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24 Cards in this Set

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manifest destiny
preordained that the united states acquire Texas. It is a birth right. Manifest Destiny became a common term.

bringing liberty and freedom to the rest of the world whether they want it or not
what did antebellum americans mean by manifest destiny and how did slavery become a part of it?
maniffest destiny - moving westwars and bring liberty and freedom to the rest of the world.. acquire texas and oregon.

Slavery = big part of expanding westward because of slaves state vs. free state. and south vs. north. north wanted no more slave states south wanted texas to grow cotton
free soilism
opposed the extension of slavery into any new territories of the United States

derived from the Free Soil Party during the years of 1846-1856
wanted to do away with slavery all together and set enslaves people free.
free soil and abolitionists
Free soilists were usually in the north who were NOT abolitionists. they allowed the south to have their own way of life, but did not want slavery expanded. very angered by the Oregon and Texas, compromise of 1850 and kansas-nebraska bill of 1854.
kansas-nebraska bill of 1854
neutralize the slavery question.

. sponsor:sen stephen douglas (ill) democrat
. financial interest in transcontinental railroad & wants territories organized to spur growth
. proposes repeal of the 3630 supports "popular sovereignty" above 3630 to win southern support
no slave started north of the 3630 parallel

die hard abolitionist or die hard free soilers becomes an uncompromising issue

two sep. constitutions one salve one free over kansas

BOTTOM LINE: after the populations move there are two constitutions and the president franklin pierce to pick slave/free
to what extent was the contest for control of the west a dress rehearsal for the civil war?
KANSAS= Bleeding Kansas 1854 & 1856 b/c of all the violence. esp John Brown and the potawatomie massacre.

dress rehearsal because of the violence and blood shed
North vs. south
northern vision: market economy of farmers & townspeople much like the NE; agriculture & industry= make money, find it in the north east and the old northwest; extending market economy=northern vision (*oregon)

southern vision= slave society, cotton if king. south isn't interested in industrialization, into production of cotton. however, it is ties into the market economy. they don't want the economy, they want the romantic nostalgic view of how life should be = slave society, harvesting cotton, make money and live plantation life. (*texas)
market revolution and westward expansion linked by COTTON.

more money, more happiness.
more slavery= north :( & south :) constantly competing
1818- joint occupation: britain and us agree to joint occupy for ten years, than can renew in 10 years

1828- renewed both renew but include escape clause= leave treaty in place unless other nation bails out give other country six months notice then over.

United states ended joing occupation. americans became smitten with oregon fever, possibly acquire a yeoman arm. rich soil a lot of water good place. sell everything go in conestoga wagons= oregon trail

1843-1845- ended joing occupation nited states gave britain 6 months. decide they want all of britain

1846- settled. polk pressured britain to accept 49th parallel & they did

link to slavery: expand growth of cotton= expansion of slavery- collides with containment & free soil
1821: mexico declared its independence from spain, emerges as a republic still a territory of mexico. united states says the rio grande was the boundary of the Louisiana purchase of 1803.

1830- '36- republic 20,000 white americans and 2,000 enslaved black americans. americans declare it a republic and fight with the mexicans they were defeated and come back the following year in 1836 and defeat the Mexicans for good. declare texas a republic. *does not want to annex it because it will open the floodgates of slavery in W.E

1845: annex- texas becomes a slave state
resolution of texas and oregon
northern rxn: texas is good cotton land for southerners. negotiate north dream away and spend their tax money on a war of adventurism to support the southern dream
democratic party
strong believers in popular people sovereignty
which means it leaves it up to the of that territory if slavery should be expanded into their territory

popular sovereignty kept the slavery issue our of the hands of the politicians.

mostly free soil or neutral. didn't want to touch slavery in the south b/c of the prosperity of the textiles
republican party
composed of former whigs and ex democrats

mostly moderates opposed expansion of slavery viewed it as barbaric and a mortal sin.

believed that if they kept slavery within its confinements than it would lead to its ultimate distinction.
division in the party:
Anti-slavery whigs northerners = conscience whigs
pro-slavery whigs southerners= cotton whigs

first joined the know-nothing party, but most northern whigs joined the republican party
wilmot proviso, august 8 1846
cong. david wilmot proposed amendment to war appropriations bill

. slavery would be banned from any territory gained from war with mexico
. proviso fails to carry in the senate, passed in house of rep's
. north uses wilmot proviso as a rallying point
treat of Guadeloupe hidalgo
. rio grande to be to be southern boundary of the united states
. mexico to surrender california, southwest (new mexico) united states to pay $15 million
manifest destiny is acheived
free soil party formation
wilmot proviso, august 8 1846
cong. david wilmot proposed amendment to war appropriations bill

. slavery would be banned from any territory gained from war with mexico
. proviso fails to carry in the senate, passed in house of rep's
. north uses wilmot proviso as a rallying point
treat of Guadeloupe hidalgo
. rio grande to be to be southern boundary of the united states
. mexico to surrender california, southwest (new mexico) united states to pay $15 million
manifest destiny is acheived
free soil party formation
compromise of 1850
admit california as a free state not slave state
reduce texas boundary and assume texas debt (take debt, but reduce size b/c could be carved up into 6 slave states. reduce size and admit as one slave state)
strenghten figutive slave law
outlaw slave trade in D.C but not slavery
organize territories of utah and new mexico via. "popular sovereignty"

fugitive slave act 1850
pushed by southerners, angered northerners.
amended law of 1793
affadavit of claimat was sufficient proof of ownership & granting of certificate to return $10 fee when certificate granted, $5 fee when refused fine and imprisonment to assist fugitive.
personal liberty laws
northern rxn to FSA of 1850

new england and old northwest
provides trial by jury
1857; wisconsin supreme court rules that state can declare act of congress unconstitutional