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69 Cards in this Set

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How did the Magna Carta influence American leaders when they were considering the structure of their government?
It showed American leaders that it was important to limit the powers of government.
How did the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 affect education in the Northwest Territory?
It made education a basic right by providing public education for all citizens.
Why was the banning of slavery,by the Northwest Ordinance of 1787,in the Northwest Territory significant?
It established a standard of no slavery in future territories of the United States.
What was the significance of the Articles of Confederation?
They established the first national government of the United States.
How did the Articles of Confederation contribute to the economic problems of the United States in the later 1700s?
The Articles gave Congress little power to pass and enforce nationwide laws and tariffs, which ultimately led to increased debt in the US.
How did the Articles of Confederation fail to implement the ideas set forth in the Declaration of Independence?
They failed to protect the ideals of individual liberty.
Which of these was the main cause of Shay's Rebellion?
Massachuetts' policy that forced farmers to pay taxes on land.
What was the significance of Shay's Rebellion?
It showed Americans the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.
How did the national government eventually respond to Shay's Rebellion?
It announced a convention to revise the Articles of Confederation to better meet the nation's needs.
Why did the Articles of Confederation make it hard for Congress to protect its land or citizens against foreign threat?
There was no army and the Articles did not allow Congress to force states to provide soldiers for an army.
This document became the new national constitution of the United States, and under this document the national government, Congress, was created. However, Congress was given very limited power. States governments had more power than Congress.
Articles of Confederation
A period of low economic activity (not making much money) combined with a rise in unemployment.
A document that declared that no person could be forced to attend a particular church or be required to pay for a church with tax money.
Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom
This law was passed by Congress to set up a system for surveying and dividing the western territories into townships.
Land Ordinance of 1785
Trade between two or more states, which Congress could not control because it could not pass trade laws, and states followed their own trade interest, not caring what would happen to the country.
Interstate Commerce
A law that was passed by Congress to set up a political system in the western territories, and the law also established the Northwest Territory. This law also created a system for bringing in new states into the United States.
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
Under this agreement each slave would be counted as three-fifths of a person when it came to determining representation in the legislature.
Three-Fifths Compromise
A system created under the new constitution, which keeps any one branch of government from becoming too powerful.
Checks and Balances
An agreement that created a bicameral (two house) legislature where the Virginia Plan and New Jersey Plan were combined.
Great Compromise
This is the sharing of power between central government and states government that make up a country
The idea that political authority belongs to the people
Popular Sovereignty
Essays written to support the Constitution that were written anonymously under the name Publius
Federalist Papers
Ten proposed amendments intended to protect citizen's rights.
Bill of Rights
How did the Great Compromise resolve the debate over state representation in the federal government?
It created a bicameral legislature, where in one house state population determined the number of representatives and in the other house the number of representatives for each state were equal
How did the delegates resolve the debate over how slaves should factor into representation in government?
They reached a compromise that allowed each individual slave to be counted as three-fifths of a person
In what way did the Constitution attempt to implement the ideals set forth in the Declaration of Independence?
The Constitution protected popular sovereignty, the idea that political power belongs to the people.
Both the federal and state governments share the power to....
establish courts
What problem did Anti-Federalists have with the Constitution?
They felt that the central government had been given too much power.
What is one reason the US Constitution has survived more than 200 years?
Flexibility of the Constitution to meet the needs of a changing nation
What was the purpose of the Federalist Papers?
To convince Americans that the government would not overpower the states government
Why did the framers of the Constitution create a system of checks and balances?
to keep any one branch of government from becoming too powerful
Describe the trading relationship between Britain and U.S.
Britain forced American merchants to pay high tariffs (taxes) on imports and exports.
What important trade route did Spain close to the U.S.? What was it used for?
Lower Mississippi River to U.S. shipping merchants and farmers could no longer get their goods to the Gulf of Mexico to ship to Europe.
Which powers are reserved only to the states?
Control over Local Government, education, state taxes and state courts.
What is Federalism?
Federalism is the sharing of power between a central government and the states that make up a country.
What does Ratification mean?
official approval
What are the three branches of government?

What do they do?
Legislative - proposes bills and passes them into laws.
Judicial - interprets laws, punishes criminals, settles state disputes
Executive - makes sure the laws are carried out.
The Constitution attempted to follow the ideas of the Declaration of Independence because it protected __________________
Popular Sovereignty
What were the two main groups that debated the Constitution? What were their points of view?
Anti-federalists - were against the Constitution (afraid to give too much power to federal government)
Federalist - supported the Constitution, strong central government
What problem did the Anti-Federalists have with the Constitution? (afraid of something)
They were afraid it gave too much power to the federal government.
What were the Federalist Papers?
Essays written in support of the Constitution.
What was the Bill of Rights?
Ten proposed amendments intended to protect individual citizens' rights.
Why was the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution?
Several states would not ratify the Constitution unless these were added to protect individual rights.
What was the Bill of Rights?
Ten proposed amendments intended to protect individual citizens' rights.
Why has the Constitution survived over 200 years?
Flexibility to meet the needs of a changing nation
Why was the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution?
To protect individual liberties. Several states would not ratify the Constitution unless these were added.
What are amendments?
official changes to the Constitution
Why has the Constitution survived over 200 years?
Flexibility to meet the needs of a changing nation
What are amendments?
official changes to the Constitution
How did the issue of slavery conflict with the ideas in the Declaration of Independence?
"All men possess basic rights.......life, LIBERTY, and pursuit of happiness
According to the 9th and 10th Amendments,the Legislative branch and Congress get to decide on other basic rights not listed in the Constitution.

What are the powers given to the states called?
Reserved powers
What are the powers given to the federal government called?
Delegated powers
Why do 18 year olds register for the Selective Service?
In case we have a military draft, the government will need to contact them.
American citizens protect other American's Sixth Amendment rights by serving on a
List five duties of citizens of the US?
pay taxes
obey laws
jury duty
military service
Naturalized citizens are Americans who ....
were born outside the US to foreign-born parents.
What is majority rule?
The greatest number of people in society can make policies for everyone
During the Constitutional Convention, Northern delegates wanted slaves to be counted for tax purposes only, but southern delegates wanted to count slaves as part of their ________________ to have more power in Congress.
states population
What was the Virginia Plan? How would the legislature be set up? Would the federal or state governments have supreme power?
Virginia Plan gave more power to the federal government. There was a bicameral (2 houses) legislature. Number of representatives for both houses based on population.
How did the Great Compromise solve the issue of state representation in the national legislature?
Bicameral legislature:
Each state has two representatives....states are equal.

House of Rep - based on population.
What did the English Bill of Rights do?
reduced the power of British monarchy.
What did many colonists begin to want as they gained religious equality?
political equality
Did the delegates of the Second Continental Congress agree on the issue of going to war?
No, but willing to compromise.
How did Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" influence colonial leaders?
challenge British authority
Thomas Paine believed citizens should make laws because they had a natural ________ right to govern themselves.
Natural Right
According to Thomas Jefferson, why did colonists have a right to break away from Great Britain?
Britain did not protect the citizens rights.
The Battle of Trenton was the first time the Patriots went on the _______ because they attacked the British.
Why was support from France so important to Patriot forces?
Patriots needed more aid
France hated Britain