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67 Cards in this Set

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15th amendment
gave black men the right to vote
19th amendment
gave women the right to vote
Colonial suffrage
only white males who were landowners could vote
Judiciary Act of 1789
organized judicial branch into 13 district courts, appeals courts, and Supreme court; made John Jay first Supreme Court chief justice
led by Alexander Hamilton; loose interpretation of Constitution; centralized govt; pro-tariff, pro-national bank, pro-business, pro-british,
Whiskey Rebellion
govt sent troops to Pittsburgh to establish law and order where rebellions were occuring; established legitimacy of federal govt authority
Hamilton's economic plan
1) create national bank, 2) assume states' debt from revolutionary war, 3) tariff to put tax on imported goods - helped northern economy
Jeffersonian Republicans (anti-federalists)
strict interpretation of the constitution, wanted bill of rights, weak central government, pro-agriculture, pro-french, anti-tariff, anti-credit, anti-national bank, political power to common man
Alien and Sedition Act
against the law to publish/say anything "malicious, false, scandalous" about the US; used to hush Jeffersonian republicans
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
TJ and Madison's response to Alien and Sedition acts; brought up policy of nullification (states rights)
Louisiana Purchase
Napoleon sold Jefferson the Louisiana territory for $15million; went against Jefferson's principles of strict interpretation of Constitution
Marbury v Madison 1803
John Marshall declared Judiciary Act of 1789 unconstitutional; established principle of judicial review (judicial branch has power to make null legislative laws/exec acts)
Judicial review
the judicial branch can declare a law by the legislative branch of act by exec branch null and void
policy that government should interfere as little as possible in the economy
election of 1800
Jefferson won the presidency; established political parties
12th amendment
electors vote separately for Pres and VP; to avoid problem of election of 1800
Washington's Farewell address
warned against political parties, sectionalism, and entangling alliances
embargo of 1807
hoping to avoid war, Jefferson asks Congress to pass embargo; only hurts US- South (tobacco/cotton) and New England (unemployment); made TJ very unpopular
Chesapeake incident
British tried to impress American naval ship; Jefferson passed embargo to avoid war
Jay's treaty
Jay negotiated neutrality treaty with England to protect commerce
Pinckney's treaty
established boundary of US at Mississippi river; between Spain and US
Treaty of Greenville
12 Native American nations gave up lands of Ohio and Indiana in exchange for yearly sums of $10k
called for a return to traditional Native American ways; wanted to remove white influence- defeated by Harrison at Battle of Tippacanoe
Treaty of Ghent
ended War of 1812; no lands exchanged; neither claimed victory; US gave up claim to Canada
War Hawks
Henry Clay, Calhoun; those who clamored for war
Reasons for War of 1812
1) British trade restrictions hurt S/W farmers, 2) impressment of sailors, 3) to prove American neutrality, 4) settle clashes with Native Americans on the frontier
American System
system created by Henry Clay that favored national bank, tariff, and internal improvements
invented by Robert Fulton; enabled river travel while carrying more cargo than ever before
Erie Canal
gave NY direct access to markets in the west to Chicago
Monroe Doctrine
US might go to war to prevent European colonies from being created in Latin America; hard to enforce
Panic of 1819
Second Bank of US called back loans to western banks; US bank lost money, wildcat banks closed, speculators were foreclosed on --> land went back to federal government
McCulloch v Maryland
Congress has power to create banks; federal government > state government - therefore MD bank cannot tax federal bank
John Calhoun of SC wrote an exposition arguing that states had a right to nullify unconstitutional laws (like VA and KY resolutions)
Tariff of Abominations
Calhoun said tariffs are unconstitutional because they protect economy of one region and hurt another's
Spoils system
Jackson rewarded political supporters with federal jobs
Election of 1832
National nominating convention replaced caucus system (only elite)
Pet banks
Jackson opposed the Second National Bank; pulled govt deposites and placed them in smaller "pet banks"
Missouri Compromise 1820
Missouri admitted as slave state, Maine as free state; established line of 36'30 - slave states to south, free states to north
Trail of Tears
Jackson and state of Georgia forcibly removed thousands of Cherokees to Oklahoma; many died from disease/starvation
Alexis de Tocqueville
French political philosopher who wrote about Democracy in America and how well it worked
election of 1840
Whigs nominated William Henry Harrison (Tippecanoe and Tyler Too!); died from pneumonia, succeeded by Tyler
significantly reduced national alcohol consumption; alienated Europeans who were accustomed to drinking; led to organized crime (Al Capone)
Emergency Quota Act 1921
Congress said each country could only send 3% of their population; later made it 2%
Wagner Act
legalized practices such as closed shops where only union members could work
Civilian Conservation Corps; gave jobs to male workers in forests, beaches, parks
Tennessee Valley Authority; helped farmers and created jobs in a poor area
Agricultural Adjustment Act; attempted to raise farm prices by paying farmers to lower output
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; insures all deposites in banks up to 100k
"fireside chats"
FDR's weekly radio address explaining programs of New Deal to the public
fought Great Depression with New Deal programs; battle Congress over Supreme Court control; proved strong leader during WWII
Great Depression
millions of Americans were jobless; banks closed shortly after; farm prices dropped to very low
Fair Labor Standard Act 1938
established federal minimum wage and maximum weekly hours
Huey Long
gov of Louisiana who worked to help the underpriviliged and black gain education; wanted to redistribute wealth $5000 to every American family
Tehran Conference
Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin met for the first time; Stalin agreed to enter the Soviet Union in the war in the Pacific after the European hostilities were over
Battle of the Stalingrad
heavy losses on both sides, Allied win in Soviet Union
Battle of the Bulge
Germans launched huge counter attack in Luxembourg and Belgium
Battle of Britain
Germans bombed Great Britain
lighting war; modeled after Schlieflin plan in WWI
importance of the nation or an ethnic group; Germany, Italy, and Japan ruled by fascists in WWII
Non-aggression pact
Hitler neutralized Soviet Union by signing this pact with Stalin
Joseph Stalin
worked with Roosevelt and Churchill in WWII; bceame an aggressive participant in the Cold War afterwards
Treaty of Versailles
agreement in 1919 ending WWI, included huge war reparations to be paid by Germany to the Allies --> caused economic hardship in Germany
V-J day
Victory in Japan Day- formal surrender agreement
Korematsu v. US 1944
ruled that executive order given by president to relocate all Japanese was indeed under Congress's power to declare war
policy during WWII of distributing goods in an fixed amount with coupons
Yalta Conference
Churchill, FDR, and Stalin met to decide world map after WWII- 1) Soviet Union got some Pacific territory, 2) created United Nations with 5 permanent members, 3) disagreed at Poland, 4) disagreed about Germany- maintained zones of occupation
Women Army Corp
organization of women who volunteered for military service in WWII, used in all areas except combat