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66 Cards in this Set

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Established a Supreme Courtwith 1 chief justice and 5 associate judges
Judiciary Act (1789)
The supreme court only hears cases that involve the ____
___ federal circuit courts
___ federal district courts
State court decisions can be appealed to a federal court when the constitution is involved. What Section is this talking about.
Section 25
Who were the presidents advisors.
The Cabinet
1st secretary of state
Thomas Jefferson
1st secretary of treasury
Alexander Hamilton
1st Secretary of war
Henry Knox
1st attorney general
Edmund Randolph
Who was Alexander Hamilton's adversary
Thomas Jefferson
1. Pay off debts
2. Create a National Bank
Hamilton's Economic Plan
Who did Hamilton pay off debts for
1. Foreign Countries
2. Private Citizens
3. Federal Government
This showed the government was legitimate and was going to work
Whiskey Rebellion
"implied" does not have to say specifically (Hamilton)
Loose Interpretation
Must say specifically (Jefferson)
Strict Interpretation
Jacobin's takeover government in France and declare war on Britain
French Revolution
U.S. made an alliance with ___ in 1778.
April 22, 1793 Washington proclaims the United States this
French Minister
Edmond Genet
1. Spain gives up all land east of the Mississippi River except Florida.
2. United States could use the Mississippi
Pinckney's Treaty
1. Land in the west (fur trapping)
2. Giving Native American Guns
3. Stealing United States Ships
- Resolved Nothing
Jay's Treaty (1794) - England
(August 20, 1794) U.S. Government victory ends Indian Resistance in Ohio.
Battle of Fallen Timbers
Indians give up most of their land for $10,000 annually.
Treaty of Greenville (1795)
1. Stay away from treaties with foreign nations (leads to war)
2. Avoid Political Parties - Divide the Nation
Washington's Farewell Address
Loyalty to region before nation.
Who won most votes in election of 1796
John Adams
Who won 2nd most votes in the election of 1796
Thomas Jefferson
Who supported the Alien and Sedition Acts
1. American citizenship from 5 to 14 years
2. Jail or deportation for any undesirables
Alien Act
Jefferson and Madison authored this - States can nullify any law they considered unconstitutional or unfair.
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
Jail or fines if anyone speaks against the government (1st amendment)
Sedition Act
States could declare ___ acts null and void.
Alien and Sedition
Who believes in a strict interpretation of the government.
Thomas Jefferson
Who believed in a loose interpretation of the government
Alexander Hamilton
What's the answer to number 43 on the test
What's the answer to #41 on the test
Political party that faced a strong central government
Treaty with Indians that gave the United States the land that became Ohio and part of Illinois.
Treaty of Greenville
Established a Supreme Court with a Chief Justice.
Judiciary Act of 1789
1st United States President
George Washington
Allowed President Adams to make last minute appointments of judges.
Judiciary Act of 1801
Proposed that a national bank be created
Alexander Hamilton
1st 10 amendments to the constitution.
Bill of Rights
Act passed in an attempt to stop press criticism of John Adams
Sedition Act
The country that Republicans supported during the war between France and Britain.
Foreign French minister whose actions added to the ruin of United States neutrality in war between France and Britain.
Edmond Genet
Number of terms Washington served as president.
Chief Justice appointed by John Adams
John Marshall
Second United States President
John Adams
If the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions were to pass - would give too much power to the states thus rendering the federal government. Ineffective too weak - Congress votes ___ (President Adams would have vetoed anyway).
Although the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions ___ passed into law - showed the states were concerned about giving the federal government (Federalists too much power)
Were Not
Hamilton suggests to move the capital city to the ___ - (The Potomac River) - ___ now supports Hamilton more.
Federalists - ___ - Strong Central government.
In what year did General Arthur St. Clair defeat Little Turtle and the Natives.
In what year did General Josiah Harmon go into Ohio against Indian chief Little Turtle (Miami Indians). Battle won by Little Turtle and the Natives.
In what year did General "Mad" Anthony Wayne lead American soldiers to expel Native Americans (Little Turtle wanted to negotiate other Natives refused).
Who resisted Americans moving west of the Appalachian Mountains (supported by the British who still had forts there).
Native Americans
If the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions were to pass - would give too much power to the states thus rendering the federal government. Ineffective too weak - Congress votes ___ (President Adams would have vetoed anyway).
Although the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions ___ passed into law - showed the states were concerned about giving the federal government (Federalists too much power)
Were Not
Hamilton suggests to move the capital city to the ___ - (The Potomac River) - ___ now supports Hamilton more.
Federalists - ___ - Strong Central government.
In what year did General Arthur St. Clair defeat Little Turtle and the Natives.
In what year did General Josiah Harmon go into Ohio against Indian chief Little Turtle (Miami Indians). Battle won by Little Turtle and the Natives.
In what year did General "Mad" Anthony Wayne lead American soldiers to expel Native Americans (Little Turtle wanted to negotiate other Natives refused).
Who resisted Americans moving west of the Appalachian Mountains (supported by the British who still had forts there).
Native Americans