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36 Cards in this Set

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Social Darwinism

Riches being a sign of gods favor and poor was a sign of laziness and inferiority


The separation of races in public

Paying for voting

Poll tax

Gilded age

When America looked good but it was really bad

3 reasons for growth in America before 1900's

1. Natural resources

2. Government support

3. Urbanization

Railroad builders were who

Chinese, Irish, ww verterans looking for a job

Sherman anti trust act

Made monopolies illegal

People who used cut throat tactics to and will do anything to become rich are what

Robber barons

Immigrants before 1890

*think of _________ famine


Immigrants after 1890

Italians and chinese

The moving from rural areas to cities was called


Carnegie owned a what

Steel company called US steel

Political boss did what

Controlled jobs, business licenses and influenced the court system

What printed on both sides of the paper

Printing press

Early public education

12-16 weeks of school, teachers not qualified

African Americans were what

Excluded from secondary education

What Were the Jim Crow laws

Laws put i place to hurt African americans; segregation laws

Public hanging from a tree was called what


3 types of discrimination

1. Education

2. Social places like public

3. Jobs

Plessy vs. ferguson

School board case with the Supreme Court fighting the separate but equal law

Who was a wisconsin republican that led the way to regulations big business

Robert la follette

Origins of progress

1. Work conditions

2. Rights for women and children

3.economic reform


5. Social welfare

Who was Ida Tarbell

A muckcracker that exposed standard oil's cut throat tactics

Journalist who exposed curruption in a business were called what


What did women in the work force want

The right to vote

What were trust

Legal bodied created to hold stock in many companies

What was a trustbuster

People who breakup companies that had trust; monopolies

What book was about the unsanitary condition is the meet industry

The jungle by upton sinclair

What was the pure food and drug act

an act that halted the sale of contamininated foods and foods with drugs in them and called for truth in labeling

What park did teddy Roosevelt first establish

Yellowstone park

Name 4 of the urban problems


2. Sanitation


4. Water

5. Fire


what two states were Ellis island a part of

New york and New Jersey

what was a graft

a business bribe

how do you make steel

You take carbon out of iron

Where did the wright brothers first fly their plane

North Carolina

what person ran political machine

*name of a person

Boss Tweed