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35 Cards in this Set

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a female infant with unilateral renal agenesis must be monitored long-term for what?
significant incidence of ipsilateral mullerian anomalies (uterine or vaginal anomalies)
what is the orientation of the renal pelvis in most anomalous kidneys?
why does ectopic ureters not lead to incontinence in boys?
in males, they insert into the lower GU tract above the external sphincter
infant with R MCDK, what studies should be done to evaluate the L kidney?
RUS to r/o hydro, and a VCUG since greater than 30% incidence of contralateral VUR
early rupture of the cloacal membrane results in what anomalies?
cloacal exstrophy, bladder exstrophy, epispadias
why can horseshoe kidneys have UPJO?
persistence of vessels that normally involute with renal ascent
T/F: fused crossed renal ectopia is more common?
in cross-fused renal ectopia, where does the ureter of the crossed kidney usually enter the bladder?
crosses midline and enters contralateral trigone
one month old boy with L flank mass, what are the 2 likely dx?
hydronephrosis and multicystic renal dysplasia; image with RUS
12 yo male with terminal hematuria found to have a polyp in his post urethra arising from the verumontanum; what is it?
benign fibroepitheliomatous polyp of congenital origin; similar polyps may be found in the ureter and renal pelvis
15 yo boy with dysuria with cystic lesion in the bulbous urethra?
Cowper's duct cyst
what is lacuna magna?
small diverticulum on the roof of the distal urethra in the fossa navicularis; can see dysuria and blood spotting
3 yo boy with small, hydronephrotic L kidney and ureter. At cysto, no L UO seen. Where does the ureter insert?
into the Wolffian system (SV, vas); represents failure of the ureteral bud to separate from it Wolffian duct origin
what are fetal folds?
persistent folds in the upper portion of the L ureter w/o hydro; they disappear with time
what's the difference developmentally b/w MCRD and ADPCK?
cysts in MCRD is failure of normal organogenesis leading to immature renal parenchyma and cystic dysplasia; in PCK, normal architecture of the nephron is destroyed by obstruction of the nephron and resulting cystic deformation
when does the fetal kidney make urine?
approx 9-12 wks
what ureteral anomaly is found with MCRD?
ureteral atresia
What is a theory of Prune-Belly syndrome?
anomalous development of the mesenchyme and a transient infravesical obstruction during early embryogenesis
what is the state of the prostate in boys with PBS?
hypoplastic prostate
what is the incidence of cryptorchidism?
about 30% in preemies, 3% in full term neonates, and less than 1% at a year of age
what must you worry about with epididymitis in a prepubescent male?
ectopic ureter draining into the vas deferens or SV; RUS is warranted
describe the anatomy of cloacal exstrophy?
midline segment of hindgut, frequently with a prolapsed ileum and one or more openings to at least one appendix; bladder is split into 2 by the hindgut; widely separated genital tubercles are seen as the hemi-scrotum and hemi-penis (or hemi-clitoris) on each side; the anus is imperforate
vaginal atresia may be associated with what urinary tract anomaly most commonly?
unilateral renal agenesis
what is the embryological origin of the vagina?
the upper portion of the vagina originates from the mullerian duct. the lower portion (distal to the hymen) originates from the UG sinus
what are 3 theories of testicular descent?
1. abdominal pressure forces testes down; 2. hormonal influence; 3. gubernaculum pulls into the scrotum
the appendix testis is an embryological remnant of what structure?
mullerian duct
what is the embryologic origin of the appendix epididymis?
wolffian duct
what is the embryological explanation for uterus didelphys?
failure of fusion of the caudal end of the mullerian ducts
why do you see hemiscrotum with hemiphallus with cloacal exstrophy?
if the cloacal membrane ruptures early, this acts as a wedge to keep the genital tubercles and folds widely separate
when is nephron formation complete?
about 36 wks
at what postnatal age does GFR reach its peak?
about 4 mos
what are the anatomic correlates of the Mullerian tubercle in both male and female?
the verumontanum and the hymen, respectively
what is the mechanism by which the cloaca becomes divided into the urogenital sinus and rectum?
the urorectal septum grows to meet the cloacal membrane, forming the perineal body as it fuses with it; it divides the cloacal membrane into an anterior urogenital membrane and a posterior anal membrane
explain the embryological origins of the labia minora and labia majora.
the labia minora are formed from the urethral folds, while the majora are derived from the genital swellings (homologue of the scrotum)
explain the proposed etiology for exstrophy of the urinary bladder.
early rupture of the cloacal membrane causes failure of mesenchymal migration into the area