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15 Cards in this Set

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Lady of Cofitachequi
The female chief of the village Cofitachequi. She was very nice to the Spanish explorers who were led by Hernan de Soto. Later she was taken captive by Hernan de Soto.
The first Americans, they were hunters and gatherers. They moved with their extended families. They made stone projectile points which they were attached to wood and used as spears.
Located in the valley of Mexico in 300 B.C.E. it was the largest urban area. Had the great temple of Quetzalcoatl who is the primary god of central Mexico.
The Mayas
They built tall pyramids and temples. They studied astronomy and created the first writing system, warfare ended the civilization.
The Anasazi
They built fourteen great houses in Chaco Canyon. There possibly was a major drought which made them move.
Cahokia (The City of the Sun)-
located near the Illinois, Missouri and Mississippi rivers. It was the largest urban center, and the focal point for religion and trade.
The Aztecs
they are descendants of the Mexica. Their capital was Teotihuacan, it is located on an island. They conquered their neighbors and made them pay tributes, mostly in textiles, gold, food, and humans.
an Aztec war god, it was represented by an eagle. The eagle told them where to establish the Aztec capital.
it had been deserted for at least 200 years. The migrants were awed and mystified.
Sexual Division of Labor
The men hunted while women made clothing and cooked. Among the pueblos, agricultural labor was men’s work. In the farming societies women gathered food while the men hunted.
Upper Guinea
it was greatly influenced by the Islamic culture, many people became Muslims. Camel caravans connected Upper guinea to Europe and West Asia. It spread from Cape Verde to Cape Palmas. On the Rice Coast, they fished and cultivated rice. On the Grain Coast they farmed and raised livestock, it was thinly populated.
Lower Guinea
mostly farmers, they practiced traditional religions not Islam. They had rituals for good harvest, they believed that spirits inhabited places. They traveled in kins linked to a hierarchical kingdom
Dual Sex Principle
In Lower Guinea, males governed over other males, and females governed females.
The Sande And Poro Cults
They directed the spiritual loves of the villagers. Women joined the Sande and the men joined the Poro cult. Neither cult revealed its secret to the other cult.
The Black Death
spread during the fifteenth century, it was a devastating epidemic. It killed a third of Europe’s population.