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35 Cards in this Set

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Describe Levittown
The first suburbia.
Located in New York, right outside the city for easy commute.
Describe Atomic Bomb fears
"Duck and Cover" movie was created for emergency situations.
This was a nationwide scare
Why was the book 'Catcher in the Rye' so controversial?
This book showed anti-conformity.
It was banned.
Describe McDonald's
Opened across U.S.
Showed conformity because every restaurant was the same.
Why was Elvis Presley's appearance on T.V. so controversial?
He moved in a sexually suggestive way.
Didn't want teenage girls to become intrested in sex until after marriage.
Wasn't politically corrected for that time period.
Describe Jackson Pollack
He was an abstract painter.
Viewed as not real art because it they were splatter paintings.
What was the Interstate Highway Act?
Helped commuters get to work from their own suburbia.
Describe the controversial T.V. game shows
Game shows were huge hit.
Shows were scammed.
100% not true.
Why was Disneyland seen as conformity?
Everyone was supposed to be happy.
It was built for both adults and children.
Lung Cancer attributed to smoking?
Everyone smoked.
The fact that you could get sick from something so common was bazaar.
Describe Ethel and Julius Rosenburg.
Accused of being Communist spies.
Both were executed leaving their 2 children behind.
When the children were all grown up, they researched their parent's case and found that their trial was not fair.
They announced this to the world.
What was the Comic Code?
It was the rules that artists had to follow when creating comic books.
Comics were being accused of advertising Communism, sex, homosexuality, violence, etc.
What was the Hollywood Ten?
They were movie writters accused of being Communist.
What was Sputnik?
It was the first Satalite to be sent up in space.
Soviet's sent it out.
We were competeing against the USSR in many different ways. Space was one of these.
What was the Baby Boom?
Soldiers from WWII came home and missed their wives so much. With so many soldiers involved, LOTS of sex took place which resulted in alot of babies.
Drastic increase in population.
Why was Juvenile Delinquency such a serious issue?
Not only was the baby boom growing up, but the children that were involved in the conformity with their parents wanted to break out.
Parents were scared their children would become trouble makers.
Describe 'Easy Rider'.
It was a movie where people rode motorcycles cross country.
This showed rebellion because it was so spontanious.
What was Woodstock?
It was a peaceful protest in which a concert went on for 3 days non-stop.
What was Altamont?
It was a west coast version of Woodstock. The Hell's Angels ended up supervising the concert, which turned out to be very violent instead of peaceful.
Who was Robert Kennedy?
JFK's younger brother,
He was assassinated because he was running for President. This was after JFK died.
Who was Richard Pryor?
He said controversial statements.
He was an actor and civil rights comedian.
Who was Joan Baez?
She was a folk singer.
Spoke out against human rights.
Dated Bob Dylan.
Describe what this was
Doors was a band.
Jim Morrison was the lead singer.
Sang rebellious music.
Who was Abbie Hoffman?
HE was a hippie.
Leader of the protest where the people wanted to levitate the pentagon.
He was an activist and an author.
Describe Ken Kesey
Merry Pranksters MK Ultra
Who was Jane Fonda?
Posed in controversial pictures during the Vietnam War in North Vietnam with the weapons and people from this country.
She later apologized for what she did.
Who was Richard Nixon?
President in the 60's.
Took over after JFK was shot.
Was involved with Watergate.
He later resigned.
What was the protest movement?
People thought that we despretly needed to cut down on the amount of resources we were using.
We were killing the planet so fast that people needed to take action.
People were also fighting against the war in Vietnam.
These people today are known as hippies.
JFK, RFK and MLK assassinations
These 3 murders lowered the countries confidence and hope.
What was Watergate?
Watergate was a hotel.
Documents about the upcoming election. Nixon wanted to make sure he would win, so people got inside the hotel and stole the documents.
What was Three Mile Island?
A nuclear disaster happened here (which was a nuclear power plant) that led to tighter restrictions of nuclear powerplants. The movie, The China Syndrome came out days before this crisis happened.
What was Love Canal?
It was a canal filled with radiation waste.
It was covered up by the original plant and sold to the town.
A school (as well as some homes) were built on top of this land.
Children were getting sick and most of the people eventually evacuated the town. The area that is contaiminated is fenced up. Today, the town in deserted.
Describe Jimmy Carter's 'Crisis of Confidence' speech.
This was a really boring speech. You would never hear a president talk on live t.v. like this because he talked forever, he had such a heavy southern accent, and the delivery was extremely poor.
Name some ideas the Conservative Movement beleived in.
1. Stop abortion
2. In favor of equality in schools
3. increased military spending
4. morality
5. family values
6. teaching evolution in schools is bad
7. encouraged prayer in public schools (but did NOT force this)
8. Against homosexuality
What person represents the Conservative Movement?
Ronald Reagan