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72 Cards in this Set

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vertical consolidation (and who used it)
used by Carnegie Steel Company. Business strategy that involves controlling different industries of each phase of a product.
horizontal consolidation (and who used it)
used by Standard Oil Company. It involved combining different forms of the same business to defeat competition.
Pennsylvania 1859
Rockefeller drilled his first oil well, & started his refinery business
putting toxins into the ground to remove oil
corporations (& when the idea was created)
created in the late 1800s. Purpose is to make money for investors & beat their competition.
undercover cops hired by companies
Triangle ShirtWaist Company fire (and when)
1911. Garment factory in NYC that had bad safety conditions and raised awareness after >100 people died in a fire
Industrialization (dates)
1860s - early 1900s
Imperialism (dates & president)
1898- ?. President McKinley. He wrote to Congress asking to go to war with Spain.
Spanish-American War (and date)
1898. war between US and Spain over Cuban territory. US achieved success.
Sinking of the USS Maine (date)
1898. a US ship that sank in Havana, Cuba, and the US thought that the Spanish did it so they attacked
San Juan Hill
successful battle in Cuba led by Teddy Roosevelt that led him to become a hero in the US
Manila Bay (date)
1898. Admiral Dewey destroyed Spanish fleet & took control of the Philippines
Emiliano Aguinaldo
turned against the US and created war between US and the Philippines. rebel leader.
Progressivism [dates & presidents & purpose (4)]
1890-1920. Presidents Teddy Roosevelt & Taft. Purpose: give people more say in government, limit power of large corporations, provide minimal support to the vulnerable, & protect the environment
Initiative process
created by Hiram Johnson, citizens can place an item on a ballot for direct voting & can also create petitions
created by Hiram Johnson, voters could veto a law
created by Hiram Johnson, voters could remove an elected state/local official from office
Mothers' pensions
small amounts of $$$ for women who didn't have male support
Muller v. Oregon (date)
1908. court case on restrictions of work hours, & it passed for women b/c they are so "delicate".
Sherman Antitrust Act (date)
1898. allowed government to take over monopolies.
Northern Securities Co. & Teddy Roosevelt
3 railroad companies that joined together to create a monopoly, and Teddy destroyed that & separated them again
Environmental Reform
Teddy created wildlife preserves & national parks & also managed natural resources
Standard Oil Company & Taft
Taft broke up the most powerful monopoly of that time
16th Amendment
Congress can tax individual incomes.
taxes on imports such as stamps, alcohol, & gasoline
Regressive tax
everyone pays the same amount of $$$ on taxes. this affects the poor more than the rich.
Progressive tax
richer people pay more $$$ on taxes, poorer people pay less.
World War 1 (dates, president)
1914-1918. War between Central Powers & Allied Powers. President Wilson.
Central Powers (3)
Germany, Austro-Hungarian Empire, & Ottoman Empire (Turkey)
Allied Powers / Entente (7)
France, Great Britain, Italy, Russia, Serbia, US, & Japan
Sinking of the Lusitania
Germans believed the Lusitania was carrying weapons for the British allies, so they sank it (they were right).
1920s (presidents)
Harding, Coolidge, Hoover. Known as the Roaring 20s. Investors were making $$$ in the stock market.
Economic Danger Signs (3)
1. Highly unequal distribution of wealth
2. Overproduction
3. Speculation on the stock market
Great Depression (dates & presidents)
1929-1930s. Stock market crashed. Everyone lost their earnings. Presidents: Hoover & FDR.
Small government conservatism
against taxes. believed that business corrects its own abuses without government interference in the economy.
when the economy declines
when the economy really crashes
New Deal (date)
1932. Proposed by FDR. The government should limit the power of corporations, regulate the economy, & provide a "social safety net" for its citizens.
Glass-Steagall Act
created in the 1930s, repealed in 1999 which caused the 2008 recession. Limited banks from doing what they wanted with people's $$$.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) (date)
created in 1933. Makes sure that $$$ in banks are secure.
Keynesian economics
John Maynard Keynes wanted to lower interest rates to stimulate the economy, & increase rates to stabilize it.
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
organization that provided 3 million people with jobs.
Social Security Act (date)
1935. Insurance aid to the disabled, elderly, and poor families
World War 2 (dates & president)
1939-1945. President: FDR.
Pearl Harbor (date)
1941. Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. Motivated FDR to join the war.
Axis (WWII) (3)
Germany, Italy, & Japan.
Allies (WWII) (3)
US, Great Britain, & USSR.
Manhattan Project
secret labs around the US with 120,000 people working on a nuclear bomb.
United Nations (date)
created in 1945 to establish peace among all nations.
White Anglo-Saxon Protestants, the "superior" ones.
National Origins Act (date)
1924. This law limited the number of immigrants who could enter the US.
Cold War (MIP)
A war between the US & the Soviet Union for world power. Most Important President: Truman.
created by Henry Ford. The idea of paying your employees more so that they can afford to buy your product. (Ford cars)
liberty bonds
bonds sold to people of allied powers to raise $$ for WWI
Lochner v. New York
limited # of hours someone could work. due to the 14th amendment.
Women's Christian Temperance Union
temperance movement, group that supported prohibition
Zimmerman note
a telegram released from the Germans that said if Mexico declared war on the US, they will be rewarded
Social Welfare Programs
programs that provided little support for Americans. Helped to provide food, money, education, shelter, healthcare, etc.
Operation Rolling Thunder
plan designed to get rid of transportation routes in Vietnam and halt people & supplies from being able to travel to & from north & south Vietnam
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
allowed US to expand Vietnam war.
Tet Offensive
campaign of surprise attacks against military & civilian command & control centers against South Vietnam & the US
removing US troops from Vietnam & replacing them with South Vietnamese soldiers
Ho Chi Minh Trail
a supply route that connected North & South Vietnam
resolution of Vietnam war
2 years after Vietnamization, South Vietnam fell to communism & remains communist today
supply side economics (trickle down economics)
cutting taxes for wealthy Americans, in hopes that they will expand business & create jobs
deregulation (& who started it)
started by Carter. opposite of FDR's New Deal.
Reagan Revolution
Reagan overturned the 40 year old policies and replaced them with conservative policies
Consequences of supply side economics (5)
short term economic growth, rising inequality, ballooning deficits, ballooning federal debt, we became a debtor nation.
The Shah
ruler of Iran in late 70s. We supported his regime. the iranians revolted against him, so we decided to help Iraq. we helped them acquire nuclear & chemical weapons.
The Gulf War
war against the US and Iraq. US's response to Iraq invasion of Kuwait. the UN required that Iraq destroy all their weapons of mass destruction
Iraq War (date)
2003. We believed that there were still weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, so we went to war. there weren't any.