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88 Cards in this Set

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What is the right to vote called?
popular sovereignty
List the seven events that led to popular sovereignty?
1. land owning white males
2. white male tax paying (21)
3. (before 1850s) women's suffrage movement
4. 15th Amendment (1865)
5. 19th Amendment (women)
6. Civil Rights Act of 1964
7. 26th Amendment (18 years old)
Name three women suffragettes.
1. Susan b Anthony
2. Beecher
3. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Who was the cofounder of the NAACP?
Mary White Ovington
What did the Compromise of 1850 do?
1. CA-free
2. DC-slave trade is made illegal
3. NM and UT- vote for slavery
What law stated that runaway slaves must be returned?
fugitive slave law
What caused the civil war?
states' rights
What did did Dred Scott vs. Sanford rule?
the slaves are property
In Dred Scott vs. Sanford who did the supreme court rule in favor of?
Sanford, slave owner
Which white abolitionist raided Harper's Ferry armory and gave weapons to slaves?
John Brown
In the election of 1860, who represented the Democrats?
north- Douglas
south- Breckenridge
In the election of 1860, who represented the Republicans?
What state was the first state to secede? When did they secede?
South Carolina
By February, ____ states had seceded.
What did the seceded states form?
Confederate States of America
When South Carolina seceded, who was president of the USA? What were his three options?
1. let south go
2. tell south no
3. fight/war
Who was commander of the SC militia at Fort Sumter?
What were the years of the civil war?
Who was president of the Confederate states? Union (once war starts)?
What was the capital of the confederates? union?
Washington DC
Who was the confederate general? union?
Robert E Lee
What were the four advantages on the confederate side?
What were the 7 advamtages on the union side?
more money
What were six of the eight new technologies of the civil war?
repeating rifles
pistol-colt revolver
cannon-shell canister
Gatlin gun
gunboats-west battles/rivers
What was the first battle of the civil war?
battle of Bull Run
When did SC secede?
Dec 20 1860
When was FT Sumter attacked?
April 1861
What was the war plan for the CSA? union?
war of attrition
At the Battle of Ft. Henry and Dunelson, who won?
What was gained from the Battle of Ft. Henry and Dunelson?
control of the Cumberland river
When was the Battle of Ft. Henry and Dunelson?
Feb 1862
How many soliders did the union have at the Battle of Ft. Henry and Dunelson? What was another huge advantage for them?
Who was the commander of the union army during the Battle of Ft. Henry and Dunelson?
Who won at the Battle of Shiloh?
What was gained at the Battle of Shiloh?
Tennessee River
How many union causalities were there at the Battle of Shiloh? How many soldiers were there?
Who was the CSA commander at the Battle of Shiloh? How many soldiers were there? How many casualties?
Gen Johnston
Who won at the Battle of New Orleans?
When was the Battle of New Orleans?
April 1862
Who was the union commander at the Battle of New Orleans?
Admiral David Farragat
What was gained from the Battle of New Orleans?
Baton Rouge and Natchez
When was Memphis, TN won over by the union?
June 1862
Who won the Battle of Vicksburg? What did they gain?
Who won the Battle of Antietam?
no winner
When was the Battle of Antietam?
Sept 1862
Who was the union commander at the Battle of Antietam? How many troops did he have?
What was the GOAL of the Battle of Antietam?
gain Richmond
Who was the CSA commander at the Battle of Antietam? How many solders? How many casualties?
What were the last two major battles CSA won?
Where was Stonewall Jackson killed (battle)?
Confederate batteries fired on Fort Sumter when it was learned that:
Lincoln had sent supplies to the fort
Northerners rallied to support a war against secession especially because:
the south attacked Fort Sumter
In order to convince the Border States to remain in the union, President Lincoln declared:
martial law whenever need
Lincoln's declaration that the northern war aim was to preserve the Union with or without slavery was an indication of the influence of the:
border states on his policies
The greatest weakness of the South during the Civil War was its:
The North's greatest strength in the Civil War was its
Much of the hunger experienced by Confederate soldiers in the civil war was cause by the South's:
transportation system
One reason the British did not try to break the union blockade of the south during the civil war was fear of:
losing northern grain shipments
As the civil war began, the south seemed to have the advantage of:
military leadership
A supposed asset for the South at the beginning of the Civil War that never materialized to its real advantage was:
intervention from Britain and France
Confederate commerce-raiders such as the Alabama:
proved to be effective against union shipping
The confederacy's most effective warship was the:
The southern cause was especially weakened from within by the concept of:
states' rights, on which it was founded
As leader of the confederacy, Jefferson Davis:
defied rather than led public opinion
To meet the army's demand for troops, the north relied mainly on:
The union's establishment of the national banking system created a:
financial system that lasted for fifty years
During the Civil War, the union financed the war by:
new tariffs and income taxes
As a result of the Civil War, the northern economy emerged:
more prosperous than ever before
A new profession that attracted many women during the civil war was:
During the civil war, women in the north had few opportunities opened to them in:
The south's victory at Bull Run in 1861 reduced:
Southern enlistments
The union's defeat at bull run in 1861 was better than a victory because it caused northerners to:
buckle down to the task of a long difficult war
General george b mcclellan is best described as:
The final union war strategy turned to:
total war
The union blockade is best described as originaly ____, but finally _______.
When it was issued in 1863, the Emancipation Proclamation declared free only those slaves in states still:
in rebellion against the US
The two major battles of the civil war fought on the union soil were:
Gettysburg and Antietam
The north's victory at Antietam allowed president Lincoln to issue:
Emancipation of proclamation
All slavery was legally abolished in the US by the
13th Amendment
During the Civil war African Americans were enlisted in the union army only after the ____________ was issued.
Emancipation Proclamation
African Americans who fought for the union army in the civil war served _____ and suffered _______.
extreme casualties
The battle of Gettysburg was significant because it meant that the __________ was doomed.
southern cause
The union victory at vicksburg was of major importance because it reopened the ______river, paired with the victory at _______ it caused foreign help to die out, and it helped quell northern _______.
peace agitation
One consequence of General William T Sherman's style of warfare was:
a shorter war that saved life
In the 1864 election, Abraham Lincoln ran on the _______ ticket.
Republican, Union
In 1864 election, the Democratic nominee who opposed Lincoln was __________.
George McClellan
The union army's victory in the capture of ______ was probably critical to Lincoln's reelection in 1864.
The assassination of Lincoln was a:
calamity for the south