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59 Cards in this Set

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Monroe Doctrine
freed African Americans
Industrial Revolution
Turn of the century, start of machines
Bill of Rights
13th-15th and 19th ammendments
free, citizens, vote, women vote
Jacksonian Democracy
jackson the president change of federal gov.
Indian Removal Act
1830 act for the gov. to negotiate treaties to relocate Native Americans
pride for country
Power shared
Doctrine of Nullification
right of state to reject federal law
Harreit Tubman
Conductor of Underground railroad
Mainfest destiny
that the us would own to the pacific ocean
US/Mexican War
got land from Texas
Cherokee Indians
went with taking white customs
even representation from each state and higher power
political parties
group of people that tries to promote ideas to the government
Jay's Treaty
ending dispite over American shipping during the French Revolution
Pickney's treaty
1795 treaty with Spain allowing American use Missippi
Battle of New Orleans
won a major port
cotton gin
faster way to clean through cotton
Marbury v. Madison
judical review
abolitionist speakers
spoke against slavery
Robert E. Lee
lead the South
apposed slavery
for slavery, seceded from Union
John Wilkes Booth
Killed Abraham Lincoln
Articales I II III
Alexander Hamilton
aid general for Washington in war, lead Whiskey Rebellion
Samuel Morse
invented the typewriter
Lewis and Clark Expedition
explored new land
Thomas Jefferson
wrote decleration of Independence and became president
Kansas-Nebraska Act
1845 law that established the territories of Nebraska and Kansas and gave their residents the right to decide wheather to allow slavery
Battle of Bull Run
1861 battle of Civil War. South shocked the North with victory.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
abolonitionist that was a slave
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin
Fort Sumter
a federal fort located in the harbor of Charlston, Sout Carolina. Southern attack. Mark of the beggining of Civil War
Seige of Vicksburg
1863 Union victory in the Civil War that enabled the Union to control the Mississippi river
House of Representatives
representation to state population
Robert Fulton
invented the steamboat
judicial review
court has final say
Louisiana Territory
no slavery
Trail of tears
trail indians took to travel to Oklahoma
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
1848 treaty ending the US war with Mexico; Mexico ceeded 1/2 of land to US
popular sovereignty
Compromise if 1850
series of laws intended to settle the major disagreements between free and slave states
Jefferson Davis
President of Confederatecy
Total war
war not only against enemy troops, but against everything that supported the enemy
border states in civil war
Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri
taxes on gooods
president advisers
when a new president is elected
Supports section of country
person that leaves a country and comes to a new country
raise of money rises rises while the value lowers
stock market crashes
jugdes with opinions with no facts to support
civil disobedience
to not follow the law
women's rights
Dred Scott v. Standford
slaves are property and Court cant take property
against slavery