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50 Cards in this Set

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Bering Strait

Where people first landed in North America. 15-20 thousand years ago.


Around NY, built walled villages with longhouses. 2000-3000 people per village.


Great traders, built mounds in the Mississippi River Valley.


Good at making things for trade, lived in the Pueblo southwest. Intricate religious ceremonies


Great Plains tribe who's culture was completely changed by the introduction of the horse. Measured wealth in Buffalo hides and horses.


Mexico revolting from Spain during Napoleon's invasion of the Iberian Peninsula in 1814

Christopher Columbus

Son of rich traders, graduate of Portuguese sailing schools, 30+ years experience of sailing. Spain financed his voyage to discover a trade route to China. Discovered the west indies.

Ferdinand Magellan

Led the first voyage to successfully circumnavigate the world. Died in the Philippines, lost 85% of men.

Juan Ponce De Leon

Searched for fountain of youth in Florida. Governor of Puerto Rico. Died in 1519 by Indian hand.

Cabeza De Vaca

Was on a voyage led by Narvaez, hit a hurricane off the coast of Texas at "the island of misfortune" (galveston) and survived with 2 other guys. Convinced Indians he was magic, spent 9 years wandering TX. Told stories of gold cities.

Hernando De Soto

Traveled through the American Southeast, killing loads of indians. Died in 1541. Spanish conquistador.

Vasquez De Coronado

Had a guide who said he knew where cities of gold were. Guy just wanted a way home. He ends up quartering the guide then going home to pout in Mexico until his death

Jacques Cartier

French Explorer, claimed Canada for France on May 10, 1534

Samuel De Champlain

Wrote letters saying that the French companies to get into the fur business in America. Got into beef with the Iroquois.

New Amsterdam

Wildly successful, founded by the Dutch after they came in wanting to Jumpstart their economy after winning independence from Spain. have good relations with the indians.

Elizabeth I

The Virgin Queen, 1558-1603. Hardcore Protestant. Burned in effigy by the pope every year at Xmas. Builds Navy into superpower and defeats French King Philip's armada. Supported colonisation as a way to support privateers via seabases on the Eastern seaboard.

Sir Humphrey Gilbert

Colonizer for Elizabeth I. Knighted for killing Catholic Irishmen. Given a charter in 1583. Weighed over 400 lbs, died when he lashed himself to his ship mast during a storm to show off.

Sir Walter Raleigh

Half brother of Humphrey Gilbert and boyfriend of Elizabeth I. Receives HG's charter after his death, tried to drop off multiple failed colonies. Didn't tend to one because he was fighting against the Spanish for 3 years: Roanoke.

Virginia Company

Joint-Stock Company, got a charter from souther border of VA up to NY.

John Smith

Sent to be in charge of colonists at Jamestown. Gets hurt in 1609, leaves 500 colonists, comes back in 1610 to only 60 (the Starving time)

Plymouth Plantation

the Pilgrims' settlement, named by Captain John Smith; located in the Cape Cod area of Massachusetts

Mayflower Compact

first elections held in NA. All those allowed to vote or hold office were members of the church in good standing.

William Bradford

First elected governor, lived at Plymouth Plantation.

Massachusetts Bay Company

Founded by John Winthrop. Headquarters in Boston. Members of the company and government are one and the same. Charles I signed off on the Charter, sparking a Puritan Migration.

John Winthrop

Went and found the old charter for the Plymouth Bay Company, Renamed it the Massachusetts Bay Company. Sparked the Great Puritan Migration.

Roger Williams

Extreme Separatist. Told people the colony was illegal bc the King hadn't asked the Indian's permission. Promoted a separation of church and state. Banished via trial in 1636, went and founded Providence. Got a charter from the Puritan Parliament under Charles I in 1644 for the colony of Rhode Island

Anne Hutchinson

daughter of a minister, held Bible meetings at her house. got put on trial for preaching, said God talked to her, got banished for heresy. Went to RI, had beef with Roger Williams, then went and founded a colony at Long Island. Scalped in 1643.

Thomas Hooker

Minster, 1646. Moves with his group and founds Connecticut, had a lot of Indian problems. Cleared out a Dutch trading post then went and massacred 400 of their Indian allies at Pequot. Ruined English-Indian relations for generations.

Leonard Calvert

Son of Lord Baltimore. First proprietary governor of Maryland. Wanted to create a Catholic paradise.

George Carteret

John Berkeley's partner. Received the Carolinas with JB as a gift from Charles II. Attempted to grow sugar in the Carolinas. Helps restore power to England, gets New Jersey as well, but mostly ignores it.

John Berkeley

George Carteret's partner. Got the Carolinas from Charles II as well as New Jersey (sells NJ).

Anthony Ashley Cooper

partners with John Berkeley and George Carteret in the Carolinas, ends up figuring out how to grow rice there.

James Oglethorpe

General, Member of Parliament. Didn't like debt laws, founds Georgia in 1732. King George wanted a buffer south of the Carolinas.

William Penn

Quaker, his dad got him charter bc the King owed him 15 million lbs. Founded Pennsylvania, which ends up being so economically successful that they exile him.

Navigation Acts

Passed by Parliament in 1651,1660 & 1663. Stated that only ships that were at least 3/4 crewed by fluent speaking Englishmen could carry supplies to and from the colonies.

Nathaniel Bacon

Wealthy colonist of the Virginia Colony, raised a militia in response to Governor William Berkeley's mishandling of a series of attacks. Takes militia into Jamestown, takes Berkeley captive. craps himself to death (dysentery).

Edmund Andros

Armed King Philip (metacomet), governor of "New England". 1676

King Philip

Metacomet. Iroqouis chief, led a band of warriors on the warpath in response to displacement caused by settlers. Killed over 1000 settlers. Was drawn and quartered and his head was put on a post for 20 years.

James Moore

Governor of South Carolina, burns down Ft. Augustine and Pensacola with the help of the Creek Indians during Queen Anne's War (war of spanish succession).

Fort Louisburg

Canadian fort taken in a siege in 1745 mainly by the colonists after blowing a hole through the wall. A British fleet shows up and takes all the credit, then Britain later give Louisburg back to the French in 1748, pissing off the American colonists.

Quartering Act

Passed on March 24, 1765. Required colonists to house and feed British troops, as well as pay taxes to cover their provisions and housing.

Stamp Act

First internal tax levied directly at American colonists. Imposed a stamp duty on newspapers and commercial and legal documents. Repealed in 1766 after high levels of protest

Townshend Duties

made in 1767, only a year after the Stamp Act was repealed. imposed duties on glass, lead, paints, paper and tea imported into the colonies. Further pissed off the colonists.

Boston Massacre

British troops sent to Boston to enforce the Townshend Acts fired into a mob of angry colonists, killing 5. They were branded on the thumb as punishment.

Intolerable Acts

The Coercive Acts, 1774. Passed at least partly in response to the Boston Tea Party. Closed Boston's harbor until the Tea was paid for, made Boston a "crown colony" under martial law, allowed for British capital offenders to be expedited to England for trial, and allowed British soldiers to occupy vacant buildings as headquarters.

Thomas Paine

Author of Common Sense, wrote it shortly after immigrating into the US. Recruited by the founding fathers to produce propaganda. (also wrote for the French Revolution).

Thomas Jefferson

Pretty much just rewrote Common Sense in less words so that people could understand it....like a mission statement. This was the Declaration of Independence.

George Washington

Fort Necessity, got his ass kicked pretty much the whole war. First general of the Continental Army. First President.


British General John Burgoyne gets his army surrounded and surrenders to General Horatio Gates. This key victory leads to the French throwing in with the colonists. devastating for British war cause in the public eye.


Key Battle, British General Cornwallis surrenders to G. Washington after getting surrounded then flanked by the french navy. Lord North said "oh god, it is over" after this battle. Treaty of Paris, 1783 was signed afterwards. We get everything east of the Mississippi.