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15 Cards in this Set

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dec 1863
lincolin announces his reconstuction plan
reconstuction plan under lincolin
white southeners recieve amnesty if the take an oath to aboslish slavery and to the usa, those people can set up state goverments
congress' wade davies bill
most of 1860 voters had to swear oath to union (having not fought against), those can start state goverments -- that have to exclude slavery...this bill is pocket vetoed (july 1864)
freedmen's bureau
temporay help for blacks, includes medicarem shelter, schools...etc. at its peck it only had 900 members (march 1865)
april 1865
çivil war ends
lincolin shot
VP andrew johnson takes place
johnson's plan
General amnesty if take a oath of future loyalty. states must enforce the 13th amendment
13th amendment
prohibits slavery and repudiare confederate states
dec 1865
congress refuses to reecognize goverments under johnson's plan. repulicans are angered by white southeners that wont let blacks vote and their actions of black codes
feb 1866
congress passes the freeman's bureau act which extends the life of the agency indefinitely and gives blacks military protection. johnson vetoes the bill
civil rights act of 1866
it grants citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the usa-it gives them equal protection under the law. it is now a crime to deprieve someone of their rights. johnson vetoes it but congress over-rides it.
14th amendment
first definition of citizenship. basically the civil rights act. congress approves
july 1866
congress passes the freedmen's bureau act, jo0hnson vetoes it but they override him
fall 1866
republicans score a major victory now having 2/3 in congress --enough to override any P veto
march 1867--congress passes the first reconstrution act
states must grant black men the right to vote. states must ratify the 14th amendment to be in congress. Johnson vetoes and congress overrides him
march 1868
house of reps impeaches johnson who had angered Republicans by his reconstruction policies.