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72 Cards in this Set

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What was the stamp act
Direct tax on all written materials
Reactions from colonists on stamp act (4)
rots defiance destruction of homes of British officials
House of burgeses objected
Patrick Henry made 7 resolves for england
Boston hung a doll of Andrew Oliver
Biritians response on tax acts
repealed acts due to the colonist's
Enstated decleratory acts
Townshend Acts
Duties on paper, lead, paints, and pen.
Used taxes to under wright salaries of royal officials
Reactions from colonists on Townshend Acts (3)
Non-importation acts
Boston Massacre
House of rep. objected
Britians response to Townshend Acts
sent 2 regiments of soldiers from England and 2 from nova scotia
Tea acts
tax on tea
Colonies get it inexpensively, king would get a nice tax off of them and would boost the East India Company
Reactions from colonists on tea acts (4)
Mass boycotts
Tea Party
American merchants denounced it
Britian's reaction to tea acts
Passed Intolerable acts
which closed ports in boston
Intolerable acts (4)
closed Boston ports
barred courts for trying British soldiers that tried to surpress disturbances (Murder act)
Appointed General Gage of Gov. of Massachusetts
Altered gov. of mass
Colonists response to intolerable acts
Contenental Congress was formed to take major action
Threatened to meet again
What was the currency act and why was it significant?
It prohibited the colonies from issuing paper money in any form. Completely changed colonists view on Parliament.
What was Britian's response to Intolerable acts
Gen. Gage enlisted spies to cover and report on illegal activities. Seized gun powder and ammunition at Lexington and concord
French and Indian war (3 basic points)
France and Indians vs. England and Colonists
Main are of war was the Ohio River Valley
French settled Quebec and the Missippi Delta because of the fur trade and allied the Native Americans
Who did the colonists fight with in the seven years war and why?
Colonists fought with England because they wanted to expand westward, they felt loyal to the crown, England "suggested" that participation would gain them better access to Parliament & territories in the west
Proclamation of 1763 (3)
Act banned any colonial settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains
Angered colonists who, in part, fought for that in the F & I war.
Navigation Acts
Acts that forced colonies to trade only with Britain and other Colonies
Molasses Act
An attempt to stop New England from trading with the French Indies. Put a heavy duty on French molasses which turned the merchants and distillers into smugglers
King George's War (3)
French Vs. Britian
Colonists fought with the British
Deadly war, 1/5 of all Mass. men died in war
captured fort Louisburg
Controversy of Ft. Louisburg
colonists angry that he British handed it back to the French for french withdrawal from conquests in India and spare British Army in Europe
Quartering act
required public funds for support of British troops garrisoned in the colony since the end of the French and Indian war
Sugar Act (3)
Added items to Navigation laws list that could only be shipped to England
Required shippers to post bonds
gave more power to courts colonists reacted by speaking poorly about it
House of Burgesses
1st legislative to react to stamp act by putting 4 resolves into action, stating that they could by taxed BY THEIR OWN CONSENT!
Sons Of Liberty
Radical Boston resistance
got way by going around the law
Decleratory Act
Gave Parliament power to enact laws over colonies in ALL cases whatsoever
Pitt Grafton Ministry
Pushed townshend acts through Parliament
set up to keep closer watch on colonies
Committees of Correspondence
Created in Boston to win colonies sympathy established in 3 colonies afterward
1st Continental Congress (4)
turned debate into united cause
55 delegates
Agreed on Decleration of Rights and Resolves
Patrick Henry declared states to be United and more American
2nd Continental Congress
formed government
Who won? Lexington and Concord
British won, but colonists resisted, shot hear round the world was fired
Who won? Bunker Hil
Conlonists at first, though had to retreat due to lack of gun powder
Who won? New York
Who won? Trenton
Who won? Philidelphia
Who won? Germantown
Who won? Saratoga
Who won?
British with the help of Slaves
Who won? Yorktown
Significance: Lexington and Concord
British seized lots of gunpowder, colonists foced Colonists to retreat from Concord, British regained Boston
Significance: Bunker Hill
Colonists "mowed down" redcoats though outnumbered 2 to 1
moral victory for the colonists
Significance: New York
British captured NY, Americans were demoralized
more than 1/2 deserted, were captured or died
Significance: Trenton
Americans took garrison at Trenton
soldiers re-enlisted as American morale increased
Significance: Philadelphia
British captured the Capitol
Continental Congress fled
Significance: Germantown
Left Washington with hungry men in freezing winter temps
Significance: Saratoga
TURNING POINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Psychological victory for american due to defeat of British regulars
British war strategy changes to keeping troops by the coast
France openly supports Americans
British shift strategy
South to rally loyalists
Charleston sees most American casualties of conflict
Significance: Yorktown
British surrender
Treaty of Paris signed
Breakdown of US troops in numbers
1/3 patriot
1/3 loyalist
1/3 neutral
Treaty of Paris 1783
Gave independence to America and the western boundary at Mississippi.
18th century combat practices
fired close at each other
could see who they were killing before they killed
Thomas Peters
An African American who was so resistant to slavery that his master sold him to the colonies
Rose up and recuited slaves to fight with the British
Mercy Otis Warren
Published essays encouraging Woman to play an active role in the Revolution
pushed for women to give an offering to support the war effort
Daughters of Liberty
Made clothes for soldiers
Common Sense
Written by Thomas Paine
Wrote it so common folk could understand it
Big help for Revolutionary Republicanism
Howe Brothers
Met with colonists to reconcile
Colonists refused after the Howes demanded to revoke the Decleration
An attempt to invade British Canada left 100 Americans killed, and 300 taken prisoner.
Articles of Confederation
1st attempt at drafting a constitution failed
British was more successful in the south because of the lack of support for the Americans.
General Lord Cornwallis
General of British troops
Nathanael Greene
enlisted guerrilla tactics against the British
Iroquois Six Nations
Fought with the British and were destroyed throughout the time around the Revolutionary war
Valley Forge
Horrible winter, with unberable conditions, after Forge, Americans started winning wars again
Refers to civilians who didn't fight
Towns were ransacked and people fled
Confederation Congress
First try at getting a government together, failed as a whole but instated successful land ordinances
Land ordinances of 1785 and 1787
Pushed for westward expansion
Northwest Ordinance
Pushed for expansion of empire and establishment of new states toward the west
Treaty of Fort Stanwix
A treaty forcefully signed by the Native Americans to give up their lands
Robert Morris
Superintendent of Finance
Told states to stop printing money
Unsuccesful, major debt
Bill for establishing Religious freedom
rejected all religious tests for public office
major arguement was religion was always used as a form of opression
Colonial Currencies
Due to inflation money was very volatile, and wasn't usually worth anything
Dismantled the radicals program of an anti-monarchy and wanted a single government
Shay's rebellion
War vet who didn't get his pay from fighting in the Revolution. Shay recruited farmers, rose up, unsuccessful