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70 Cards in this Set

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American slavery different from other slavery around the world how

because it was generational. The slaves were bred to be sold as profit

What was true freedom and democracy in America


What was two-thirds of the United States exports during the Civil War


because of the value of cotton what's the richest city in America per capital

Natchez Mississippi

_______ required that each slave have one day off. And that on their day off they were allowed to do their own business and the law allowed them to purchase their freedom.

Law noir

Rice and Sea Island cotton plantations use a system where slaves we're giving specific task that when completed gave them free time. What is the system

Task system

What system is is where slaves were all chained together and they work from Dusk till dawn and were beaten if they resisted

Gang system

Who wrote The Great book about slavery.

Frederick Law Olmsted

Most white families did not own slaves. But they were afraid of what happening if slaves were Freed?

That they would lose their land their jobs or their status if slaves were set free. They did not want to compete with blacks

The state with the most white families that owned slaves was?


In the new world_______ was used to prevent class conflict between whites.


Ephraim Ponder had 45 black men and they all worked at his Factory and he paid them a salary and contracted them out as workers. How did he get around paying taxes on them?

He deemed them as slaves so he wouldn't have to pay taxes on them

Slaves were not simple-minded and we're not malicious they were?

strong nuclear families with Mama and Papa and children and grandparents.

Slaves resisted slavery by?

work slowdowns, tearing up machinery, and helping other slaves to escape.

There was A fictional book about a petty Thief named John Murrell who supposably.....?

was planning a slave Rebellion and that they would go from town to town pillaging and raping

Slaves Blended their African Heritage with...?

the music and religion of the South to create unique forms.

Thomas Jefferson, his son-in-law, and his grandson had all fought at different times, to?

abolish slavery in Virginia

Railroads spread_______ , ________ , and________

con-men, people, and disease.

Romanticism is the idea that?

in the past there was a gentler kinder more heroic time where it was a lot easier to understand right and wrong

The south had one of the greatest literary lights of all time, which was

edgar allen poe

Trancendentalist are people who try to get past reality to?

find the goodness of the human heart.

many movements were started including womens movements and spirtual movements where?

Within 100 miles in 20 years in upstate new york

Brook farm was a?

communist society in which every one owned the land equally and they all shared the work equally.

Jemima wilkinson was the first women to do what? What did she found?

lead a major religious movement in america. She founded the society of universal friends.

_______ took freed slaves and found them homes in africa and liberia

The american colonization society

William Lloyd Garrison of Massachusetts was a leader of what group? What did his group do?

the abolitionist, which was a group of black and white Americans who fought to end slavery.

__________was a great black spokesman against slavery and argued against whites who said that blacks could not take care of themselves.

Frederick Douglass

Harriet Beecher Stowe's______________ was a best-seller that challenged slavery everywhere.

Uncle Tom's Cabin

The Underground Railroad was largely....?

white people helping black people escape the slave states of the South to the north.

Asylums and prisons were intended to?

to help people and were for Rehabilitation.

Hospitals were set up to give the poor a place to die but..?

had a remarkable success rate in the ill being cured.

Manifest Destiny is the idea that?

it is God's will that the United States expand Westward

On the wagon train West the biggest danger was?

disease and malnutrition

Mexico is largely______ , _______ , and_______

Indian , Spanish speaking , and Catholic.

Santa Anna was a Mexican leader who was re-elected many times. He and a fraction of his army were defeated at San jacinto by?

Texas rebels under sam Houston.

James k Polk had a problem with the generals because Winfield Scott and Zachary Taylor were both______ while Polk was a_________

Wigs, democrat

_______ lead to the first big population in California.


Bonito Juarez Is the Indian president of Mexico who...?

leads a successful war against the French occupation.

The____________ in washington DC became the great new center for learning that is unintentionally modeled after the great library at Alexandria.


The Republican party was created for 2 purposes: what are they?

one is they are free soilers which means they want to keep slavery out of the territory. The second thing is they were against polygamy

The Missouri compromise said that?

no state could enter the union as a slave state North of the sothern boundary of Missouri.

The compromise of 1850 brought California as what. What state also did the same thing In 1859

a free state. Oregon also became a free state in 1859

_________ signed the fugitive slave act which created___________

Millard fillmore, slave patrols and slave courts in every County.

The Kansas-nebraska act says that each territory can come in as a state and the people in the territory will..?

vote to be either slave or free.

A__________ breaks out In Kansas between pro-slavery Missouri faction and free spoilers.

guerilla war

_________ and_________ murdered a group of pro-slavery Kansans in response to the attack against abolitionist senator Charles Sumner and in response to an attack by pro slavery Raiders in Kansas.

John brown and his sons

Dread Scott ruling determined that slavery..?

is free everywhere because slave are property, and someone's property is their property in every state

Abraham Lincoln first grew national attention when he?

debated Steven A Douglas in a race for the United States Senate in Illinois

Lincoln won the election but it was stolen from him by_______ but he____...?

the Democratic house but he won the debates.

John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry with his black and white followers failed because?

no slaves join his revolt.

Robert E Lee fought for a southern society that___________. That Everyone________?

Never changed, would stay in the group's they were born in.

If Robert E Lee had not joined the confederate army the civil war?

most likely would have ended in 2 years.

Robert E Lee unintentionally contributed to the ending of slavery by_______....? What did it give Abraham Lincoln and the North time to change?

Stretched it out for 4 years.. the cause of the war from being about protecting the union to making it a war about slavery.

The presidents after Andrew Jackson and before Abraham Lincoln were

mediocre compromises and could not get re-elected.

_______ southern states seceded from the union after Lincoln's election.


Abraham Lincoln had to________ to keep the Mississippi River open.

Fight a war

The civil war was a revolution that ended the power of________ forever. Meaning that________ was never a significant export again


What two things matter most to Americans in the 1860s ?

being able to take care of their families and death

__________ and___________ had many similarities including that they were both born in Kentucky.

Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis

Virginia was important to the confederacy because..?

it had most of the souths factories, mines, and railroads

If Abraham Lincoln could have kept_________ out of the war it would have been a fatal blow to the confederacy.


The________ and the_________ ended the heroic aspect of the civil war

Rifled musket, mini-ball

The transcontinental railroad cut the trip across the U.S. From.....?

months or years to just 2 weeks

Stephan Douglas wanted the transcontinental railroad to go from

Chicago to San Francisco.

Jefferson Davis wanted the transcontinental railroad to go through

the slave states of the South and into southern California

The Morrill act is the first time federal support is given for?

higher education

During the Civil War the United states recognized the independence of?

Haiti or St. Dominic

Federalist finnaly made________ a federal crime.


The Lincoln administration was under tremendous pressure to take the Mississippi River from the south so? This was successful when?

it could be reopened through new Orleans for the Midwest....... general grant captured vicsburg from the confederates.

Social revolution created by the war Along with prostitution, alcoholism, and drug abuse, Americans were overwhelmed with their knowledge of?
