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81 Cards in this Set

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~Less Government Involvement



~More Government Involvement


Immigration Back Then

1st Wave: About the 1800's

- Many came from Europe

- Once arrived they had to go to Ellis Island for safety checking before allowed in the country

Immigration Today

(3 Step Process)

1. Get a visa

2. Get a greencard

3. Take the citizenship test


The growth of population in Urban areas

Ethnic Cities

Most immigrants lived in segregated regions of the city

Example: If I am Mexican, I would go find the Mexican Ethnic City to live

Party Bosses

Controlled the cities money

Political Machine

Kept power in the urban areas and helped people find jobs and homes in exchange for voting for their party boss


Multi-family apartments, usually near industrial factories

Very small buildings where families were expected to live

Civil War

War fought between the North and the South due to Slavery and many other causes

Women's Suffrage

Women's suffrage was trying to get women voting rights

Seneca Falls Convention

~ Elizabeth Cady Stanton

~ Lucretia Mott

Civil Rights

Things like equality and social freedom

13th Ammendment

Abolished slavery

19th Ammendment

Gave women voting rights

Brown vs. The Board of Education

Black children weren’t allowed to enter public schools with white children

Brown won

Title IX

Federal group that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any funded education program

Roe vs. Wade

Roe wanted an abortion but didn’t have the money to travel all the way to a different state so she sued saying that it was her right to terminate her pregnancy, she sued Wade

Therefore abortion is legal

Roe won

Martin Luther King (MLK)

Wanted to deal with segregation using "peaceful protest"

Malcolm X

Wanted to deal with segregation using whatever had to be done "violent self-defense"


A type of protest where you sit at a place and refuse to leave until your demands are met

Example: Lunch Counter Sit-In


A group of people who refuses to buy or do something in protest

Example: Montgomery Bus Boycott

President Nixon w/ The Watergate Scandal

Nixon's helpers broke into the offices of the Democratic party and took secret information. Nixon was involved because he ordered the cover up

Watergate Scandal

A burglary happened and it had a connection to President Nixon’s reelection.

JFK's Assassination

Shot by Lee Harvey Oswald during a parade in down town Dallas, Texas

Many different conspiracies

Lee Harvey Oswald

The person who is most believed to have shot President Kennedy, but couldn't justify because Jack Ruby shot him


The idea that government should stay out of businesses

Horizontal Integration


The merger of companies at the same stage of production in the same or different industries

When you own all the competition

Allows you to raise price

Vertical Integration

When a company expands its business into areas that are at different points on the same production path, such as when a manufacturer owns its supplier and/or distributor

Allows you to lower prices and still get a good profit

When you don't have to pay the 'middle man'

Great Depression

A long and severe depression with economics and


- Long Bull Market

- Buying on Margin

- Speculation

-Over Production

Dust Bowl

A time of drought that destroyed all the crops

Franklin Roosevelt (FDR)

Thought solving the Great Depression by using the "New Deal" was a good idea

Herbert Hoover

Thought solving the Great Depression by waiting it out was a good idea

End of the Great Depression

Start of World War II

"New Deal"

The set of programs and policies designed to promote economic recovery and security reform introduced during the 1930’s by President Franklin D. Roosevelt

A bunch of clubs and policies to try to help make money.

Great Recession

Housing Market

People took out loan that they couldn't pay back to get a nice house


When bigger countries take over smaller ones

Lead to the Spanish American War

Teddy Roosevelt

"Big Stick Policy"

Big Stick Policy

International negotiations backed by force (Our military)

Speak gently and carry a big stick

Reasons to Imperialize

- Military Bases

- Natural Resources

- Power

- Land


Starts: 1914

US Enters: 1917

Ends: 1919


Starts: 1939

US Enters: 1941

Ends: 1945

Cold War

1946 to 1989

Causes of WWI


- Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

- Alliances

- Imperialism

- Militarism

- Nationalism

US Enters WWI

- Sinking of the Lusitania

- Zimmerman Telegraph

WWI Ends

Treaty of Versailles

Treaty of Versailles

Germany had to give up land

Pay war reparations

Take Blame

Give up land

Reduce Military

NATO was created

Causes of WWII

Germany invades Poland

US Enters WWII

Pearl Harbor

WWII Technology and Strategy

Airplanes and Island Hopping


Water attack on Normandy, France


Hitler killed many Jews and put them through pain and torture and eventually death

End of WWII

-Dropping of the atomic bombs (Pacific)

- Hitler's death

- Battle of the Bulge (Europe)

Causes of the Cold War

- Communism



First rocket in space

Launched by the USSR

Domino Theory/ Effect

When one country falls to communism, the countries around it will fall a lot quicker as well

Truman Doctrine

Basically said that we had to give money in order to fight communism

End of the Cold War

Fall of the Berlin Wall

Manifest Destiny

The expansion westward, which God wanted up to do

If you didn't do what God wanted, you were considered a bad person

What caused tension between the North and the South before the Civil War?

- Westward Expansion

- Election of Abraham Lincoln

- Slavery

- Dred Scott Case

North Advantages in the Civil War

- Larger Population

- More Industry

- More Railroad

- More Resources

- More Ships

South Advantages in the Civil War

- Robert E. Lee

- Familiar with the land

- Defending their homeland


The process of rebuilding after something has been destroyed

After the Civil War what did most freed African Americans do?

They became sharecroppers

Why did we Expand Westward?

- Manifest Destiny

- Over Crowding

- Need more Resources

- Gold

Hardships of the Westward Expansion

- Terrain/ Environment

- Native American Encounters

What allowed us to industrialize?

- Natural Resources

- Laissez-Faire

- Immigrants for Workers

- New Inventions


A group of people that bond together to get better conditions

Example: Higher pay

Better Equipment

Early 1900's Cities

- Dirty

- Unsafe

- Crowded

- Crime

Spanish- American War

We wanted to help Cuba, which got their independence

Lead to the sinking of the Maine

Goal of the Progressive Movement

To improve society

Children's working laws

Better food safety (FDA)


Harlem Renaissance

African American Cultural Movement

North's Plan for the Civil War

Anaconda Plan

South's Plan for the Civil War


Countries we Imperialized

- Guam

- Philippines

- Cuba

- Puerto Rico

WWII Sides

Allied and Axis

WWI Sides

Allied and Central

WWI Allied Countries

United States





WWI Central Countries



Ottoman Empire

WWII Allied Countries

United States




Great Britain

WWII Axis Countries



