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50 Cards in this Set

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Emancipation Proclamation

apartial wartime measure that left more than 700,000 in bondage"


abolishedrace slavery except for when a party is “duly convicted”

Aspresident, Andrew Johnson...

offeredsouthern states a quick return into the union, pardoned rebelled soldiersinstead of punishing them for war crimes, established provisional,convention-based state governments with no federal interference, and returnedmost lands to former plantation ownersAccount

Thefirst institutions that African Americans fully controlled for themselves were

local churches


forced freed people to remain financiallydependent on white landowners

The black codes

restricted African Americans political andeconomic opportunities/rights throughout the south

KKK membership included

elite members of white southernsociety

The 14th amendment

asserted ex-slave citizenshipand emphasized all guaranteed rights therein

The 15th amendment

emphasized the voting rightsof citizens including black males

The compromise of 1877

ended northern attempts toreconstruct the south removing the last federal troops from the region

The great railroad strike of 1877

saw nearly 100 workers diein strike after railroad executives slashed wages despite reaping enormousprofits

The corporation as an entity

allowed large enterprises toreceive vast amounts of capital through third party investment

By 1890 the wealthiest 1% owned

one-fourth of the nation’s assetsand the top 10% owned over seventy percent of the nation’s assets. By 1900 therichest 10% controlled nearly ninety percent of the nation’s wealth andbelieved that state welfare would lead to social degradation.

During the gilded age

even women and children were forcedinto labor. Families lived in crowded slums

Theknights of labor welcomed all laborers including

women and unskilled workerswhile their campaign for an eight-hour day culminated with nearly 500,000workers striking across the country. They became increasingly appealing asunskilled workers labored sixty hours a week and their annual income still fellbelow the poverty line. The KOL also helped to unite people from differentwalks of life.

The Haymarket tragedy in Chicago

influenced many Americansto associate unionism with radicalism

The populist party

was born from struggling farmers whoorganized a farmers alliance and later the peoples (or populist) party.

The conquest of the west (or manifest destiny)

was achievedby marshaling land for rails and mining pushing the American population fartherwest. It also required the decimation of Indian resistance the incorporation ofterritories into states and the power of the military

Motivations for the average person to move out west included

mining hunting buffalo, land acquisition, and the pursuit of religious freedom

20th century Indian policy was aimed at

openingthe great plains for settlement mining and the railroad route to the pacific.

The defeat of Indian resistance in the west came as a resultof

the US Army and population having vastly superior numbers and weaponry whichthey used to overwhelm resistance

Many mining boomtowns survived to become

modern town and citiesby quickly adapting to the changing economy/environment

The Dawes General Act

splintered Native Americanreservations into individual family homesteads led to the governmentsacquisition over 90 million acres of former Indian lands which were sold tonon-natives. It was proclaimed to be as an uplifting humanitarian reform includingmeasures to assimilate Indians but in truth upset Indian lifestyles and left Indiangroups without sovereignty over their lands; it was a scam.

Ghost dance promised

to return land to the Indians and eliminatethe existence of hostile whites

The wounded Knee Massacre

saw US soldiers opening fire andkilling nearly 300 Lakota Sioux who gathered peacefully.

The west as a fantasy includes

Anglo pioneers and otherheroes who personally rugged individualism triumphing over multiple obstacles.

Chicago’s central location allowed it to

become a centerrailroad commerce especially cattle for processing

The usefulness of the electricity led to

the construction of330 plants powering lamps in factories offices printing houses hotels andtheaters.

Cities grew as target destinations for millions of

immigrants arriving from southern and eastern Europe. From 1870 to 1920 over 25million arrived and by 1890, immigrants and their children accounts for roughly60%of the population in largest northern cities. Factory jobs enticedimmigrants to come to New York Chicago, Pittsburg Cleveland, Milwaukee and St.Louis.

Immigrants maintained

a sense of their original heritagewhile gradually adjusting and contributing to American customs.

Urban machine politics can be described as

the granting of jobsand services to campaign contributors and ethnic allies not always thosequalified or in need

During the late 19th century African Americansexperienced

intensified segregation and rates of lynching; the urban league andNAACP emerged to rally for reform

Women’s public activity in the late 19th centuryincluded

unprecedented opportunities to challenge traditional gender and sexualnorms. Many women became reformers; they launched labor/voting rights campaignsand literature to support their causes. Women’s fashion loosened its physicalconstraints: corsets relaxed and hemlines rose. Women’s propelled temperanceinto one of the foremost moral reforms of the period.

The American culture of celebrity that would characterizetwentieth century, mass entertainment was born from

the ever growing popularityof professional boxing and baseball, the Edison vitascope projecting film pullingaudiences into theatres creating a demand for movie stars. Vaudeville travelingcircuit shows featured comedians musician actors jugglers and other talentslike Houdini and men being encouraged to embrace hyper masculinity connected tonationalism and imperialism

The united states gained possession of Hawaii through

influentialsugar growers on the island; overthrowing the queen and later receiving supportfrom the US gov

American intervention oversees began

in Latin America,China, and the middle east (to promote interests abroad)

The motivation for the Spanish-American andphillipine-american wars (1898-1902) were to

liberate Cuba and the Philippinesfrom the tyranny of Spanish colonial rule, to avenge the American navalofficers who died aboard the USS Mannie after it was “attacked” by Spain tosecure and expand trade interests abroad; imperialism was a way to assertnational authority around the globe and to demonstrate to other Europeannations that the united states was a major global force

Although the treaty of Paris ended the Spanish American warin 1898, the US

occupied the Philippines from 1899-1902 and beyond waging abloody series of conflicts against the rebels.

The Roosevelt corollary

extended the Monroe doctrine into LatinAmerica so the US could police it without interference from Europe.

Nativists argued that

new immigrants were unfit for Americanlife and would use violence or bribery to corrupt society, that too manyimmigrants would result in fewer jobs and lower wages, that too many Chinese inthe west coast would lead to its moral and economic decline and that immigrantsbrought with them radical ideas such as socialism and communism leaning towidespread violence.

The federal governments immigration policy from 1870-1920included

a series of laws limiting of discontinuing the immigration of particulargroups including the criminal sick and Chinese

Jacob Riis’s How the Other Half Lives (1890) provided

graphic descriptions of impoverished working class immigrants which inspiredprogressive reform

Progressive reformers

rallied around ending corrupt city politicsupholding black equality and civil rights pursuing woman’s suffrage lobbyingfor higher wages safer workplaces and union recognition

The triangle shirtwaist factory reform of 1911 best illustrated

the urgent need for labor reform

Jane Adams created

a system of vital civic services thatwould become permanent parts of city infrastructure.

Southerners eliminate black political participation in thesouth after 1896 by requiring

that all black voters pass a state developedliteracy test and pay a poll tax

Booker T Washington urged black people to

accommodatesegregation temporarily and concentrate on education as self-improvement.

Trust busting under the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt ledto

the Hepburn Act which empowered the interstate commerce commission to setfair practices for rail companies

Margaret Sanger attracted widespread attention and ridiculeduring the progressive reform era by

establishing the American birth controlleague.

WEBDubois openly urged black people to

think of themselves as worthwhile humanbeings and to battle openly for equality