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18 Cards in this Set

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John C. Calhoun
He served as vice president for both Adams and Jackson, as well as secretary of war under Monroe and secretary of state under Tyler. He and Clay were the founders of the War Hawks during the war of 1812
Erie Canal
A major transportation route from Albany to Buffalo, finished in 1825, and gave access to the Great Lakes from New York. It was 350 miles long, and allowed New York City to become a big commercial city
Trail of Tears
The 1,200 mile journey west for Georgia Cherokees removed from Georgia to Oklahoma. After lengthy disputes over removal rights, they sold their land and were forced to leave, a quarter of them dying on the way
Idea that states can disregard federal law when laws overstep congressional powers.
American Temperance Society
warned that drinking led to poverty, idleness, crime, and family violence.
Separate Spheres
concept that a woman's place was in the home (private sphere) and a mans place was in commerce and politics (public sphere)
Angelina and Sarah Grimke
Both women hated slavery and spoke and wrote about it. They gained fame with women and men; they then spoke about women's rights. Many men did not want to address women's rights because the main issue was the rights of the blacks, but some radical men tried to have women lead antislavery groups.
Panic of 1819
The overnight rich became the overnight poor. The Second Bank of the United States failed to control state banks that had suspended specie payments. There was a contracting of the money supply when all of the banks called in their loans. There was also a financial crisis in Europe. Half a million people lost their jobs and life savings.
a moralistic, top-down party ready to make major decisions to promote economic growth
Panic of 1837
caused by bad harvests in Europe, the Bank of the US calling in loans, failures in crop markets, 30% downturn in int'l cotton prices, and many farmers' failures to pay back creditors, this economic recession started in March and ended by the beginning of the next year
William Henry Harrison
Whig president in 1841 who died after a month in office. His VP was John Tyler and their campaign slogan was "Tippecanoe and Tyler Too," referring to the battle of Tippecanoe in which Harrison defeated the Shawnee chief Tecumseh
contentious, energetic party that was the main competitor against the Whigs; evolved from the Democratic Republicans, who were championed by Andrew Jackson
William Lloyd Garrison
Advocated immediate abolition of slavery.
Second Bank of The United States
Was the second twenty-year charter of the Bank of the United States; which served as a major issue in Andrew Jackson's reelection campaign in 1832.
Lowell Mills
Constituted all cloth production; workers earned 2-3 dollars for a seventy-hour work week. Workers were also required to attend church, and were prohibited from drinking, and unsupervised courtship.
Andrew Jackson
President born in Carolina 1767.
Indian Removal Act
The appropriating of $500,00 to relocate eastern tribes west of the Mississippi.
Henry Clay
From Kentucky, he campaigned for Adams and as a result he earned the nickname "the barbecue orator."