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115 Cards in this Set

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By time Columbus happened upon N America, how many languages were spoken by native peoples on the continent?
over 400
T or F
Early Indian civilizations engaged in frequent wars.
What killed off the largest of the mammals in North America thousands of years after people first appeared on the continent?
1. Climatic changes
2. Extensive hunting
Who domesticated the dog and the turkey?
Ancient N American Indians
@ When did the Indians of the Mexican highlands start farming and eating corn, beans, and squash, chili peppers, avocados and pumpkins?
@ 5000 BC
When did permanent farming towns appear in Mexico?
Between 2000 - 1500 BC
T or F
The Mayas developed enough mathematics and astronomy to devise a calendar more accurate than the one the Europeans were using at the time of Columbus.
When did the Mayan culture collapse?
@ AD 900
What caused the Mayan culture to collapse?
They overexploited the rain forest upon whose fragile ecosystem they depended.
Deforestation led to hillside erosion and catastrophic loss of farmland.
Overpopulation added to the strain.
Civil wars eruped.
To whom did the Mayan culture succumb to?
Toltecs, a warlike people who conquered most of the region in the 10th Century.
What happened in 1200AD to the Toltecs?
They mysteriously withdrew .
Who stepped into the void left by the Toltecs?
The Aztecs
Name the city the Aztecs founded that is 25 miles north of what is now known as Mexico City?
When did the Spanish invade central Mexico?
1519 AD
Name the Indian culture that was developed in Colombia?
Name the other name that the Incas were known as:
Where did the Incas build their empire?
Along the Andes Mountains from what is now known as Ecquador and Chile, in today's Peru
Name the 3 identifiable civilizations that the INdians of the present-day US developed:
1. Adena-Hopewells in the Northeast
800BC - AD 600
2. Mississippian culture in Southeast
AD 600 - 1500
3. Pueblo-Hohokam culture in Southwest
400 BC - present
T or F
None of the Indian cultures that developed the present-day US developed as fully as the civilization of the Mayas, Aztecs, and Incas.
Where did the Adeno-Hopewell culture settle?
The Ohio River valley
What physical remains did the Adeno-Hopewell culture leave behind?
Large earthworks and burial mounds, some shaped like great snakes, birds or other animals
Where did the Mississippian culture settle?
The Mississippi River valley
What cultures did the Mississippian resemble in its intensive agriculture, substantial towns, temple mounds and death cults?
Mayan and Aztec
T or F
The Mississippian culture practiced death cults involving human torture and sacrifice.
What did the Mississippian culture worship?
The Sun
What did the Mississippian culture eventually succumb to?
Diseases transmitted from Europe
Name the most widespread and best known of the Indian cultures of the arid Southwest, that developed in the "four corners" where the states of Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Utah meet?
What does Anasazi mean in Navajo?
enemy's ancestors
What does Hopi mean?
Peaceful People
What was the fuel that led to European discovery of America?
Name the Icelander who @ 985AD colonized the west coast, of a an island he deceptively called Greenland?
Erik the Red
Who sailed out from Greenland and settled in for the winter on islands in what now is Canadian eastern provinces?
Leif Eriksson, son of Erik the Red
T or F
Europeans during the Renaissance were the first to compute accurately that the Earth was sperical.
Pythagoreans had taught the sphericity of the earth as early 6th Century BC
List the united kingdoms of Europe that were organized and being ruled by 1492:
1. France
2. England
3. Portugal
4. Spain
Name the reasons for the emergence of the Age of Discovery:
1. Urbanization of Europe
2. World trade
3. Rise of centralized national states
4. Advances in knowledge, technology, and firepower
5. Curiosity
6. Greed
7. Religious zeal
In what country in 1422 did exploration and discovery begin in earnest?
Who in 1488 rounded the Cape of Good Hope at Africa's southern tip?
Bartholomeu Dias from Portugal
T or F
Columbus learned his seaman skills in the school of Spanish seamanship.
Columbus learned his sea skills in the Portugal school of seamanship
Name the 2 spanish monarchs that Columbus persuaded to back him in his quest to reach the Indies by crossing the Atlantic Ocean.
Ferdinand and Isabella
Name the Spanish city that supplied the 2 smaller vessels, the Pinta and the Nina to Columbus?
Name the island Columbus reached on October 12, 1492?
San Salvador in the Bahammas
Name the treaty reached by Spain and Portugal which drew an imaginary line west of the Cape Verde Islands and stipulated that the area west of it would be a Spanish sphere of exploration and settlement?
Treaty of Tordesillas (1494
T or F
When Columbus returned to Palos following his first voyage, he was greeted with a hero's welcome.
When Columbus returned across the Atlantic, how many ships did he have?
17 and over 1,000 men
T or F
Despite several voyages, Columbus refused to believe that he had discovered anything other than outlying parts of Asia.
Name the Italian explorer who sailed the New World in 1499 for whom the New World is named?
Amerigo Vespucci
T or F
Pigs were not native to the the New World.
Name the 3 crops that were unknown to the Europeans before Columbus's voyages.
1. Corn (maize)
2. Potatoes (white & sweet)
3. Many beans including snap, kidney, lima.
T or F
Daisies and dandelions are not native to North America.
T or F
Corn and sweet potatoes traveled from North America to Europe and onto to China all by the end of the 1500's.
What was the most significant biological exchange between the New World and Europe & Africa?
Infectious diseases into the New World
What was the result of the pandemics in the New World?
Social chaos - tribal cohesion and cultural life disintegrated, and efforts to resist the European assaults collapsed
How many natives on Santo Domingo succumbed to smallpox by 1570?
nearly 4 million inhabitants
What country had the most explorers out looking for the elusive western passage to Asia?
Name the explorer who was the first to sight the North American continent?
John Cabot
What was John Cabot's heritage?
Venetian (from the city state of Venice)
Who sponsored John Cabot's voyage?
Henry VII of England
What was the name Henry VII gave to the land where John Cabot landed?
"the new founde lande"
What prevented England from capitalizing on Cabot's discoveries?
Internal strife and preoccupation with France
Name the first explorer to sight the Pacific?
Balboa, from Spain
What was the heritage of Magellan?
Who sponsored Magellan?
What did Magellan discover?
The strait at the tip of South America that bears his name, the Magellan Strait
What happened to Magellan?
Kept sailing north and west, eventually discovering Guam and the Phillipines where he was murdered by natives
T or F
Magellan's crew was never able to return to Spain.
Magellan's crew did return to Spain, taking 3 years for their entire voyage.
By the 16th century, what country created the most powerful empire in the world by conquering and colonizing the Americas?
What served as the funnel through which Spain entered the New World?
The Caribbean
What metal did the Indians of Mexico not have?
Iron, they did have copper and bronze
How were the Europeans able to overpower and conquer the far superior number of Indians in the New World?
Arrows and tomahawks were not match for guns and cannons.
What animals did the Europeans bring the New World?
1. horses
2. pigs
3. cattle
Name the explorer/conqueror who invaded Mexico having left Cuba with nearly 600 soldiers and sailors along with 200 Cuban natives?
T or F
Cortes's expidition was not authorized.
What civilization did Cortes set out and succeed in conquering?
T or F
Tenochtitlan, the Aztec capital, was more populated than Seville, the capital of Spain.
Name the emperor of the Aztec empire who became a puppet of Cortes.
Montezuma II
What was Cortes after?
What happened to Montezuma II?
Aztec's eventually rebelled and killed him, and then attacked Cortes.
Who helped Cortes in conquering the Aztecs?
How did Cortes eventually conquer the Aztecs?
He allowed an outbreak of smallpox to essentially vanquish nearly 1 million people.
Name the person who conquered the South America from the Pacific?
What was the name given to the Spanish conquerors?
Name the system by which officers became privileged landowners who controlled Indian villages or groups of Indians?
those who ruled - encomenderos
Who replaced the Indians to work as slaves in the New World?
Name the city that was built on the ruins of Tenochtitlan?
Mexico City
What caused inflation in Europe during the 16th century?
Influx of gold from the New World
Where was New Spain centered?
Who explored Florida?
Ponce de Leon
Name the explorer who traveled as far north as western North Carolina?
de Soto
Name the explorer who traveled to New Mexico and northeast across Texas?
What was the purpose of the Spanish establishing provinces in North America?
To blunt and create a defensive buffer protecting their more lucrative trading empire in Mexico and South America
What is the name of the first European town in the presnt-day US?
St. Augustine, Florida
What state actually started out as a center of mission activity in the American Southwest?
New Mexico
What city in New Mexico became the first permanent seat of government in the present-day US?
Santa Fe
What happened in 1680 to New Mexico?
Pueblos led a revolt. Spanish eventually regained control, but Apache and Navajos continued to lead sporadic raids
Who set up a horse trade with the Apaches and Navajos?
The Pueblos using seized horses from their revolt.
T or F
Horses disrupted the ecology of the North America?
What actually brought prosperity and mobility to the plains Indians?
Who taught, all people were damned by Adam's original sin, but the sacrifice of Christ made possible their redemption. Grace, however, was open only to those whom God had elected and thus had predestined to salvation from the beginning of time?
John Calvin, 1536, a french scholar who had fled to Geneva
What leader effected greatly religious beliefs and practices in the English colonies more than anyone else?
John Calvin
Who ruled England during her "Golden Age"?
Elizabeth I
Who was Elizabeth's father?
Henry VIII
How is it that the Church of England became Protestant?
Because Elizabeth was declared illegitimate by her father, she could not be a Catholic because the Catholic Church viewed her as illigitmate as well.
Who tried to rid the Church of England of all its Catholic remnants?
The Puritans, wanted to purify it.
What country and person explored the Gulf of St. Lawrence, getting as far as present-day Montreal?
France. Cartier was the explorer.
Who is known as the Father of New France?
Samuel de Champlain
Who were the "Sea Beggers"?
Dutch privateers
What caused Spain to seek a naval war with England?
Mary, Queen of Scot, was ousted by Presbys in England was Elizabeth's cousin who was being set up to oust Elizabeth. Elizabeth had her beheaded. Spain was seeking revenge because Mary was Catholic
Name the English admiral who defeated Spain, part of their armada was destroyed before it was ready to sail?
Sir Francis Drake
Name the 2 English explorers who set out to colonize America?
Sir Humphrey Gilbert and Sir Walter Raleigh
Where did Gilbert end up?
What happened to Gilbert?
His ship disappeared when traveling back to England and was never heard from again.
Where did Raleigh discover?
Roanoke Island, off the Outer Banks of what is now North Carolina.
What was the Lost Colony?
Raleigh sponsored a colony in 1587 with 100 colonists inlcudng women and children under a Governor White. White left to return to England returning not until 1590, finding Roanoake abandoned and pillaged.
Name the first English child born in the New World?
Virginia Dare
T or F
There wasn't an English colonist in North America when Elizabeth I died.