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107 Cards in this Set

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Why did the British make the Navigation Act and what did it do?

To promote English goods, ships, and ports Parliament passed the Navigation Act, which overall served to support mercantilism in the colonies to generate wealth and stimulate the economy.

What did Edmund Andros do when he became the governor of New England?

Hewanted stricter control so he creates New England by revoking the charter ofConnecticut and Rhode Island, there by merging them with Massachusetts. In1688, New York and New Jersey are added.

What was the Dominion of New England, how did it end, and who was Jacob Slaughter

It merged Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York and New Jersey, revoking their charters. People soon rebelled however, initiated by , though people soon disregarded him sense he dissed colonial people.

What was the South Atlantic System?

It was the agricultural and commercial order that poduced sugar, tobacco and other products as well as a means of exchange between the colonies, West Indies, and Europe

What is Statuary Neglect and what did Sir Robert Walpole do?

Hewas a leader in the House of Commons who put his friends in high positions, andin thereafter, they only focused on laws and other political benefits to helpthem. This is called Patronage.

Sincethe British are now not focusing on the colonies, they take this chance topursue assemblies and grow in power.

What was the war of Jenkins's Ear?

After Georgia was created a colony, tension rose between the colonies and the Spanish. RobertJenkins was on a ship the Spanish captured and they cut off his ear - thusbeginning the War of Jenkins's Ear.

What were Land Banks?

They lent paper money to farmers who pledged their property as collateral.

What was the incident behind the Ohio River Valley?

The French and Indian War began because of land disputes within the Ohio River Valley. The French, Indians, and Ohio Company all had claims to it.

Why and what did Governor Dinwiddie do regarding the Ohio River Valley?

He sent an expedition to reassert British claims since the French development of forts in the Valley.

Who was Tanaghrisson and what consequences surrounded him?

Tanaghrisson killed a French officer which caused the Virginian and British Expansionist to call war.

What was the Plan of the Union?
The Plan of the Union was meant to unite the colonies under a central government to manage trade, Indian Policy and Defense - it did not pass though

What were the War Hawks and who represented them?

They were a group of people seeking war to protect British interest. William Pitt and Lord Halifax represented them

What was the French and Indian War?

It turned into the 7 year war between the French and British mainly after continuous aggression over the Ohio River Valley

What was the Treaty of Paris?

It ended the 7 year war, which gave British French Canada, France loosing territory east of the Mississippi, and Spanish Florida forfeiting to Britain.

Who was Pontiac?

He led the uprising in Detroit in response to Britain's territorial acquisitions to the native people of New York and Mississippi.

What was the Proclamation of 1763?

It confirmed Indian Control of the Ohio River Valley region and declared it off-limits to colonial settlement.

What were the breadbaskets in North America?

Maryland, Pennsylvania and New York.

What was significant of the Wyoming Valley?

It was a highly contested region with Pennsylvanian, Connecticut and Delawarean Settlers having claim to it.

Who were the Paxton Boys?

The Paxton Boys massacred 20 peaceful Indians and were put on trial. They were acquitted though, but farmers realized the Pennsylvania government supported Indians and neglected interest of back-country farmers.

What did South Carolina Regulator demand?

That eastern-controlled government provide western districts with more state courts, fairer taxation and greater representation.

Who was Governor Tryon?

He was the governor of North Carolina and he sent in British troops to squash Regulator force.

What was the Revenue Act of 1762?

It was created t enforce the collection of trade duties and led to the Royal Navy seizing American vessels carrying food crops from the mainland to the French West Indies.

What was the Currency Act of 1764?

It banned the American colonies from using paper money as legal tender and ensured that merchants would no longer be paid in money printed in the colonies, boosting their profits and British wealth.

What was the Sugar Act of 1764?

It replaced the widely ignored Molasses Act of 1753 and lessened the duty on molasses but also tightened customs enforcement so that the tax could actually be collected.

What was the Stamp Act of 1765?

It required a tax on all printed items, from college diplomas, court documents, land titles, and contracts to newspapers, almanacs, and playing cards.

Who was George Grenville?

He was a parliamentary leader who created the Currency and Sugar Acts.

What was the Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy?

It was a document used to fashion a centralized imperial system in America where British officials would govern the colonies with little regard for the local assemblies.

What was the Stamp Act Congress of 1765?

It was a meeting composed of delegates from nine assemblies that protested the loss of American rights and liberties.

Who were the Sons of Liberty?

They were the group that led the charge into Boston protesting the Stamp Act.

Who was Thomas Hutchinson?

He was the prominent defender of imperial authority which led to his house being ransacked by an angry mob in response to the passage of the Stamp Act.

What were the three intellectual traditions?

Enlightenment rationalism, English Common Law and Republican and Whig Strands.

Who was Charles Townshed?

He was the parliamentary leader left in charge while William Pitt fell ill. He strongly supported the Stamp Act.

Who was Lord North?

He became Prime Minister in early 1770 and persuaded Parliament to repel most of the Townshed duties.

What did the Tea Act of 1773 provide relief for?

The East India Company, which served to aid to British imperialism.

What were the Coercive Acts?

Quartering Act, Boston Port Bill and the Justice Act.

Where was the Continental Congress held?

In Philadelphia, which purpose was to advocate for certain steps to be taken towards Britain. Southern Representatives supported a boycott against British goods.

Who was Joseph Galloway?

He composed a political system where each colony would retain its assembly to legislate local matters but a new continent-wide body would handle general American affairs.

What was Dunmore's War?

During this, Virginia's militia was called out against the Ohio Shawnees because of their claims to Kentucky.

What was the Battle of Lexington and Concord?

During this, minutemen confronted British troops to stop them from capturing Patriot leaders and supplies. Many British died during this.

What was the Declaration of the Causes & Necessities of Taking Up Arms?

It was a declaration sent by moderates of the 2nd Continental Congress that expressed Loyalty to the King and asked for a repeal of the parliamentary legislation.

What was Dunmore's Proclamation?

It promised freedom to black slaves and white servants who joined the loyalists cause.

What was the Olive Branch Petition?

It was sent by Congress to the king which pleaded a negotiation.

Who was Thomas Paine?

He was a writer that wrote Common Sense that rallied the people to gain independence and a republican form of government.

When was the Declaration of Independence?

July 4, 1776

Who was William Howe?

He was a general sent to New York by Lord North to seize control of the Hudson River.

What was the Battle of Trenton?

It was a surprise attack on British troops on Christmas led by George Washington in New Jersey.

Who was Barry St. Leger?

He was the leader to attack from the west with aid from the Iroquois Indians.

What was the Battle of Saratoga?

It was battle in where the Continental army used guerrilla warfare (General Francis) to cause Burgoyne's army to surrender.

Who was Robert Morris?

He was the chief treasury official who secured loans from Holland and France to get the US out of Debt.

Who was Baron von Steuben?

He was an officer that raised the morale of Washington's troops during the winter at Valley Forge.

What was the Treaty Alliance of 1778?

It specified that once France entered the war, no peace treaty would be signed without the other party.

What was the Philipsburg Proclamation?

It declared that any slave who deserted a rebel master would receive protection, freedom, and even land from Great Britain.

Who was Marquis de Lafayette?

He was a republican-minded European aristocrat who brought troops to support the US.

What is Guerrilla warfare?

It is when small troops use military tactics including ambushes, sabotage, raids, petty-warfare and hit-and-run tactics.

What is the surrender at Yorktown?

In 1781, Cornwallis surrendered after being surrounded by the Continental Army and French.

What did the Treaty of Paris Specify and overlooked?

It recognized American independence but left out anything relating with Indians.

What did the Treaty of Versailles specify?

That Spain would reclaim Florida, France would receive the Caribbean island of Tobago, and Britain would maintain control of Gibraltar.

What did the Articles of Confederation specify?

That Congress could declare war, Congress was able to print and borrow money and State disputes would be handled by Congress.

What did the Northwest Ordinance specify?

It prohibited slavery and earmarked the funds for the support of schools, Congress would appoint a governor and judges until the population reached 5,000 and when the population grows to 60,000, states could create a Constitution and apply for statehood.

What was the riot Act trying to suppress?

Shays' Rebellion, which began when wealthy bondholders increased taxes while still demanding the people to pay their debts.

What did the Virginia Plan specify?

It proposed a three-tier election system.

What did the Great Compromise propose?

that the Senate would have 2 member per state, while the House of Representatives would be based on population.

What did the 3/5's Compromise state?

that each slave would count as 3/5 a person for purpose of representation.

What were two notable actions the Federalist did?

They developed a name for themselves and they campaigned by promoting their strong centralized government ideals in media.

What made the Constitution finally be able to be ratified?

The addition of individual rights.

What was included in George Washington's presidency?

was elected in 1790, created the Departments of Education, State, and Justice

What were aspects of Hamilton's economic plan?

He supported the Bank of the United States, Salary of Congressmen and the Whiskey Rebellion.

What did the Treaty of Greenville do?

It was a peace between American and Indians.

When was Jay's Treaty Negotiated?

When the Brittish attacked American merchant ships.

What the X, Y, Z Affair lead to?

The Semi War

What did the Sedition Act's do?

It made conspiracies of revolts against the government illegal. 1789

What were aspects of John Adams presidency?

He was elected in 1796,

What caused the Worcester v. Georgia Court case?

The election of the midnight judges

What groups fought in the War of 1812?

British, Indians, and Americans. The War Hawks of this war would soon become to be known as the Whigs.

Which state's acceptance cause a discussion of slavery in the states to begin in Congress?


What was signed after the invasion of Spanish Florida?

The Adams-Onis Treaty

Who became president through the corrupt bargain in the election of 1824?

John Quincy Adams

What case was fought against the Indian Removal Act of 1830?

Worcester v. Gerorgia

What was the Indian Removal Act of 1830?

It removed the Indians and eastern tribes to the west

What was the Indian Removal Act of 1830

It removed the Indians and eastern tribes to the west.

What was the Spoils System?

A practice in which a political party gives government jobs to its supporters, friends or family. Andrew Jackson was present.

What are became Indian Territory after the trail of Tears?


When did the Bank of the United States cease to exist?


How was the Annexation of Texas?

Texas wins it's independence from Mexico in 1836. Texas wants to join the US but they don't want Texas since it is a slave state and could cause a potential war with Mexico. Texas becomes a state in 1845

what did the Walker Tariff do?

It reduced the Tariff made by Tyler.

What is the Mexican American War?

Polk sends troops to the Rio Grande but are not met warmly by Mexico so there is a declaration of war.

Who was Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna?

Polk tries to invade Mexico by having Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna infiltrate, but he deceives them and takes over Mexico and continues fighting the US.

Who was Winfield Scott?

Polk sends Winfield Scott and he takes Mexico City in September 1847 (official surrender though in 1849).

What did the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo specify?

The US gained California, Nevada, Utah, most of Arizona, and parts of New Mexico, Wyoming and Colorado.

What is the Compromise of 1850?

It would grant statehood to California, but other territories would remain territories, and if you already owned slaves in Washington DC they could not be removed but you couldn't buy anymore.

What was the Gadsden Purchase?

It was an agreement between the United States and Mexico where we payed Mexico for Arizona and New Mexico. (railroad)

what was the Bleeding Kansas incident?

It was a series of violent political confrontations involving anti-slavery Free-Staters and pro-slavery.

What was the Dread Scott Case?

Dread Scott was an escaped in the North for a while but his owner claimed he still had right over him. His owner's reasoning was sense he was a slave he had no right and Congress had no right to exclude slavery from regions.

What was the Panic of 1857?

There is a depression and the US has to reform the banks. James Buchanan fixes the issue.

What was the Utah War?

James Buchanan gets a report that Mormons are kicking people out and causing havoc, so he sends troops to deal with it.

Who wins the election of 1820?

Abraham Lincoln

What was the Fort Sumter event?

It is the first assault the Confederates had against the Union and the fort is destroyed

What was the Confiscation Act?

The US can confiscate and seize slaves that are employed by the confederate army and outlaws slavery in the Union. Also, all slaves that belonged to rebel confederates are free (abolished owning slaves if confederate).

What was the Emancipation Proclamation?

Proclaims all slaves within the rebel states are free (confederate states). This also pushes forward that the government would start using African Americans to fight in the war (fight for union).

What is the Battle of Vicksburg?

General Ulysses Grant's armies converged on Vicksburg, entrapping John Pinkerton's army on July 4th. Mississippi River

What is the Battle of Gettysburg?

In Pennsylvania, general Meed defeats many attacks of Lee's army invading the North. Big union victory. (It is the bloodiest war)

What is Sherman's March to the Sea?

William Sherman (general in Union Army), goes from Chattanooga to Georgia. He goes to Atlanta and takes it. He then leaves Atlanta and weakens the confederates, and many slaves join and he drops them off at Savannah.

What occurs at Appomattox Court House?

Lee goes down there to regroup but grant cuts him off, and there is a small battle and Grant wins. (April 9, 1865). The war ends on May 9.

What is Lincoln's Plan for Reconstruction?

He never saw the South seceding legally and tries to forgive them. He thus issued the Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction in 1863 to announce his intention to reunite the once-United States. His blueprint was the Ten-Percent Plan, which specified that a southern state could be readmitted into the Union once 10% of it's voters swore and oath of allegiance to the Union. They would then need to elect delegates and draft a constitution.

When did Lincoln's Assassination occur and how?

He was murdered by John Wilkes Booth on April 14th, 1865.

What is Andrew Johnson's Plan for Reconstruction?

He opposed the Freedmen's Bureau, returned confiscated property to whiter southerners, and issued pardons to Confederates. He supported the Laussez-Faire

What happened with Johnson's Impeachment?

His impeachment almost passed at a vote of 126-47, but the senators did not wish to convict him. tenure act