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60 Cards in this Set

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Judith Sargent Murray insisted that women had as much right as men to exercise all their talents and needed what to do this?

educational opportunities

What was unusual about the Embargo Act of 1807?

It stopped all American vessels from sailing to foreign ports—an amazing use of federal power, especially by a president supposedly dedicated to a weak central government.

In its decision in the case of Fletcher v. Peck, the U.S. Supreme Court:

exercised the authority to overturn a state law that the Court considered in violation of the U.S. Constitution.

Why did Jefferson use the U.S. navy against North African states?

Tripoli had declared war on the United States after Jefferson had refused demands for increased payments to the Barbary pirates.

The Sedition Act of 1798:

led Jefferson to argue that it was a violation of the First Amendment.

The Kentucky resolution originally stated that:

states could nullify laws of Congress.

The 1796 election pitted John Adams and Thomas Pinckney against:

Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr.

The treaty that ended the War of 1812:

restored the prewar status quo.

Why did the United States become a one-party nation following the War of 1812?

The Hartford Convention’s allegedly treasonous activities fatally damaged the Federalist Party’s reputation.

Opponents of Hamilton’s economic plan:

agreed to a compromise that included placing the national capital in the South.

With whom did Alexander Hamilton and his supporters believe that the United States needed to cultivate a firm relationship in order to survive as a nation?

the British

Alexander Hamilton’s long-term goal was to:

make the United States a major commercial and military power.

Which one of the following is true of New Orleans under Spanish rule?

Free blacks had nearly the same rights as white citizens.

Pierre Charles L’Enfant is well known for:

;designing Washington, D.C.

The Virginia and Kentucky resolutions were a response to:

the Alien and Sedition Acts.

Which one of the following was NOT an objection raised by critics of Hamilton’s proposals?

The proposals would prevent the development of manufacturing, and manufacturing was vital to America’s future.

"Strict constructionists” believed:

the federal government could exercise only powers specifically listed in the Constitution.

Which one of the following is NOT true of the presidential election of 1800?

Thomas Jefferson’s victory in the New England states proved to be key to his election.

Thomas Jefferson’s victory in the New England states proved to be key to his election

Jefferson expected the land acquisition to make possible the spread of agrarian republicanism.

What was the significance of the case of Marbury v. Madison?

The Supreme Court asserted the power of judicial review.

The majority of the nearly 4 million immigrants that entered the United States between 1840 and 1860 were from:

Germany and Ireland.

The catalyst for the market revolution was a series of innovations in:

transportation and communication.

The “American System of manufactures”:

relied on the mass production of interchangeable parts.

Which denomination enjoyed the largest membership in the United States by the 1840s?


The American railroad industry in the first half of the nineteenth century:

stimulated the coal-mining industry.

Most of the states that entered the Union in the six years immediately following the War of 1812 were located:

west of the Appalachian Mountains.

According to John O’Sullivan, the “manifest destiny” of the United States to occupy North America could be traced to:

a divine mission.

What problem with cotton did Eli Whitney solve by inventing the cotton gin?

Removing seeds from the cotton was a slow and painstaking task, but Whitney made it much easier and less labor-intensive.

Which one of the following is NOT an example of the significance of Eli Whitney’s cotton gin?

The completion of the Erie Canal allowed the transportation of thousands of pounds of cotton per day.

What encouraged the building of factories in coastal towns such as New Bedford and even large inland cities such as Chicago by the 1840s?

Steam power meant factories no longer had to be near waterfalls and rapids to generate the power.

The “German triangle” in the mid-nineteenth century referred to:

Cincinnati, St. Louis, and Milwaukee—cities with large German populations.

Women who worked at the Lowell mills:

lived in closely supervised boardinghouses.

The Erie Canal gave which city primacy over competing ports in accessing trade with the Northwest?

New York

For which one of the following did nativists NOT blame immigrants in the 1840s?

increased Protestantism

The first industry to be shaped by the large factory system was:


How did the market revolution affect the lives of artisans?

Gathered in factories, they faced constant supervision and the breakdown of craftsmanship into specialized tasks.

Which one of the following was NOT a way in which westward movement affected the South?

The South had to develop a highly effective railroad system to transport goods from west to east.

What was the most important export from the United States by the mid-nineteenth century?


The role of a white middle-class woman in antebellum America was primarily to:

focus her energies on the home and children.

At the Lowell textile mills:

the owners established lecture halls, churches, and a worker-edited periodical to occupy the workers’ free time.

The Force Act of 1833:

gave the president authority to use military personnel to collect tariffs

Thomas Jefferson suggested that the Missouri controversy of 1820–1821:

revealed a sectional divide that potentially threatened the Union.

A primary reason that both women and blacks were largely excluded from the expansion of democracy was:

that both groups were viewed as being naturally incapable and thus unfit for suffrage.

In the early to mid-nineteenth century, property qualifications for voting:

did not exist for white males in the states that entered the Union after the original thirteen.

By the time of Jackson’s presidency, politics:

often emphasized individual politicians with mass followings and popular nicknames.

In the first half of the nineteenth century, paper money:

promised to pay the bearer on demand a specific amount of gold or silver.

The Monroe Doctrine:

declared the Americas off-limits for further European colonization.

The nullification crisis:

involved the fears of some slaveholders that the federal government might take action against slavery.

The nullification crisis ended:

with a compromise tariff.

In the presidential election of 1824, who received the most votes but failed to win a majority of either the popular or electoral votes (requiring the House of Representatives to select a president)?

Andrew Jackson

The practice of giving a political office to someone based on party loyalty is called:

the spoils system

Under the Missouri Compromise of 1820:

the remaining Louisiana Purchase territory was divided into slave and free areas.

Who argued in a famous debate with South Carolina’s Robert Hayne that the people, not the states, created the Constitution?

Daniel Webster

Who wrote Exposition and Protest and emerged by the early 1830s as the most prominent spokesman for the right of nullification?

John C. Calhoun

The Panic of 1837:

was caused, in part, by a decline in British demand for American cotton.

By 1840, approximately __________ percent of adult white men were eligible to vote.


The U.S. Supreme Court’s 1832 Worcester v. Georgia decisi

supported the right of the Cherokee people to maintain a separate political identity.

How does the Bank War demonstrate that Andrew Jackson enhanced the power of the presidency?

He identified himself as the symbolic representative of all the people with his veto message that appealed directly to the public.

In his Cherokee Nation v. Georgia opinion, Chief Justice John Marshall stated that:

Indians were wards of the federal government.

Many of the members of Jackson’s Kitchen Cabinet, as his group of close advisers was known, were:

newspaper editors.