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19 Cards in this Set

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Slave Codes
enacted in states permitting slavery, slaves were considered property and not people, laid out the basic laws for slaves
Underground Railroad
network of safe houses used to help slaves escape to safety in the north, a lamp burning in the window was an indicator of a friendly house
Kansas-Nebraska Act
drafted by Stephen Douglas, called for popular sovereignty in the Kansas and Nebraska territories, repealed the Missouri Compromise
Dred Scott v. Sanford
ruled that it violated the 5th Amendment, slaves were property and could not sue, increased the intensity over slavery
John Brown/Harper's Ferry
radical abolitionist wishing to set up a freed slave community in the Appalachian Mountains, captured arsenal, was captured and sentenced to hang, struck fear into much of the south
Jefferson Davis
temporary president of the Confederacy, was not excited about his newly appointed position
Fort Sumter
the first shots of the Civil War were fired here
withdrawing from the Union, SC was the first to do this, claimed govt. had failed to protect slavery and the property rights of slaverholders
Anaconda Plan
the North's plan to conquer the South, called for a blockade of all Southern ports and the division of the South down the Mississippi River
September 17,1862, single bloodiest day in American history with 23,000 casualities
the largest battle ever fought on American soil, three days in July 1863, Pickett's charge
Robert E. Lee
torn between fighting for the North and the South, sided with his home state of VA, 1862 he assumed command of the Army of Northern Virginia
Ulysses S. Grant
elected president in 1868, was named commanding general of the northern armies in 1864, in charge of the siege at Vicksburg
northern Republicans who took part in the south's rebirth, wanted to help rebuild the south's economy, name comes from southerners belief that they were low class, uneducated individuals
employer provides land, seed, tools, mule, and cabin, received a share of their employers' crop
Grandfather Clause
voting status based on that of your grandfather, an attempt at foiling blacks from voting
13th Amendment
officially ended slavery, passed Congress in 1865
14th Amendment
required all states to grant citizenship to "all persons born or naturalized in the US"
15th Amendment
stated that people could not be denied the right to vote because of their race, criticized by women