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35 Cards in this Set

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rebuilding confederate (south) states after civil war
pardon to a large group of people
Lincoln's Plan
Proclamation of Amnesty & Reconstruction 1863 - offer pardon to southerners who take an oath of loyalty to the U.S. and accept union's proclamatin for slavery. Lincoln wanted to reconcile, not punish
Radical Republicans
lead by Thaddeus Stevens & Charles Sumner. Disagreed with Lincoln's idea to reconcile with the south. The wanted republican power in the south, prevent confederate leaders from gaining power, help the blacks recieve equality.
Thaddeus Stevens
Pennsylvania representative, one of the radical republican leaders
Charles Sumner
Massachusetts representative, one of the radical republican leaders
Radical Republicans Goals
three goals - keep confederate leaders out of power, make the republicans powerful in the south, have the gov't guarantee blacks the right to vote in the south
Wade Davis Bill
1864 - majority white men in confederate state take oath of allegiance to union, state could then create a gov't with people who took 'ironclad' oath that they never fought against union. Each state then had to abolish slavery & drop debts from old confederacy
Pocket Veto
Lincoln let session of congress expire before signing
freed african americans who followed troopa looking for food/shelter
Freedmen's Bureau
1865 congress setup to give war refugees in south food/clothes from army surplus
Johnson's Plan
1865 new proclamation of amnesty, similar to Lincoln but offered pardon to all confederates except officers. Officers could apply individually. all south states have to drop slvery
Black Codes
limit african american rights in the south
13th amendment
end of slavery
14th amendment
could not take someone's rights without due process
15th amendment
right to vote for everyone
military reconstruction act
1867 south states except Tenessee divided into 5 military districts with a union general in charge while each state rewrote constitution and accpeted 14th amendment
charge someone with high crimes in offce
tenure of office act
president could not remove anyone from office without senate consent
Edwin Stanton
secretary of war fired by johnson, led to his impeachment
northerners who moved south with their belongings in a fabric suitcase
term used by southerners to describe people who worked with the north on reconstruction. it meant they were weak
gaining money illegally through politics
ku klux klan
1866 secret society who opposed reconstruction
william belknap
grants war secretary who accepted bribes and resigned before being impeached
whiskey ring
1875 group of gov't officials and distillers file false tax returns to steal money
president grant
his programs underminded reconstruction and split the republican party.
panic of 1873
jay cooke and company (strong bank) filed bankruptcy and caused other small businesses to panic and close
reconstruction ends
democrats regain the power in the south and the south goes from agricultural to industrial
compromise of 1877
democrats agree to elect hayes as president, republicans promised a southern postmaster general
rutherford b hayes
elected president in 1877, vowed to end north/south fighting.
samuel tilden
democratic presidential canidate against hayes who was beleived to have won the election before compromise of 1877
tenant farming
pay rent for the land they farmed
paid their 'rent' by giving up part of their crops
Edmund Ross