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24 Cards in this Set

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Define "allegory."
a narrative in which the characters, the action, and sometimes the setting itself are contrived not only to make sense in themselves, but also to signify a second meaning; a story told in symbols
Define "allusion."
a reference to an important event or person from the Bible, mythology, history, or literature.
Define "anaphora."
repetition of beginnings

ex. Mad world! Mad kings! Mad composition!
Define "antithesis."
opposite ideas, often sharpened and empahsized by parallel structure;

ex. Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.
Define "apostrophe."
when a character addresses an absent or nonexistent person as if present and capable of understanding, or addresses some abstract quality as if it were alive and capable of understanding; (talking to things that aren't really there, or to things that can't talk back)
Define "asyndeton."
the omission of a conjunction--speeds up the passage;

ex. I came, I saw, I conquered.
Define "ellipsis."

ex. Everybody's friend is nobody's. (nobody's friend)
Define "epanados."
repetition in the opposite order;

ex. Fair is foul, and foul is fair.
Define "hyperbole."
a great exaggeration, used either for serious emphasis or for comic effect;
Define "irony."
saying one thing and meaning another
Define "litotes."
a special form of understatement, which is the assertion of an affirmative by negating its contrary;

ex. He's not the brightest man in the world.
Define "metaphor."
an implied comparison between two unlike items
Define "oxymoron."
a condensed paradox expressed by two contradictory terms, especially frequent in Petrarchan and Elizabethan love poetry;

ex. pleasing pains, loving hate, etc.
Define "paradox."
statement which at first seems untrue but proves valid upon colose inspection
Define "personification."
giving life, human attributes, or feelings to animals or to inanimate objects; something already human cannot be personified;
Define "pun."
a play on words

ex. It was a fowl act to steal my chickens.
Define "simile."
an expressed comparison between two distinctly different things, especially using "like" or "as";
Define "symbol."
words that refer to something which suggests a range of reference beyond itself;
Define "synecdoche."
a specific type of metonymy wherein a part is substituted for the whole or vice versa;

ex. head of cattle; he lent a hand;
Define "alliteration."
series of words beginning with the same sound
Define "assonance."
repetition of the same vowel sound(s)
Define "blank verse."
unrhymed iambic pentameter
Define "consonance."
repetition of consonant sounds; not limited to first consonant sounds like alliteration is;
Define "free verse."
neither regular meter nor rhyme