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20 Cards in this Set

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How many Native Americans lived in the US at the time of the first European encounter?
It is estimated that approximately 4 million people lived North of Mexico.
What is Chaco Canyon?
A massive pueblo on the San Juan River in present day New Mexico. Was the center of the Anasazi culture for both religious and political functions. Irrigation canals and highways were found.
What is Cahokia?
A huge fortification and ceremonial site in Illinois that originally rose high above the river. Represented the highest achievement of the Mississippian peoples.
When and how did peopling of America begin?
Peopling of America began during the Ice Age. Land bridges created by lower sea levels during glaciation formed over the Bering Strait.
Agricultural Revolution
The shift to basic crops - Native Americans found this to allow them a reliable food source and relieved insecurities of hunting.
When did the Native American cultures of the Mississippian Valley and the Southwest disappear?
Shortly before the arrival of the Europeans.
Where did the Inca live?
Present day Peru.
Where did the Mayan and Toltec live?
Central Mexico.
Aztec's main ceremonial center?
What did Indians along the Atlantic coast practice?
Some farming, but mostly seaonal hunting and gathering. They belonged to Eastern Woodland Cultures whose woman cultivated maize while the men hunted an fished. During harsh winters, these cultures dispersed and survived as they could.
Which Indians did the 17th Century settlers encounter?
The Algonquain-speaking peoples who occupied the coast along North Carolina to Maine.
What helped facilitate the European conquest of the Indians?
The exclusiveness of each tribe and division among the Indian groups. Indians were willing to ally with Europeans if it was in their best interest. Allegiances allowed Euro's to gain a foothold on the continent.
What was most desired by Native Americans?
Peaceful trade.
How did Europeans try to influence the Indians?
Religion, education, and clothing.
How did commerce erode Indian independence?
Put them in debt, suspension of trade after demonstrations of force, and disease.
Columbian Exchange
The ecological transformation responsible for the decimation of Native American peoples. ie: the Euro's exposed the Natives to disease; the Indians exposed the Euro's to crops
What may have forced Euro's to find labor in Africa.
The decimation of the Native Americans due to disease.
Describe West Africa during the 15th century?
Variety of political and religious cultures. Some practiced Islam (introduced in the 7th century), but many resisted Islam and observed tradition religions. Also sophisticated trade networks, diverse political systems.
Who were the first Europeans to reach West Africa? and why?
The Portuguese. To search for gold and slaves.
Who did the Portuguese trade the captured African slaves to?
The Euro-Americans who were afraid of African disease and avoided the interior of Africa. THey traded for gold and metal.