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114 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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British general whose army occupied Boston and attacked Concord
Thomas Gage
Virginia Patriot whose speeches supported the war
Patrick Henry
Englishman who wrote Common Sense to arouse support for independence
Thomas Paine
the primary author of the Declaration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson
Member of the committee that drafted the Declaration of Independence and an American negotiator for the Treaty of Paris
John Adams
British general who took New York and Philadelphia but missed his main objective
William Howe
British general who surrendered his army near Saratoga
John Burgoyne
British general who surrendered his army near Yorktown
Charles Cornwallis
Commander of the Green Mountain Boys who captured Fort Ticonderoga
Ethan Allen
Commander in chief of the Continental Army
George Washington
American ordinance chief who surprised the British by transporting heavy artillery to Boston
Henry Knox
Overrated American commander who won at Saratoga but lost at Camden
Horatio Gates
German drillmaster
Baron von Steuben
American leader in the Northwest who captured Vincennes
George Rogers Clark
Patriot guerrilla called the Swamp Fox
Francis Marion
Resourcesful American commander in the South known as the Fighting Quaker who kept the pressure on the British
Nathanael Greene
French aristocrat who helped to corner the British at Yorktown
Marquis de lafayette
First engagement of American revolution
Lexington and Concord
an early American success that supplied artillery for the forces around Boston
costly British victory outside of Boston
Bunker Hill
successful winter raid that lifted the morale of the young Continental Army
the capture of a British army that encouraged the French to join the war
an unsuccessful attempt to stop the British from taking Philadelphia
the Continental Army winter headquarters during the dark winter of 1777 and 1778
Valley Forge
the crucial issue for the War for Independence
practical self government
main purpose of the Committees of Correspondence
provide news on British threats to liberty
why did the colonists lose the Battle of Bunker Hill
ran out of ammo
Why did George Washington attempt to defend NYC?
giving up city without a fight would damage the support for the war
Princeton was an important victory for Washington because
raised the low morale of the army
Why was the Saratoga campaign an important victory for the Patriots
it brought France into the war
What did Benedict Arnold do that was considered treason?
handed over a fort
How did the Swamp Fox help the war effort?
guerrilla raids
What event turned Cornwallis' position in Yorktown into a trap?
arrival of French fleet
Why did the colonists create a weak confederation?
each colony was jealous of its own power
What principle is most strongly supported by the Articles of the Confederation?
limited government
What were townships in the Northwest supposed to use the proceeds from the sale of Section 16 for?
most important accomplishment of the Annapolis Convention?
calling a new convention to remedy the weakness of the Confederation
What bi-cameral plan did the large states support?
Virginia Plan
What unicameral plan did the small states support?
New Jersey Plan
What Christian statesman presented the compromise that broke the deadlock over the representation in the Constitution?
Roger Sherman
What region was most concerned about granted the federal government control over trade?
What do we call the introduction to the Constitution?
What Constitutional principle supports the division of power between national and state levels of government?
What pseudonym did the governor of New York use when he wrote the articles denouncing the Constitution?
Independence movement that deteriorated into violence
French Revolution
plot to bring America into the French war with Britain
Genet episode
America's refusal to take sides in the war between Britain and France
Proclamation of Neutrality
averted war with Britain
Jay Treaty
violent attack against the government over taxes
Whiskey Rebellion
French seizure of American cargo
Quasi War
America's humiliating peace negotiations with France
XYZ Affair
declaration that states have the right to nullify unconstitutional federal acts
Virginia Resolutions
effort to fill judiciary with federalists
midnight appoitments
What did the South accept in return for locating the national capital in the South?
assumption of state debts
What issue opened debate over Constitutional interpretation?
creating a national bank
the main objective of the national banks was to issue unified currency and
provide loans to local businesses
Why did the United States break the Treaty of Alliance with France?
The French had overthrown their old governments.
What was the main affect of Jay's Treaty?
averted war with Britain
How did Europeans take advantage of America's weaknesses during the 1790s?
raiding American ships
With whom did the US fight an undeclared war with in the 1790s?
What power did the Alien Acts provide the president?
expel immigrants
What did the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions advocate?
What power did the Sedition Acts provide the president?
prohibit treasonous speech
Who established the nation's first cabinet?
first head of the dept of state
Thomas Jefferson
first secretary of the Treasury
Alexander Hamilton
Who introduced the Bill of Rights?
James Madison
Who was America's best known frontiersman?
Daniel Boone
Who was America's second president?
John Adams
transfer of Florida from Spain to America
Adams-Onis Treaty
seizure and forceful enlistment of deserters
transfer of a huge tract of land from France to America
Louisiana Purchase
an offer to stop trading with the enemy of the country that first lifted its trade restrictions
Macon's Bill #2
The Indian's surrender of all rights to southern Ohio
Treat of Fort Greenville
Vice President accused of treason
Aaron Burr
won a major battle in Ohio against the Indians
"Mad Anthony" Wayne
American hero of Horseshoe Bend
Andrew Jackson
who became Speaker f the House
Henry Clay
President who oversaw War of 1812
James Madison
Secretary of State who hard line won Florida from Spain
John Quincy Adams
Explorer of the Louisiana Purchase
Meriwether Lewis
Resourceful naval captain who defeated a British fleet
Oliver Hazard Perry
one of the greatest Indian leaders in North American history
Third president of the United States
Thomas Jefferson
the Indian Territory governor who defeated the Prophet
William Henry Harrison
Explorer of the Great Plains
Zebulon Pike
What did Jefferson Republicans support?
states' rights
What was the revolution of 1800?
political victory of the Republicans
Who was the assistant to Lewis and Clark?
What advantage did the US have at the beginning of the War of 1812?
British involvement in the Napoleonic Wars?
Why was the USS Constitution called "Old Ironsides"?
enemy cannonballs bounced off its oak sides
During what British attack did an American general surrender his entire force without a fight?
Siege of Detroit
What fort prevented the British from capturing Baltimore?
What event led to the death of the Federalist party?
Hartford Convention
main provision of the Monroe Doctrine
no European could intervene in the Western Hemisphere
national funding for roads, canals, and harbors
internal improvements
replacement of government office holders with supporters of the new administration
Spoils System
tariff designed to end the nullification crisis by reducing the tariff rates
Compromise Tariff of 1833
Clay's alleged agreement to make Adams president in return for becoming Secretary of State
"corrupt bargain"
grant of war powers against South Carolina
Force Bill
Depression that brought an end to the postwar prosperity of the "End of Good Feelings"
Panic of 1819
a deep five year depression worsened by Jackson's economic policies
Panic of 1837
Prohibition of anything except hard money for the purchase of public land
Specie Circular of 1836
forced removal of the civilized tribes from their homeland
Trail of Tears
Who benefits the most from protective tariffs?
shipping industry
main reason that many Americans opposed federal funding of internal improvements?
taxes from all regions would be used to benefit only limited regions
What issue lay at the heart of debate over the admission of Missouri as a state?
balance of slave states in the Senate
What bank system did Jackson set up to replace the National Bank?
What Indian tribe attempted to keep its lands through legal action
Presidential candidate who used "Tippecanoe and Tyler Too"?
William Henry Harrison
famous road that the government built from Baltimore westward
National Road
Party of the Common Man
Jackson's close circle of advisers
Kitchen Cabinet
Jackson's policy toward the "Indian problem"
Indian Removal Policy