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93 Cards in this Set

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Who were the first PERMANENT American white settlers in Oregon?
What led settlers and trappers to move to Oregon and the Far West in the 1820s?
The lure of fertile lands, plentiful rainfall, and a mild climate.
Why did American settlers in Texas come into conflict with Mexico in the 1830s?
Mexico feared losing Texas to the United States.
How did the United States and Britain settle their dispute over Oregon?
The United States and Britain agreed to divide the land.
Why did the Mormons move west to settle in Utah?
The hoped to escape religious prosecution.
Which group of rugged individualists lived off the land in Oregon?
Mountain Men
What was the BIGGEST threat to those who traveled West in wagon trains?
Illnesses such as Cholera
Mexicans influenced American culture in the Southwest by
Teaching Americans new irrigation techniques and mining skills.
What development immediately follow the Texan victory at the Battle of San Jacinto in 1836?
Texas became an independent republic.
What was one challenge faced by the "Lone Star Republic?"
Mexico refused to recognize its independence.
What final incident cause President Polk to urge congress to declare war on Mexico?
American and Mexican troops clashed near the Rio Grande.
Which of the following caused Texans to seek revenge against Santa Anna's troops?
The fall of the Alamo.
Which of the following did NOT occur in California in the 1850s as a result of the gold rush?
Most forty-niners became wealthy.
Which of the following statements about mountain men is NOT true?
They were the first white Americans to settle permanently in Oregon.
What is the significance of the siege at the Alamo?
Texans resisted a large number of Mexican troops for 12 days.
Which of the following caused conflict between American settlers in Texas and the Mexican government?
Most of the settlers felt no loyalty to Mexico.
How did the belief in Manifest Destiny contribute to the westward expansion of the United States?
Americans believed expansion would offer new economic opportunities.
How was Texas admitted to the Union?
Congress passed a joint resolution accepting the annexation treaty.
Why did Mormons leave their settlement in Ohio and move west?
Their social and religious beliefs clashed with those of other settlers.
What role did missionaries play in the settlement of the West?
They helped to create interest in the new territories.
Which of the following was NOT a danger faced by settlers on wagon trains?
Frequent attacks by mountain men.
At what battle did Texans defeat Santa Anna and win independence?
San Jacinto
What did MOST Texans believe should be done to solve the independent republic's problems?
Join the United states.
Which of the following did the United States acquire as a result of the Mexican War?
New Mexico
What was a Mexican law adopted by American settlers in the Southwest?
Husbands and wives could own property jointly.
Which statement BEST explains why California developed a diverse population?
Gold seekers came from all over the world and became permanent residents.
a doctrine, held chiefly by the opponents of the abolitionists, that the people living in a territory should be free of federal interference in determining domestic policy, esp. with respect to slavery
Popular Sovereignty
Withdraw from.
A war between factions in the same country
Civil War
Someone who flees from an uncongenial situation.
A crime that undermines the offender's government.
One who is killed for their beliefs.
All the weapons and equipment that a country has.
16th president of the United States. Led Union to victory in Civil War.
Abraham Lincoln.
Man who assassinated 16th President.
John Wilkes Booth
United States slave who sued for liberty after living in a non slave state; caused supreme court to declare the Missouri Compromise.
Dred Scott
A document ordering the payment of money; drawn by one person or banks on another
A conflict of unlimited scope in which a belligerent engages in a total mobilization of all available resources at his disposal.
Total War
Northern U.S. territory that fought and won the Civil War; opposed slavery.
Southern U.S. territory that fought and lost civil war; supported slavery.
Name the first 16 presidents.
George Washington
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
James Monroe
John Quincy Adams
Andrew Jackson
Martin Van Buren
William Henry Harrison
John Tyler
James K. Polk
Zachary Taylor
Millard Fillmore
Franklin Pierce
James Buchanan
Abraham Lincoln
What was invented in 1846?
The Sewing Machine
What invention was transcontinental by 1861?
The Telegraph
What did Eli Whitney invent in 1793?
The Cotton Gin.
____ _____ and ______ _______ changed the ways goods were manufactured.
New inventions; faster transportation.
What happened when railroads expanded bringing together the North and West?
Cheaper goods from the west were allowed to be brought into the North, forcing many Northern farmers to find jobs as factory workers.
What was the leading crop in the agricultural economy of the South?
True or false. Most whites owned slaves.
What is the social structure of the United States relating to slaves?
Whites with 5+ slaves (cottonocracy)
Whites with 1-2 slaves
Whites with no slaves
Free African Americans
Enslaved African Americans
Many reform movements began between the _____ and the _____ intending to....
1820s; 1860s; ...improve conditions in the U.S.
Name the two most important reform movements.
The Second Great Awakening and the Abolitionist Movement.
What was the Second Great Awakening?
A religious rival.
What was the Abolitionist Movement?
A desire for slavery to end.
Who was the most famous African American abolitionist?
Frederick Douglas
only ___% of the population owned 50 or more slaves.
About ___% of Southern whites were small farmers.
True or false. Most white farmers worked alongside their slaves in the fields.
How many free blacks lived in the South in 1860?
About 200,000
Enslaved African Americans made up how much of the South's population?
Laws passed in Southern states to keep slaves from running away or rebelling.
Slave Codes
True or False. African Americans were forbidden to be together in groups of more than 3.
Were slave marriages and families recognized by Southern laws?
Because of the harsh life and denial of basic human rights, ...
...many enslaved African Americans struck back against the system that denied their existence as human beings.
Who led a major revolt in 1831?
Nat Turner.
Nat Turner was a(n)....
African American preacher.
It was believed that Nat Turner's mission was to...
...take revenge on plantation workers.
How many whites did Nat Turner kill before being hunted down and killed?
According to what law did congress admit Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state?
Missouri Compromise of 1820
What three things happened as a result of the compromise of 1850?
California became a free state, people in Utah and New Mexico could vote on whether they wanted to be free or slave, and a stricter fugitive law was passed.
In ________ of 1854, citizens in those states were allowed to vote to decide whether they wanted their states to be free or slave.
Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854
By 1860, what happened between the states?
Most started to separate from the Union.
What was the first state to secede from the Union and when did it separate?
South Carolina on December 20,1860
What was the 11th state to secede, and when did it do so?
North Carolina on May 20, 1861
What were the 11 states of the Confederate States of America?
South Carolina, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Virginia.
When was Lincoln inaugurated?
March 4, 1861
What was Lincoln's belief?
It was his mission to keep the U.S. together and that the fate of democracy was central to civil war.
What was issued on January 1, 1863, and who issued it?
The Emancipation Proclamation, issued by Abraham Lincoln.
When was Abraham Lincoln assassinated?
April 14, 1865
The Missouri Compromise called for the drawing of an imaginary line across the ______ border of ______ at latitudes ____,___ N.
southern; Missouri; 39; 30
Who proposed the Wilmot Proviso?
David Wilmot
What proposed law called for a ban of slavery in the West?
Wilmot Proviso
In 1848, slavery had become a very decisive issue and an important election issue. This resulted in a new political party being formed called....
The Free-Soil Party.
By 1849, how many free states and slave states were there?
15 free, 15 slave
What happened with Kansas in the 1850s?
It became known as "bleeding Kansas" due to the severe violence taking place.
The ________ was important because it reaffirmed slave supporters by stating that slaves were considered property and therefore could not bring forth a lawsuit.
Dred Scott v. Stanford Case
Abraham Lincoln emerged as leader of the ______, which was dedicated to....
Republican; ...halting the spread of slavery.
The first fighting of the Civil War took place over _____ in ____. It led off a ____ year fight for peace.
Fort Sumter; South Carolina; 4
What does the railroad term "conductor" mean?
Person who led groups of slaves to freedom
What railroad term means "group of slaves trying to escape?"
What does the railroad term "station" mean?
Places where slaves could get rest and supplies
What railroad term means "path or route the slaves followed to freedom?"
What was a system of helping slaves escape to freedom?
The Underground Railroad
Who was Harriet Tubman?
One of the most famous slaves who helped others escape using the Underground Railroad system.