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23 Cards in this Set

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Where was the temporary seat of government, where Washington was inaugurated in 1789?
New York City
What was the Bill of Rights and when was it ratified by the states?
The first ten amendments, by the end of 1791
What was the Judiciary Act of 1789?
It provided for a Supreme Court to rule on the constitutional validity of state laws
What was the interpreter of the "supreme law of the land"?
The Supreme Court
Who were the secretaries of state, treasury, and war under George Washington?
Jefferson = state
Hamilton = treasury
Knox = war
What did the secretaries of state, war, and treasury, and the attorney general, later become called?
the Cabinet
What was the Proclamation of Neutrality?
George Washington's response to the French Revolution against Britain, in 1792
What and when was Jay's Treaty with Britain?
1794, a treaty with the British to attempt to settle the conflict of British attacking the American ships because Americans were trading with the French and not British.
What was the Pinckney Treaty of 1796?
Spain opened the Mississippi River to America traffic. The 31st parallel was the northern boundary of Florida.
What did the secretaries of state, war, and treasury, and the attorney general, later become called?
the Cabinet
In which battle did General Anthony Wayne decisively defeat the Indians in 1794? What was the resulting treaty that cleared the Ohio territory of Indian tribes?
The Battle of Fallen Timbers, Treaty of Greenville
In which event did western and PA farmers refuse to pay the excise tax on whiskey which formed the backbone of Alexander Hamilton's revenue program?
The Whiskey Rebellion, 1794
What was the XYZ Affair, and who was president?
John Adams was president. (1798)
U.S. delegates went to France to persuade the French not to harass American shipping. But 3 subordinates of French Minister Talleyrand refused unless given a bribe. Outrage!
What was the cause of the Quasi-War, and when was it?
The cause was the XYZ Affair and it was from 1798-1799.
What was the Quasi-War?
John Adams suspended all trade with the French until the new French government under Napoleon signed a treaty.
What were the Alien and Sedition Acts and when were they?
During John Adams's presidency.
Alien Act: hurdles in path of immigrants trying to obtain citizenship,
Sedition Act: muzzle the newspaper critics. editors were actually jailed!
What were the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions?
State governments could nullify federal laws within those states.
Who wrote the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions?
Thomas Jefferson and James Madison
Who fought the famous duel of 1804, and who won?
It was between T.J.'s VP Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton, T.J.'s supporter for presidency. Burr killed Hamilton.
Who was appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court as part of the NEW Judiciary Act of 1801?
John Marshall. Adams was president.
Who designed Washington, D.C.?
Pierre L'Enfant
Who were Jefferson's members of the Cabinet (secretary of state and treasury)?
James Madison = secretary of state
Albert Gallatin = secretary of treasury
Under whose presidency were the Alien and Sedition Acts suspended?
Thomas Jefferson, and the men were released