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117 Cards in this Set

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occupied the are when the English settled in Jamestown
indians idea of land
they had an idea of land different from what we know
they rented/borrowed
where the term “Indian-giver” came from
they were kind of stone-aged
they used the “slash and burn” method (slash the trees’ nutrients
indians idea of houses
very simple “huts” (Algonquian’s lived in round huts w/ holes at top)
tree saps and/or branches (also tree bark)
warm n winter and cool n the summer
indians economy
fishing, hunting, and lots of agriculture
planted beans, squash, maze, etc
EXCELLENT FARMERS!!! (Impressed the Europeans)
planting n groups
they fertilized the soil (with grinded fish) (also impressed the Europeans)
Indian Women's role
cultivated the soil
planted the crops
harvested the crops
picked berries and nuts (when available)
cooked the food
made the clothes
built the houses
watch the kids
Indian men's role
hunt and fish
defend the village
indians religious belief- background
There was an all-powerful god
omniscient, omnipotent, all-knowing
everything n the universe had a spirit (Manitou)
Young men had a transformation (puberty) from childhood to manhood- he went out searching for his “Manitou”- a spirit that would guide u for the rest of your life
Shaman (medicine man)
just a general term for a religious figure
played a very important role
brought weather
cured illness
predict the future
interpret dreams
had tremendous prestige
indians social aspects
Consisted of “Family groups”(extended families) and da family groups would elect to choose their “Sachem”
the Indian-chief
the spokesman
advised by the Shamen
Expansion of trade between Europe and the East
More than just ideal curiosity
from the east comes spices (ie black pepper, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, etc)
also from the middle east came silk, cotton cloth (they wore woolen clothing), rugs, perfumes, etc
They gave back silver, gold, leather, woolens etc
Italians have a chokehold on trade
Formation of Unified Nation States
Portugal- forms into a state in da 1480s
Spain- 1460s kingdoms come together to create Spain
France- at da end of da 1460s
England- 1485 Henry da VII
- Ship that was lighter, more durable, and faster due to the lateen
the reason that the caravel was faster. Triangle shaped sail- able 2 catch the wind
Bartolomeu Diaz (1487)
was a Portuguese explorer who sailed around the western tip of Africa in 1488, the first European known to have done so.
Vasco de Gama
, one of the most successful in the European Age of Discovery and the commander of the first ships to sail directly from Europe to India...he was accompanied by bartolomeu diaz
Christopher Columbus
He’s Italian
From Genoa
Sailor by profession
Visionary by avocation
knew the world was a sphere
Christopher Columbus
Approached a number of countries about his ideas- culdnt get anyone interested til…
The queen of Castillo- funded by the Spanish
three ships taken by Christopher Columbus
the pinta, the nina, the santa maria- august of 1492- western coast of spain from the canary islands, they went to the UNKNOWN
where Christopher Columbus landed
In his own way, he was the “Shaman”- October 1942- they landed on the Caribean Islands (san Salvador)
Indian- Spanish encounter
more “War of the Worlds” than “Close Encounters”
Treaty of Tordesilas (1484)
divided the newly discovered lands outside Europe into an exclusive duopoly between the Spanish and the Portuguese along a north-south meridian 370 leagues west of the Cape Verde islands (off the west coast of Africa).
Line of Demarcation-
was an imaginary longitude, moved slightly from the line drawn by Pope Alexander VI to divide new lands claimed by Portugal from those of Spain. This line was drawn in 1493 after Christopher Columbus returned from his maiden voyage to the Americas
Hernan Cortes- Aztecs (1519)
lands in the western part of mexico with ab 400 spanish
about where vercuz is
n a short time, he conquers Tenachtalan (city of 200,000) HOW!?!?
Partially cuz of their religion
there was a god who’d return (quesalquatal) also they nvr saw horses
Francisco Pizarro- Incas (1533)
Captured the Incan emperor
they enslaved the Incas
Columbian Exchange
What the old world gave to the new and what the new world gave to the old
Black Legend
The idea that the Spanish treated native peoples cruley- the English propogated the legend in order to cast the Spanish as the villains (spar partners- rivals)
Bartolome de las Casas
archbishop for the Indes- As a settler in the New World, he was galvanized by witnessing the torture and genocide of the Native Americans by the Spanish colonists.
“Destruction of the Indies” (1540
detailing how the spanish mistreated these people and did them wrong
“Sea Dogs”
People like: Sir Francis Jake and Sir John Hawkins- queen obviously please with what they were doing cuz theyre knighted
They were English sea-captains (commanded ships, fleets of ships)
Praid on spanish “Galleon”to get commerce
was approved by the monarch
Rein of Queen Elizabeth I
N Spanish eyes, they were pirates in English eyes they were buccaneers
were the “special forces” for raiding and capturing the Spanish commerce
Northwest Passage
English searched for a “northwest passage” to America- would be their passage through Nroth America
Never found one
Because of this search theyre gonna be exploring what we know of as the Atlantic
John Cabot (1497- 1498)
was an Italian navigator and explorer commonly credited as one of the first early modern Europeans to land on the North American mainland
Giovanni de Verrazano
the first European to explore the Atlantic coast of North America - sails around the same time as cabot
Humphrey Gilbert
Later knighted
Man of considerable influence in England
Soldier, adventurer, colonizer
Made military commander when enlgish defeated
Was supposedly hard and a beast
Executed irish people and put their heads in front of their tents
Tried to plant a colony in the New World
Humphrey Gilbert's experience with New Finland
Chose New Finland- its freezing their
The colonists he left their got “cold feet” (pun) and they left
Eventually he was lost at sea
His sister-ship saw him go down
Richard Hakluyt
was an English writer. He is principally remembered for his efforts in promoting and supporting the settlement of North America by the English through his works,
Discourse of Western Planting (1584)
This document was written to convince Queen Elizabeth I to suport the colonization schemes of Sir Walter Raleigh, and to encourage English merchants and gentry to invest in those enterprises
Walter Ralegh
political hangers only
a courtier
became one by (the incident involving the mud puddle- Elizabeth came to a mud puddle- wearing a very expensive piece of clothing, Ralegh took his coat off and put it on the mud puddle so she could walk across
Now that he has her favor in court, he and some of his buddies invest in Reanoke Island
Reanoke Island
(1584, 1587)- they got cold feet at first Ralegh doesn’t quit…he eventually gets some more people together and the leader of that group is John White
John White
had a daughter- was the first person to be born in the colonies
He had to go back to England and his return to the new world was delayed by two years- he got back and didn’t noe where neone was…this was known as the “Lost Colony”-
“Lost Colony”-
no one knew what happnd to these people…only evidence was a word written on one of the post of one of the houses…this word was Croatoan
the local Indian tribe- obviously they had something to do with the Lost Colony
Joint- Stock Company
a number of investors in an enterprise- each merchant pooled part of his wealth in an enterprise- It distributed the risk of lost by distributing the investment-
a joint stock enterprise
James I
James (Stuart) VI of Scotland was brought in after Queen Elizabeth (Tudor) dies- he issuad the virginia charter
Virginia Charter (1606
young boys recruited to go on a voyage- they were employees of the company- set out on ships
named after the new king James I- they were instructed to find a place that was easily defended and one that was healthy- the new place WAS easily defended but not very healthy- one of the people that was on the exhibition was John Smith
John Smith
he is very obnoxious- actually put n chains before they got 2 the colony- open the directions when they got there, and he was one of the directors- he was not a “gentleman” (someone who labored with his hands) as most of the others were
Imposes discipline right off the bat- there wasn’t a single farmer with them- he would go on expeditions- Indian’s captured him
John Smith
He claimed Pocohontas saved his life
In imposing discipline, he gets a lot of enemies- one of his arms is mangled by the burning of an “accidental burn”
He had to go back to England
starving time
during the winter of 1609, the jamestown settlers had to result to cannibalism due to the lack of food because of lack of trade
Thomas West, 3rd Baron De La Warr
headed the contingent of 150 men, who landed in Jamestown on June 10, 1610, just in time to persuade the original settlers not to give up and go home to England.
Dale's Laws
- were designed to give order and discipline
capital offenses- theft, adultery, rape, lieing, wining, etc etc
for idoling- first offense- tied your head to your feet
2nd offense- whipped
3rd offense- executed
The way it was under Dale's Laws
Everything is military discipline under dale’s law
more like employees than citizens
Didn’t find any gold/silver
Didn’t find a northwest passage
They needed to find something to market on the European market
they found sassafras tea
wines from grapes
silks from silkworms
iron, tore, etc
John Rolfe
Pocohontas’s husband
found a variety of tobacco on the island of trinadad
Everyone liked it and they began smoking it everywhere
They called it “drinking tobacco”
It became the economic basis for Virginia
They also needed to enduce colonists to come over
James I's feelings onf tobacco
James I wrote “counterblast to tobacco” denouncing tobacco- stinking, effecting the lungs,
Virginia Company Reforms (1619)
land offered to the colonists in order to come over
Headright system
Four head- 200 acres of land
Couple more heads- few more acres
If you brought servants, they owed u something. Twas calld an
Very much like slavery
Company might have these indentured servants too
Once you got over and had your own land you were known as this
General Assembly
The first time in the new world that there was a representative assembly
house of burgesses
he first elected legislative assembly in the New World established in the Colony of Virginia in 1619
Virginia Becomes Royal Colony (1624)
Up until this time, (Jamestown) Virginia was spread out
James decides that Virginia is not be adequately governed
No longer a normal colony
Indian Attack (1622)
Indians launched a surprise attack
At the signal, they attacked the colonists and killed everything
Killed 1/3 of the colonists
The return was equally as bad- Indians paid dearly
Pohatan’s younger brother was responsible, FYI
Africans Appear in Jamestown (1619)
Only evidence is that John Rothe noted that among the cargo one day was 20 africans- we don’t know what their status was- the presumption is that they assumed the status of indentured service
We DO know that 4 a while, there were black farmers
About 1/26 people was black- 25000 whites and 900 blacks in 1660
We’re not exactly sure when they became slaves
We know BY 1660, there are court records making decisions that the children of black mothers will follow the status of the mother- henceforth slavery existed
Will exist throughout colonial America
Virginia Government (1634)
Was fixed- the kind of gov’t that would exists for the rest of Virginia
divided into Counties-
governed by county court-
and residing over them is the justice of the peace
Anglican Church
established in Virginia was the Anglican church-
governed by the parish-
body who ran the church was the vestry
Church supported by gov’t and gov’t supported by church
Martin Luther
Didn’t agree with the catholic church
He didn’t like indulgences- your time in purgatory was shortened
So he wrote the 95 thesis
95 thesis
A paper denying indulgences
Posted on Catholic Church’s wall
One of the fundamental differences was: the church believed that good works was needed through God’s grace- Lutheran believed in Faith rather than good works
John Calvin
Moves to Geneva in Switzerland where he institutes christian religion- different from Lither but have the same values
every person is predestined to die and go to hell
the “elect”
you couldn’t do nething to get into God’s Grace, he just has to like you
“its not what you do, its what you are” type of belief
Is a doctrine, not a church
People carried the doctrine
French Calvisnists
Scottish Calvisnists
Dutch Calvisnists
English Calvisnists
New England Calvisnists
Henry VII
becomes King of England Marriage alliance between Spain and England- Henry’s brother and wife
Brother dies, and marries his widow (Spanish princess)
She has a daughter
Henry VII
And he wants a son
He falls in love with a young lady named Anne
Asks them to annul the marriage and the Pope declines- Henry gets parliament to dissolve the marriage- church excommunicates Henry- he cuts off the church and places himself in the Pope’s place- they are now a protestant church and the church of England is calld the
anglican church
Act of Supremacy (1534)-
Made Henry the head of the church of England
But in doctrine and belief, they’re Calvinists
The reason theyre called puritans is cuz they wanna purify the Anglican church by getting rid of anything from the Catholic Church
Two types of puritans
the non-seperating puritans eventually end up in the Massachusetts Bay
The second kind are sinners and persecuted- the seperatists- farmers
One group of the seperatists they decide to leave England to a town called Scooby- they become “Dutchified” but they don’t want that- they decide to leave there and take a ship called the Mayflower
William Bradford
wrote "Of Plymouth Plantation" Where he talks about his life and whatnot
Massachusetts Bay (1629)
They are trying to purify the Anglican church but they lose hope- we need to find a new home and set up a model community or "City on a Hill"
city on a hill
The way they do this is:
The puritans here are professional people so theyre able to secretly buy out the majority of a trading company called “the Massachusetts Bay Colony”- which enables them to take the charter of the company to the new world- they set it up there and they didn’t have people coming from England
Commonwealth (1631)
Mass Bay is really one of these
Something that is self-governing
They needed that independence- headed by the minister
They don’t create counties, they create townships-
They would have “Visible Saints”- the saints were the elect- they were members of the saints
They believed their community was responsible to God
This puritanisms is a very broad spand in the American Psyche
John Withrop
Says Providence “That sewer”- where they sent anyone that was casted out
Roger Williams
They have to establish an orthodoxy in order to create their “model” society- in comes Roger Williams- Cambridge lawyer he begins to criticize the church- he says the Charter was illegal cuz they had not paid the Indians for the land- also he said dat you have no right to tell people how to “get rite” with God- he was interrogated. Found to be a heritic- was cast out- set-up his own colony called Providence (Rhode Island) which means Heaven
Congregational Puritan
the church and religious culture of the Puritans of the Massachusetts Bay Colony formed the basis of post-colonial American Congregationalism, specifically the Congregational Church proper.
Anne Hutchinson
Arrives around the same time as Roger Williams
She questioned the religious beliefs
She was able to fend them off…but had a slip of the tongue…she claimed she spoke with God…heracy (no one speaks with God)…shes banished from the cult…winds up in Providence…had 14-15 children
Antinomianism (1637)
More extreme form of protestanism…you can have a direct relationship with God…you don’t need the preachers, popes, etc…affiliated with Anne
Half-way covenant (1662)
Fewer generations were goin 2 church…they settled it with the Half-Way covenant…a way for people to get back into the church…baptized into the church but just not able to take communion…theyre half-way members of the church…can vote…strengthens the hold on the colony but weakens the puritans religious hold on the colonists
Corporate colony
company colonies (joint-stock)…earliest colonies
Proprietary colonies
private colony owned by one or more people
Royal colonies
that’s what most of them wind up being…owned by the gov’t of England…when Virginia lost its charter it became a royal colony…only colony founded as a royal colony (Georgia)
New Netherland
A corporate colony founded by the Dutch
Henry Hudson (1609)- English but sailing for the Dutch…looking for the NW passage…starts up this long river…thought he found it…just found a long River…named after him…Hudson River
A little experiment by the dutch…create great big farms along the Hudson river…in place of these…in charge would be a patron (land holder)…aka a plantantion
Peter Stuyvesant (1664)
Director who demanded that the people hand over their land
Duke of York
Charles duke of York…there was a period where there was no king…they just had a Lord Protector (Oliver Cromwell)…they got tired of that…came back with a king (Charles II)…he gave his land to his brother…what we noe of now as New York
Queen of Charles I is named Mary…george calvin settles the area…called it marlyand…but dies b4 he can settle it…so Cecilius Calvert settled
Cecilius Calvert
Settles Maryland (2nd Lord Baltimore)
Puritans are the ones who cut off Charles I head…worries catholics…puritans are everywhere…they pass the
Toleration Act (1649)
Toleration Act (1649)
They tolerate everybody…regardless of religion
Charter comes in 1653…grants vast track of land to 7-8 english entitled nobility theyre gonna try to recreate English society…a microcosm…even titles
Albemarle Sound becomes North Carolina
Charles Town becomes South Carolina
Barbados…rice planters
Pennsylvania (1681)
Proprietary colony- owned by William Penn
George Fox
Set up the society of friends
Belies on the quakers was centered around the “inner light”
Society of Friends
Were non-conformists…poor ppl…humble…held up to scorn…they didn’t believe in going to war…all ppl equal…no ranks or social heiarchies…no ingestures that would indicate subordination (bowing, taking of hats)…didn’t believe in taking oaths (swearing)…they had no ministers or clergy…met in meeting houses…no ministers to preach sermon…would stand up and each person having their own say
“Inner Light”
Aka conscious…tells him how to deal with things
William Penn
Not born a quaker…was born in the upper class of the English society…his father (Sr.) was VERY wealthy…actually, the king was in debt to him…as a young man, Penn converted to being a Quaker…flunked out of Cambridge…given a piece of land…wanted to create a special quaker society with the land…called Pennsylvania…called it a Holy Experiment
“Holy Experiment”
In Christian living…the quaker version…establish ideal place 4 quakers and make money…only thing u culd be executed 4 is 4 treason and murder…spent a lot of time in Europe trying to recruit people…while he’s away, company is run by managers…corrupt or incompetent…collects debt…Penn is sent to debtors prison…tried to turn the charter over to the crown…
to establish a favorable balance of trade…object to build up gold in your own treasure at the expense of your trade partner…how!?!?...protect tariffs
Adam Smith. The Wealth of Nations (1776)
Englishman who writes this book…coins the term mercantilism…actually bashes mercantilism though…
Navigation Law (1660)
1660- The first navigation law and the restoration of the crown to the Stuart line (Charles II)…called the restoration years…the navigation law makes a list of commoditites that can only be sent to England…sugar is one (can only be produced in the carribeans… Southern don’t agree with the north very well…English evade the laws…they also didn’t belong to the church of England, they were puritans…English wanna break the puritan hold on new England
Glorious Revolution
the overthrow of King James II of England (VII of Scotland) in 1688 by a union of Parliamentarians and the Dutch stadtholder William III of Orange-Nassau (William of Orange), who as a result ascended the English throne as William III of England.
Bacon's Rebellion
an uprising in 1676 in the Virginia Colony, led by Nathaniel Bacon. It was the first rebellion in the American colonies in which discontented frontiersmen took part; a similar uprising in Maryland occurred later that year. The uprising was a protest against the governor of Jamestown. Nathaniel Bacon demanded an aggressive Native American policy.
last colony admitted
Sir Edmund Andros
was an early colonial governor in North America, and head of the short-lived Dominion of New England. Andros was not a popular governor, and at one point was placed under arrest and forced to return to England.