deficiency Act Violations

_________ this is the organization that gathers and distributes cost data

Cost center

The __________ regulates the daily use of work hours, supplies, equipment, and services in producing or doing things.

Cost Center Manager

The basic purpose of the _______ submission is to ensure an equitable distribution of the President's Budget (PB) for the next fiscal year (budget year) consistent with accomplishing Air Force program objectives.


What is a legal binding agreement between the government and another party.


This is biennial memorandum submitted to the Secretary of Defense from each Military Department and Defense agency.

Program Objective Memorandum (POM)

The ______________ participates actively in resource management, including the planning, programming, budgeting, acquiring, consuming, storing, and disposing of resources.

resource advisor

This computer product details the organization structure, (the number, skills, and grade and security requirements of manpower authorizations), the position number for each authorization and other pertinent data commanders and managers need to manage manpower resources.

UMD - Unit manpower document

Any change to the UMD requires a formal _________ signed by the appropriate commander.

ACR - Authorization Change Request

This is a requirement that is authorized and funded positions needed to accomplish the assigned workload.

Funded Requirement

This is a requirement that is authorized, but unfunded positions needed to accomplish the assigned workload.

Unfunded Requirement

This document deals with the spaces...


This document deals with the faces that fill the places....

Unit Personnel Management Roster (UPMR) for faces in spaces.