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24 Cards in this Set

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Give the 3 basic sources of public school law.
US Constitution, statues and regulations, case law
What part of the US Constitution gives the states the duty to educate?
The 10th Amendment
What is the importance of the 10th Amendment for School Psychologists?
Under the 10th Amendment, state governments have assumed the duty to educate. All children within a state have a legitimate claim to a public education.
What was the purpose of the 14th Amendment?
To prevent state governments from trespassing on the rights of individual citizens.
What 2 clauses in the 14th Amendment are important for School Psychologists?
1. Equal Protection Clause: no state shall deny any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law (must provide public education to all)
2. Due Process: School rules restricting students rights must be reasonably related to the purpose of schooling and schools may not suspend/expel children from schooling without fair, impartial due process procedures
Brown versus Topeka Board of Education
Educating minority children in separate but equal facilities denies them equal educational opportunity. Therefore, each state must provide equal educational opportunity to all children in its jurisdiction (enforces 14th Amendment)
Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children (PARC) versus Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Exclusion of children with handicaps from public school is a denial of equal protection (enforces 14th Amendment)
Mills versus Board of Education/District of Columbia
Exclusion of children with handicaps from public school is a denial of equal protection (enforces 14th Amendment)
Goss versus Lopez
Education is a property right protected by the 14th Amendment and the process for expulsion does not have to be elaborate but must include notice and the opportunity to be heard
Wisconsin versus Constantineau
Schools may not label a child as "mentally retarded" or "emotionally distrubed" without due process
What is the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965 and what was it's main target?
First major Federal initiative to aid education; target funds for economically disadvantaged schoolchildren
What is the purpose of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001?
To close the achievement gap with accountability, flexibility, and choice, so that no child is left behind; specifically for schools with high concentrations of children from disadvantaged homes
The Individuals with Disabilities Improvement Act (IDEA) 2004 provides what?
Funds to states that provides a free and appropriate education to all children with disabilities defined by the law
The Individuals with Disabilities Improvement Act (IDEA) 2004 stipulates what?
Children must be assessed on the basis of non-discriminatory testing and evaluation procedures and provided with an individualized education program in the least restrictive environment appropriate for the child.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 states what?
No Federal funds will be made available to schools unless they adhere to the pupil record-keeping procedures outlined in the law.
What rights does the The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 gives parents and families?
1. Access to all school education records of their children
2. The right to challenge the accuracy of those records
3. The right to a hearing regarding their accuracy
4. Pupil records are only available to those in the school with a legitimate educational interest in the student
5. The parent consent must be obtained before records are released
The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 has what section that has importance for School Psychologists?
Section 504 - prohibiting discrimination against any otherwise qualified individual solely on the basis of a handicapping condition in any program or activity receiving federal funds.
What does zero exclusion mean and what piece of legisltation is it attached to?
The principle in IDEA that requires public schools to provide special education to related services to meet the needs of individual children
Riles versus Larry P.
The court found that the IQ tests were indeed culturally-biased against African-American children and banned California schools systems from using them when evaluating African-American children for special education.
OVER-RULED : Marshall v. Georgia
Tarasoff versus Reagents of California
Duty to warn - Public policy favouring protection of the confidential character of patient-therapist relationships must yield in instances in which disclosure is essential to avert danger to others
Lau versus Nichols
School must provide assistance or take affirmative steps to ensure that students with limited English proficiency have access to meaningful education
Oberti versus Clementon
Education in the least restrictive environment - schools “must consider the whole range of supplemental aids and services” before segregating a student with a disability from the regular-education classroom, and that they must “make efforts to modify the regular education program” to make the curriculum accessible
Irving versus Tatro
Schools must provide related services (done by a lawyperson with minimal training) under the special education laws when these services are needed for the child to get a free, appropriate public education
Hendrick Hudson (Board of Education) versus Rowley
Ruled that IDEA does not require states to develop IEPs that "maximize the potential of handicapped children