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16 Cards in this Set

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Northern Colonies

The northern colonies, or New England, were composed of Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Rhode Island. This region was the first area to be settled, and the population consisted mostly of the people from England. The economy in this region primarily driven by trade, fish, timber and some whaling.

Province of Massachusetts Bay

One of the first settled areas in the Northern colonies, it quickly gained in population primarily due to people fleeing religious persecution on England. In 1620, the Pilgrims established the second permanent English colony in the Americas at Plymouth. The Puritans soon followed and settled in what is now known as Boston. Other notable occasions in Massachusetts were the Boston Tea Party, Salem Witch trials, Shay's Rebellion. The modern day state of Maine was actually part of the Province, and only became a state later with the Missouri Compromise of 1820.

Connecticut Colony

Originally settled by the Dutch and later, English settlers from the Boston area, __________ began as part of the New Netherlands colony of the Dutch, but was later absorbed into a larger colony under British rule.

Colonized in the early 1600's, ___________ was the first colony to later break away from British rule and declare themselves independent.

Province of New Hampshire

Settled by religious groups on land bought and gifted by the local Native Americans, __________ became a colony known for religious freedoms and the early abolition of slavery. Notable occurrences in the colony included battles during King Phillip's War with the eventual killing of Kind Phillip.

Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.

The ______ colonies refers to the colonies of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. These colonies were known for their great cultural diversity, and also had a very high population of slaves. They primarily produced ships from their shipbuilding yards, wheat products, and textiles.

Middle Colonies

________ was actually part of the New Netherlands colony and was colonized by the Dutch. The colony was eventually captured by the English in an attempt to gain trading superiority in the area, and renamed it _______ after the Duke of York. The provinces of New Jersey, Maine, and Delaware, were later split off from _______ to form their own colonies.

Province of New York

Originally settled by the Dutch as part of the New Netherlands colony, it later became an English colony and was settled heavily by people from the surrounding colonies. It saw many battles during the Revolutionary War including the Battle of Trenton, and was known as the "Crossroad of the Revolution" due to its location.

Province of New Jersey

Founded by William Penn, this colony was one of the populous in early America, and home to Philadelphia, the largest city of the 1700's.

Province of Pennsylvania

Colonized by Swedish and Dutch settlers, the colony was later taken over by the Duke of York for the English. Later, it became the first state to ratify the new US Constitution.

Delaware Colony

These were the largely agrarian colonies that concentrated on tobacco and cotton for their economies. They also had large amounts of slaves to work those plantations and much of their local politics were affected by the large amounts of slave population. This would have grave implications later on when these colonies became states.

Southern Colonies

Created as a Catholic refuge and stronghold in the New World, it later saw Catholicism outlawed. Maryland enjoyed fast growth and a robust economy in the 1700's, but was very dependent upon indentured servitude and slavery for its tobacco crops.

Province of Maryland

A huge colony that consisted of the area now inhabited by West Virginia, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky and even parts of modern-day Ohio. Home to the first permanent English settlement in North America named Jamestown; it was heavily reliant on the export of tobacco and the slave labor that went along with it.

Colony and Dominion of Virginia

Originally there was only one "Colony of Carolina", but it was split in the early 1700's into North and South ________. The area known as ________ was the location of many early settlement attempts, including the lost colony of Roanoke, whose inhabitants disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Parts of _________ were heavily settled by the Scottish, Irish, and Germans, but all were under British rule.

Province of North Caralina

After the split from North Carolina, the colony of _______ enjoyed tremendous growth during the 1700's, primarily due to the large amounts of shipping and exported goods from Charleston, it's capital city.

Province of South Carolina

Founded by James Oglethorpe as a place where debtors could go to make something of themselves (instead of going to debtors prison), the colony started off with strict rules against alcohol and slavery. Over time, those rules went away and the colony became like other southern colonies in regards to slavery.

Province of Georgia