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41 Cards in this Set

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What king was reigning in England when the colonists decided they wanted to fight for independence?
George III
Who was the philosopher that influenced the authors of the Declaration of Independence?
John Locke
Who write the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson
In the debate over states representation in Congress, how was the issue of counting slaves in state population handled?
3/5 of the slave population would be counted for representation purposes
One factor that led to the formation of the first two political parties in the United States in the 1790s was the conflict over what?
National vs. State government as authority
Manifest Destiny was used to justify an American desire to?
Expand across the North American continent and wage war against Mexico
The Jim Crow laws of the post-Civil War Era were attempts to do what?
create racial segregation
Who did the United States purchase the Louisiana Territory from?
Andrew Carnegie is well known for his work in what industry?
What were the reasons for European immigration to America?
1. Adventure
2. Fled religious persecution
3. Economic opportunity
Which event of the early 1900's is evidence that Upton Sinclair's novel The Jungle had an important impact on the United States?
The passage of the Meat Inspection Act of 1906 and Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906.
President Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points were intended to do what?
Assure the US that the war was being fought for a moral cause and for postwar peace in Europe.
The migration of African Americans to the North during and following World War I was mainly a result of what becoming available?
Higher wages in industrial jobs in the North and better social and economic opportunities.
The Monroe Doctrine declared that the United States would do what in the western hemisphere?
Not interfere with existing European colonies or interfere with internal concerns of European nations.
During World War II, the Allied Powers were made up of many countries, but the Big 3 were...
US, Britain, and Soviet Union
Which strategy most aligns with what President Hoover did to get the country out of the Depression
He asked business leaders to not lay people off or lower wages to keep workers employed and make the country appear stable.
The main purpose of the New Deal measures such as Securities and Exchange Commission and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation was to...
Protect investors and help maintain public confidence in securities, exchange, investments and banks.
This dictator was the fascist ruler of Italy during WWII.
This dictator started a communist revolution in order to rise to power.
The German leader during WWII.
What was the systematic murder of 6 million Jews and more than 5 million other groups across Europe?
Jews and other enemies of the Nazi state were sent to what kind of camp?
Concentration Camps
During World War II, women and minorities made economic gains mainly because?
Industries still had to produce products and the men (mostly non-minority men) were at war.
Which precedent was established by the Nuremburg trials?
Individual leaders and administrators could be held accountable for actions that violated universal standards of conduct.
The Lend-Lease Act and the Destroyers for Bases deal were adopted prior to World War II primarily because these actions would?
Enable the US top provide materials for war without formally entering into war. This was a step away from the US's previous non-interventionist policy.
The group credited with creating change in work place conditions through strikes was called...
International Ladies' Garment Worker's Union
The Homestead Act was a government action to encourage what?
Western Expansion
The Civil Service Act was installed to change what?
The "Spoils System" in which government jobs were based on political affiliations instead of good works or merit.
The major goals of reformers during the Progressive Era was to?
End corruption in government, promote the female vote, reform public education, medicine, finance, insurance, and industry.
Fredrick Taylor was responsible for coming up with the idea to break a process into parts. What was this process called?
Scientific management (Taylor's term) and later Ford used his concepts to develop assembly line.
What was Hitler's "final solution"?
Purify German race by killing Jews, mentally handicapped and any other groups they felt were dirtying the German gene pool.
What was the outcome of the Nuremburg Trials?
International authority held political and military leaders accountable for acts committed in the name of state, meaning individuals are responsible for their actions no matter who orders them.
The major goal of the civil rights movement of the 1960's was to gain what?
The same rights as white Americas and end segregation.
An original purpose of affirmative action programs was to do what?
Help African Americans become full citizens of the US.
When necessary to achieve justice, which method did Martin Luther King Jr., urge his followers to employ?
Civil disobedience
After the passage of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments, African Americans continued to experience political and economic oppression mainly because?
Southern legislatures enacted Jim Crow laws.
Martin Luther King Jr. first emerged as a leader of the civil rights movement when he?
Led the bus boycott in December 1955.
One reason the US became involved in the Vietnam War was to stop what?
To prevent communism from spreading.
The main significance of the Watergate affair was that is caused what?
Resignation of Richard Nixon
The beginning of the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe is most closely associated with what event?
Fall of the Berlin Wall
The widespread use of computers has led to a national concern over what?
Security and personal privacy.