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183 Cards in this Set

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bering strait
• Passage of land that joined the continents
Christopher Columbus
Discovered America
Amerigo Vespucci
1st person to go around the world and map it; America after himself
Sir Walter Raleigh
founded Roanoke in Virginia; 1st to attempt colonization but failed
1st attempt at colonization but failed
Columbian Exchange
The transfer- beginning with Columbus’ first voyage-of plants, animals, and diseases between the Western and Eastern Hemisphere
What were the positives and negatives of European Settlement of the western hemisphere with regard to Native Americans?
+: NA introduced to new tech and trade
-: disease and war
What led to European exploration and expansion?
God- spread christianity; gold- make $$, glory- get more land for an empire and rub it in everybody's face
joint-stock company
Businesses in which investors pool their wealth for a common purpose
The 1st settlement to be established and survive
William Penn
Quaker who founded Pennsylvania to serve as a home for escaping Quakers from persecution
William Bradford
One of the main founders for Mass.
Nathanial Bacon
Rebelled against native’s to get help from wealthy people; 1st instance of regular guy rebelling against what would later become the planter areostocy; governor tried to shut them him down
Royal Colony
Colony under direct control of the English monarch
Proprietary Colony
colony owned by a small group of people
Charter Colony
Colony run on a contract to run a colony
Ann Hutchinson
Banned because of her religious beliefs; started Rhode Island
Roger Williams
Started Rhode Island
people who were accepting of everything; tolerant
To what extent did the environment determine the culture of the colonies?
north: rocky soil and cold climate, led to less farming and more trading
south: good soil and warm climate led to farming society with cash crops as the $ maker
what were some of the roles of woman in the English colonies? What challenges did they face?
they were suppose to feed and clean and educate, work.
Challenges they faced were not being part of meetings and not having rights
why and to what extent, did slavery take root and develop in the North American colonies? How did African Americans adapt to life on North America?
one person had a lot of land so there was a need for people to farm the land, so Britain took part in the slave trade and started exporting them over here to work the land
African Americans families were important, community-songs, stories about home
an 18th century movement that emphasized the use of reason ad he scientific methods as means of reasoning
Benjamin Franklin
father of america, founding father, invented a lot of stuff
great Awakening
a revival of religious feelings in American colonies
colonial assemblies
colonial form of gov't, where delegates would meet
made people rich by exporting more than they imported
salutary neglect
britain let the colonies alone as long as they were bringing in money
navigation acts
a series of laws enacted by Parliament, to tighten England's control of trade in its American colonies
cash crops
crops grown to make money instead of to eat
middle passage
the voyage that brought enslaved Africans to the west indies and later to North America
Fort Duquesne
a battle that started the French and Indian War
French and Indian War
colonists were afraid that the French were going to confine them between the Appalachian Mts and the Indian ocean and the french were afraid they were going to invade their territory and invade their fur trading; both paranoid of each other; neither groups thought about the native americans; at 1st natives were on the French side, when the british started winning the war, the natives switched sides, in the end natives weren't even thought of, only reason natives in the treaty is so the colonists would not mess with the natives
Peace of Paris
the treaty that ended the French and Indian War
Proclamation Line of 1763
an order in which England prohibited its colonists from settling west of the appalachians
How were the Americans beginning to change their form of government in comparison with the British form of government?
colonial government became independent from England because they had no voice and because of salutary neglect, so they developed colonial assemblies to come up with way to govern themselves
How did the Great Awakening and the Enlightenment affect colonial society?
GA- people closer to God, religion farther away from the state
E- made people question British monarchy, importance of science and reason
Parliamentary sovereignty
parliament makes the decisions
John Locke
wrote two treaties saying that people are allowed to rebel against a gov't that they do not like; BIG source of stuff for the DoI
Stamp Act
a law in which Parliament established the 1st taxation of goods and services within the British colonies in North America
Virginia Resolves
Patrick Henry's speeches saying it is unfair to tax without representation, people thought it was way out, Virginia resolves passes and because of this people realized he was right and other colonies passed the same thing saying it is not right for British to be taxing
Stamp Act Congress
when representatives of colonies met to draw up the Declaration of rights and grievances stating that Parliament lacked the power to impose taxes because the colonies were not represented in parliament
Sons of Liberty
"terrorist" group for loyalists and harmed them to to to get people to join their cause of liberty from Britain; responsible for Boston Tea Party
Samuel Adams
one of the founders of the Sons of Liberty
Declatory Act
asserted parliament was able to make all the laws, gave them full power
Townshend Revenue Acts
indirect taxes, or duties levied on imported materials taxed tea
Boston Massacre
drunk colonists attacked red coats with snow ball and they get shot
Tea Act
lowered the tax on tea so the Indian company could have monopoly on it, even thought it lowered the tax, colonists still felt t was taxation without representation, why the tea party happened
Boston Tea Party
the dumping of tea into the Boston harbor by the colonists in protest of the tea act
Coercive (Intolerable) Acts
a series of laws enacted by parliament to punish the colonists for the Boston Tea Party
First Continental Congress
looking to maintain peace with Britain; at the congress the olive tree branch saying to stop with the hostilities and they wanted to not separate
Battles of Lexington and Concord
after 1st continental congress, because the british wanted to take the stock of gun powder in the cities, 1st shots of the war, made them realize they had to take up arms
Second Continental Congress
the continental congress that approved the DoI, and served as the only agency of national government during the revolutionary war
Thomas Paine
wrote Common Sense, made colonists want to be free from Britain
Declaration of Independence
the document written by Thomas Jefferson in 1776 in which the delegates of the Continental Congress declared the colonies' independence from Britain
people who stood with Britain
battle of Saratoga
turning point of the war, involved the French
final battle of the of the Revolutionary War
Terms of the Peace Treaty
America: west to the Mississippi, north to the Great Lakes, south to Spanish Florida
Britain did not attempt to protect land interests of Native Americans; didn’t specify when they would leave forts
Loyalists couldn’t be prosecuted; congress had to recommend that state legislatures give back confiscated property; states could not prevent debts being payed to British creditors…didn't happen
How were the 1st and 2nd continental congress different?
1st: wanted to remain in peace with Britain-olive branch petition
2nd: was to convince colonies to prepare for war b/c shots had already been fired
how did propaganda influence american's view of the british?
john lockes' ideas were influential in common sense and the sons of liberty, both saying fight because its common sense and its not right
what were the two advantages and disadvantages the americans had going into the war?
+: on colony soil, colonies were fighting for a cause, not just to get paid
-: british more organized in army; gov't more $ and power to atx
articles of confederation
a document, adopted by the second continental congress and finally approved by the states that outlined the form of the gov't f the new USA
northwest ordinance
a law that established a procedure for admission of new states to the Union
people for ratifying the constitution
an opponent of strong central government
philadelphia convention
constitutional convention; because they saw the AoC were gonna fail, they met to draw up the constitution
virginia plan
representation in government depended on the population of the sate
new jersey plan
equal representation for everybody in gov't
plan drawn up to serve as the make of the USA, includes laws to be followed and the beliefs of the founding fathers; has three branches
three fifth compromise
the constitutional convention's agreement to count three fifths of the state's slave population as a vote
bill of rights
1st ten amendments stating the citizen's rights and freedoms
george washington
1st prez of the USA; established cabinet; judiciary act- established court system
thomas jefferson
secretary of state to GW; for a democracy and for common people; DoI; Louisiana Purchase
alexander hamilton
secretary of treasury to GW; for central government; wanted the gov't run by wealthy people
Hamilton's Financial Plan
assumption of state debt; establish a national bank; funding- all the gov't IOU's would be paid back in full
Jay's Treaty
sent to get british out of their posts and to limit the seizures of american cargo but it did not work
whiskey rebellion
whiskey distillers rebelled against the tax, militia came and shut them down
XYZ Affair
adams wanted to deal with the french and sent ambassadors but the french would not see them without a bribe so they sent three low level ambassadors and they were called xyz
alien and sedition acts
lengthened time required to become a citizen and said they could not speak against the gov't
kentucky and virginia resolutions
said the sates had the right to nullify and right of congress they deemed unconstitutional; called on other states to follow
federalist party
for a strong federal government; run by wealthy
republican party
local government; regular persons in charge
Louisiana Purchase
the 1803 purchase by the united states of France's Louisiana territory-extending from the mississippi river to the rocky mountains- for $15 million
lewis and clark
name of the expedition that set out to map the western part of the US that remained unexplored
marbury v madison
court case dealing with the midnight appointments, marbury did not receive his place and in the end madison won; established judicial review
embargo act
ban on trading goods with other countries
james madison
democratic republican, declared the war of 1812
war of 1812
war inspired by hatred of the british because of impressment of their ships and aiding the natives to fight against them; ended by the treaty of ghent
how did the democracy change in the time following the revolution in the united states and why?
originally power lied in the states for fear of monarchy (AoC); shifts to more power in the central gov't (const)
why is marbury vs madison one of the most important supreme court cases in american history?
established judicial review; judicial branch is equal
explain the circumstances and consequences of the Louisiana purchase?
napoleon at war with british; he was afraid of two front war, so sell louisiana america; consequence is that the natives are pushed off
what were the causes of the war of 1812? how did the us attempt to avoid the war, and why were these attempts unsuccessful?
the causes were that the british often seized us ships and made them theirs and also because they gave the natives weapons to fight them. us tried to stop war by the embargo act but that failed because it hurt the us more than it did other countries
legislative branch
law making brach of the us gov't
judicial branch
law interpreting/ constitution interpreting branch
executive branch
the branch that enforces the laws
how does a bill become a law?
it must be approved by the HoR and the Senate and then by the prez
how can an amendment be added to the constitution?
it can be ratified
"era of good feelings"
industrial revolution begins, federalist party almost gone, central power asserted over state power, nationalism, florida is added, and the monroe doct. issued
james monroe
established the monroe doctrine;
missouri compromise
main is free and missouri slave, boundary of missouri is the line of slavery
john quincy adams
established nationalism, got florida,
andrew jackson
started the democratic republican party, made jobs available, stopped abuse of national money by the wealthy, freed country of debt, used veto a lot, faced down nullifiers, killed the 2nd bank
indian removal/ trail of tears
under jackson, the indian removal act forced the native americans to move to the west, trail of tears was the name given to the trip they made when they lost a lot of their people
nullification crisis
when calhoun devised a theory that said that a state had the right to secede if it could not nullify a tax it did not want to follow
bank war
jackson ends the BUS because it only favored the wealthy people and not the average person because they had the shares and got the payback
democratic party
political party known for its support of strong state governments, founded by Thomas Jefferson
whig party
political party to oppose Andrew Jackson
martin van buren
started the free soil party
stronger sectional rivalries between the north and south began to develop. why did this happen, and how did debate over missouri reflect these differences?
territories want to become free states- slave v free would ruin balance of power in state/ Missouri compromise created the line where free states above the line and slave states below the line Missouri admitted as a slave state; Maine was admitted as a free state
why was jackson considered to be representative of the democratic movement?
claimed to be representative of the common man; spoils system; state's rights advocate, but the union was more important than one single state (nullification crisis); indian removal to get more land for americans
explain the reasons for the emergence of the whig party?
oppose jackson party made up by ex-democrats; not in favor of expansion of slavery
reasons for demise of federalist party?
when jefferson came, more ppl for democratic rep and they were anti war of 1812 because they loved british
abolitionist movement
movement to free the slaves
frederick douglas
Former slave, was educated; believed that abolition would come through political means (non violent rebellions) like his abolitionist newspaper
underground railroad
system of routes designed to help runaway slaves escape to the north
Second Great Awakening
religious movement in which individual responsibility for seeking salvation was emphasized along with the need of personal and social improvement
a philosophical movement that emphasized living a simple life and the importance of nature and imagination
temperance movement
movement to prevent the drinking of alcohol
when private individuals and and corporations control the means of production and use them to earn profits
texas revolution
the 1836 rebellion where texas gained its independence from mexico
republic of texas
nation established in 1836 when american settlers in texas fought for their independence
oregon trail
route from missouri to oregon used by pioneers traveling to oregon territory
james k polk
president that urged the mexican american war
manifest destiny
belief that it was the settler's god given right to move into the west
mexican american war
war fought with mexico over the annexation of texas and its boundaries
treaty of guadalupe hidalgo
treaty signed to end the mexican american war. US got the border of texas to be the rio grande, new mexico and california, paid $15 million of the territory and agreed to give rights to the mexicans living in the territory
what movement/ ideas permeated american society during the antebellum period and what effects did they have?
2nd great awake.; transcendentalism, women's rights; and abolition, temperance; individualism, more equal rights, women exert their power, more social responsibility
how did sectional differences intensify during the antebellum period?
the north industrialization, want high priced land and internal improvements
south: plantations, cheap land, low tariffs, no internal improvements
slavery- western expansion is causing slavery debate to intensify
explain manifest destiny. how did the idea become a reality?
america is destined to expand to the pacific ocean; oregon trail, texas, american mexican war, gadsen purchase
wilmot proviso
proposed that none of the land acquired by the mex-amer war be slavery
free soil party
wanted the land to be free/ opposed expansion of slavery
popular sovereignty
the people have the power to make the choice
zachary taylor
whig prez, tries to admit cali as a free sate; inspires talk of secession
compromise of 1850
cali free and for the south more strict fugitive slave laws; pop sover. erhwere
know nothing party
began as an anti-immigration society
republican party
political party opposed of slavery in the territories because it took away from hard working people
kansas nebraska
act that established the territories of kansas and nebraska and gave their residents the choice to be slave or no slave state
bleeding kansas
term given to the bloodshed in kansas due to people trying to get the state to be slave/ free
dred scott
case that said slaves were property and had no right to bring cases to court
john brown
crazy abolitionist that killed pro-slave people
a state leaving the union
jefferson davis
president of the confederate states of america
abraham lincoln
issued the emancipation proclamation during the civil war
fort sumter
1st battle of the civil war; captured by union
anaconda plan
plan of the union on the civil war; cut off the river from the south and attack
bull run
1st bull run- union loses
ulysses s grant
general for the union
won fort sumter and vicksburg
robert e lee
general for the conferderacy
won richmond and second bull run and lost antietam
bloodiest battle ever, union lost lest men; stand off
emancipation proclamation
declared all slaves in the confederacy free
habeas corpus
right to know why your being taken trial
the drafting of citizens for the military
turning point for the union
appomattox court house
place where lee surrendered to the union
13th amendment
ended all slavery and involuntary servitude
how did the wilmot proviso and the compromise of 1850 both contribute to both party divisions?
wp: all territory gained from the mex-amer war is fee; caused the north v south, rather than whigs v democrats
cp: cali is free; nm-pop sov; harsher fug slave laws; resolved boundary dispute btwn texas and nm
both: divided the north v south. north-anti slavery expansion and south-pro slavery expansion
how was the north able to win the civil war?
anaconda plan: north blockaded southern posts; no other country recognized the confederacy as a country; industry; northern gov't was more stable and organized; north had more $
what were the effects of the civil war (social; political; economical)
national debt; inflation; death toll; how do you become a whole nation again; economy (Esp in south) was suffering; disputes about freed slaves in south; republican rule-rise of radical republicans
how did manifest destiny contribute to the civil war?
balance between slave and free states bc of western expansion from mex amer war; compromise trying to resolve slavery issue just led to more north v south sentiment; pop sov was a disaster
how did the states rights issue contribute to the civil war?
souther states esp have always tried to exert their power over the central gov't many Southern states were in favor of pop sov bc it allowed the states to choose-did no work
ten percent plan
if 10% of a confederate population swore allegiance to the union, the state could come back into the union
wade davis bill
proposed that congress, not the prez, be in charge of reconstruction and that a majority, not just 10% if the population had to swear allegiance to the union to come back
freedman's bureau
gave out clothes and food to freed slaves and poor whites
civil rights act of 1866
no black codes
fourteenth amendment
defines citizenship in the US as anyone who is born or naturalized in the US
white southerners who joined the republican party
northerner that traveled to the south
poor whites/ former slaves work the land of a plantation owner and give % of crop to owner
tenant farmer
money for farming someone else's land
started as a benign confederate club that grew into a white supremacy group that committed hate crimes to scare people from fighting for their civil rights
panic of 1873
paper money in circulation did not have an equivalent amount of hard money; goods were more expensive bc of the war; scandals in grant's administration showed corruption in businesses, put 3 million out of jobs
the southern democrats term for them getting back into power in the south during the 1870's
compromise of 1877
tilden (D) and hayes (R) in election of 1876; tilden wins pop votes but hayes wins electoral votes; hayes can take presidency if removes all military rule from the south; south becomes predominantly democrat; officially ends congressional reconstruction
how did the three reconstruction plans differ from one another?
abe's- only 10% have to swear oath
wade's- majority and in hands of congress
reconstruction act- 5 districts
to try a prez out of presidency
andrew johnson
vetoes both civil rights act and freedman's bureau ; gets impeached but fails
presidential reconstruction
johnson takes over; lenient; states should have constitutional conventions and ratify the 13th amendment; doesn't deal with freed slaves; pardons high ranking officer
reconstruction act of 1867
divides south into 5 military districts; each headed by a union leader; voters in each district would nominate delegates to come up with new state constitution; ratified the 14th amendment; follow civil rights act
fifteenth amendment
do not discriminate in terms of voting against race or color or property ownerhip
did the changes in the south during reconstruction benefit southerners?
no- division into 5 parts made southerners like they were being punished; rec act did not asure civil rights for freed slaves or save the southern economy
what effect did the rise of the KKK have on southern society?
keep racism, did not allow for changes in terms of race relations; scared people into voting democrats
was reconstruction a success? why or why not?
yes- 14th/15th amendment
no-still feeling the effects of rec today-never have gotten over debt; still division between north and south, military rule did not work, southern economy continued to suffer, racism is still around