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62 Cards in this Set

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Treaty of Tordesillas
Treaty in which the Pope decided to split up the new world between Spain and Portugal in order to prevent conflict.
What was the Spanish conquistadors biggest ally?
Disease, especially smallpox.
Explain the importance of the English defeat of the Spanish armada:
Allowed for the English to establish naval dominance.
Explain the importance of Champlain's alienation of the Iroqouis:
Prevented the French from being able to move southward out of Canada.
What saved the Jamestown colony?
Ability to trade tobacco.
What did John Rolfe introduce to Jamestown?
Which colony established the House of Burgesses?
Who reaped the greatest benefit from the headright system?
Wealthy planters who recieved 50 acres for each "head" that they paid to be brought over.
Explain the Mayflower Compact:
Founding document of the Pilgrim colony at Plymouth in which they agreed to remain subjects of the king. It became the foundation of self government and modern constitutions.
What does John Winthrop's reference to a city upon a hill mean?
He wanted Massachusetts to be a perfect religious experiment for the world to follow.
Why was Roger Williams banished from Massachusetts Bay colony?
He believed in the separation of church and state.
What was the halfway Covenant?
Allowed the children of those who were baptized but not converted to be baptized and given partial membership of the church.
John Peter Zenger
Part of case which supported freedom of press and freedom of speech.
Explain Mercantilism
Economic theory in which a counties power is based upon the countries supply of hard capital in the from of gold. This is gained by increasing exports in relation to imports. This was used by England in that they used the colonies to help increase exports and hard capital.
What was was started over the Ohio Valley?
The French and Indian War.
What was the long range purpose of the Albany Congress?
Establish common defense against the french and create unity within the colonies.
How did Willaim Pitt Change the strategy of the French and Indian War?
He forced the french out of North America.
What did the Proclamation of 1763 prohibit?
There could be not white settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains.
What were the Navigation Acts?
Acts used by the British to control colonial trade. Forced all exports and imports to be sent on English ships.
How did the French and Indian War change British policy towards the colonies?
The colonies were taxed for the first time in order to pay for the cost of defense on their behalf.
Why did the colonists object to the Stamp Act?
It was taxation without representation.
What was the purpose of the Townshend Acts?
To pay the salaries of the royal governors.
Explain the Tea Act:
Tea from the East India Company was sold at a cheaper price in order to prevent their failure.
What happened as a result of Bunker Hill?
Colonies were determined to be in revolt and there was no chance for reconciliation.
Why was Saratoga the turning point of the American Revolution?
Established French aid to the colonies.
Why was the Olive Branch Petition sent to the king?
In order to try to prevent war by having the King address grievances.
Thomas Paine's Common Sense:
Propaganda for the passage of the of the US Constitution. Included "Civil Disobedience."
Explain the provisions of the Treaty of Paris of 1783:
Retention of fishing rights.
Honor of loyalist land claims.
Mississippi established as Western boundary.
British recognition of independence.
Republican Mothers
The idea that women were responsible for teaching citizenship and patriotism to children.
Explain the importance of Shays' Rebellion:
Showed the weaknesses of the AOC.
What was one of the greatest accomplishments under the AOC?
Passage of the Lang Ordinance Act of 1785. Established the sale of newly acquired lands to gain revenue for the government.
Explain the provisions of Hamilton's financial plan:
Assumption of state debts.
National Bank established.
Excise tax on whiskey.
Protective tariffs.
Why were states opposed to Hamilton's idea of the assumption of state debts?
Some states had already paid their debts off.
Where did the Whiskey Rebellion take place and why?
In Pennsylvania, showed that the federal government was willing and able to enforce laws.
Washington's farewell address:
Warned against political parties(factions) and foreign treaties outside of emergencies.
What was the chief goal of the Alien and Sedition Act?
Wanted to silence the opposition party (Democratic Republicans).
What caused the decline of the Federalist Party?
The Alien and Sedition Act.
What did the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions state?
That the states could declare a federal law to be unconstitutional.
What was the revolution of 1800?
Th peaceful transfer of power from one party to another.
Marbury v. Madison.
Established federal judicial review.
Why did Napoleon need to sell the Louisiana Purchase?
Needed money to pay for wars in Europe.
What was Jefferson's problem with the purchase of the Louisiana Territory?
He did not feel that he had the constitutional right to sell off the land.
Who were the Warhawks?
Young men in congress who wanted to become war heroes and thus pushed for war in congress.
What were the causes of the War of 1812?
Impressments of American sailors, Warhawks, interference with trade, British would not leave forts.
Treaty of Ghent:
UK and France agreed to maintain the status quo, any conquered land during the war was handed back.
Which battle of the War of 1812 was fought after the war had ended?
Battle of New Orleans.
What caused the death of the Federalist party?
The Hartford Convention.
What caused the Panic of 1819?
Over speculation of Louisiana lands and movement of money to pet banks.
Explain Clay's American system:
National Bank established, protective tariffs, and internal improvements.
Monroe Doctrine
No European country could colonize in America.
Explain the Missouri Compromise:
Slavery was prohibited north of 36' 30'.
Era of Good Feelings
Spread of nationalism and optimism.
What was the name of the treaty that was negotiated as a result of Jackson's attempt to end raids from Florida?
Adams-Unis treaty.
What was the unintended effect of the cotton gin?
The spread of slavery.
Who developed the concept of interchangeable parts?
Eli Whitney.
What were the gag Resolutions?
Legislation to prevent abolitionist debate.
Who were used as workers in the Lowell Factory System?
Young unmarried women from farms.
What two conditions allowed for industrialization of New England?
Swift rivers and wealthy investors.
Why was the opening of the Erie Canal important?
Allowed western farmers and goods with eastern industry.
What was the corrupt bargain?
After no one got a majority of the popular election the house had to choose who was president. Clay gave support to Adams in exchange for the Secretary of State.
What was the purpose of the spoils system?
In theory, to increase circulation of people in office. In actuality it rewarded supports with political positions.
What was an important consequence of the tariff of abominations?
Doctrine of nulification, states could determine unconstitutionality.