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74 Cards in this Set

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Azetec civilization flourished between (year?)

1345 and 1521

The Azetec Civilization rebuilds their civilization after a tribal war to an estimated amount of

4-5 million people

The Aztec Civilization had a good political system. After the king, their are 3 important advisers which are:

Chief of Priests
Chief of Justice
Chief of Market

Why is religion an important part of government?

Blood Religion

-one person has to die a day for the sun to come up

-drag them to top open up chest and rip out the beating heart. the priest takes a bite, and then is thrown to fire.

-they even covered a pyramid in blood (20,000 people)

The Aztec empire came to cover most of
northern Mexico, an area of some 135,000 square kilometers.
Regular tributes were extracted and captives were taken back to
to Tenochtitlán for ritual sacrifice.

Tenochtitlan was founded in


Tenochtitilan was built

in the middle of an island

Tenochtitilan is now known as

Mexico city but during that time had a population of 300,000.

Tenochtitlán was also a huge trading center with goods flowing in and out such as
gold, greenstone, turquoise, cotton, cacao beans, tobacco, pottery, tools, weapons, foodstuffs (tortillas, chile sauces, maize, beans, and even insects, for example) and slaves.

Chief of Market was not only important for trade but for ____ as well

spies being sent to other places as well

Myth of a savior..

Quetzalcoatal-- the bird that will come flying in white

Hernando Cortez would take advantage of this myth that would

,a Spanish Conquistador who, led an expedition that caused the fall of the Aztec Empire

Cortez plays off of the myth and the Aztec king

Montezuma was not pleased and set him gifts in order to send him away

Even though they would be defeated the main cause of death would be

the new disease , like small pox, that led to their demise

The Aztec Empire would be forever remembered because

was considered the last great pre-Columbian civilization before the Spanish arrived in 1519. The Aztec Indians have left enough historical records to give us an idea on the impact they had on world history. Even the Conquistadors had maintained records on the Aztec Indians and we now have an account of how this civilization lived along with their religious beliefs, practices, food and cultural traditions. Many of these things have influenced modern Mexico, and are still evident even today in everyday life.

Christoper Columbus was born in


Christopher Columbus was a

explorer, navigator, cartographer, colonizer and citizen of the Republic of Genoa

He made a total of __ trips to new world


Christopher Columbus took 3 ships with him on the first trip called



Santa Maria

This trip was suppose to benefit his people by

getting Asian trade started

converting them to Catholics

Who sponsored his trip

Spanish after he had been rejected by John II

The Spanish would sponsor Christopher Columbus because

his wife was half Italian and Portuguese related to Isabella

The Mayans flourished around

300 to 900 AD

The Mayans developed populated cities with

pyramids, temples, and palaces supported by surround peasant villages

What did the Mayans use to create a calender more accurate than the Europeans

mathematics and astronomy

Some of the contributions to the collapse were:

overexploited the rainforst


succumbed to the toltecs, a warlike people that occupied most of thier land in the 10th century

The Mayans was a what kind of inspired civilization


Anne Hutchinson was a follower of her paster John Cotton who believed..

You can not buy your way into heaven.

Anne Hutchinson had church meetings...

in her home and got her followers politically involved

Hutchinson got John Winthrop...

out of office and elected a Hutchinson supporter for Governor, but the puritans rallied and got a puritan in office the next year.

Anne Hutchinson went on trial shortly after that in


The trial was going good until

she said "god told me" because puritians believed that God does not directly speak to people

When Anne was banished from the colony

she developed the town of Portsmouth, Rhode Island

Rhode Island was known for being

more supportive of other religions. They just did their own thing and was not punished for it

Rhode Island was started in ____ but became a Royal Charter in ____


The Iroquois lived in the


The Iroquois consisted of 5 different tribes

Mohawk- Flint People

Oneida-Stone people

Onondagas- Mountain people

Seneca- Hill people

Cayuga- landing people

The Iroquois have absorbed many other peoples into their cultures as a result of
warfare, adoption of captives, and by offering shelter to displaced nations.

Iroquois Population


They farmed sometimes. they were


Blood Feud

if someone was killed, they would either replace them or kill one from the opposite side for revenge which caused more problems.

Iroquois was a matriarchal Society.

your place in society was based off of your mother. Divorce was easy. The women would place the mans stuff outside.

The land of the Iroquois people were

shared. it was no poverty.

if you did something bad in the Iroquois society you are


Iroquois had a leader that rose up named Hiawatha that went on a

vision quest. he went from village to village to stop the blood feud.

Hiawatha set up the

Council of 49 chiefs.

After the Council was set up

Villages Stabilized

was able to defend Algonquin
population increased

Iroquois ended when they

backed the wrong side in the American Revolution, British.
Georgia was occupied by

the Spanish until James Oglethorpe came.
James Oglethorpe created ga because

the debtors prison overflowed back home

defense against spanish

Oglethorpe initially got interested becaue

his friend Robert Castell ended up in debtors prison because he was unable to pay back his debts for his book. He caught small pox and died.
out of the 100+ people that came over

none were prisoners. more prisoners went to SC or nc than ga.

In 1733, Oglethorpe landed on tybee island then sailed to

yamacraw bluff.
Yamacraw was

a local tribe. Tomochichi was in his 80s when they arrived. he hooked up with the English to help fight out Spanish and other tribes.
Sir Robert Montgomery designed the

Margravate of Azilia plan that ended up being used for ga's town squares.
Initially no one wanted to come to ga because

no slavery

military colony

limited to how much land you could back

GA prohibited

had liquor but beer was allowed
The Puritans were a group of English Reformed Protestants in the 16th and 17th centuries who sought to
purify the Church of England from all Roman Catholic practices, maintaining that the Church of England was only partially reformed
The puritans ended up in

Massachusetts Bay
The puritans leader was

John Winthrope
JW gave a speech called

'A Model of Christian Charity" that has been quoted by president Regan.

The capital of Massachusetts is
They lived on the Township system which is

30/40 men partitioned to the government to get land. 40 square miles
Who was not allowed in the puritan area?



The land could be divided up to

four generations. then you would begin to see them developing townships in other places. Consolidation was a familiar term that was put into use
To vote in puritan community you had to be

a freeman, 21, man, and a church member in the 17th century.
Select men are chosen by


The select men choose

the general court.

Once a year at the town meeting who makes laws for the year


General Court does?

communicates with Britain

The women in the puritan society

had children

taught children their primary education

boys with through an apprenticeship

The apprenticeship could last up to

5 years. apprentice-journeymen-master craftsmen

In 1636, they would found one of the most well known schools today named