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16 Cards in this Set

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difference between an uncomplicated and complicated uti
uncomplicated=person with a functionally and anatomically normal urinary tract
Complicated UTI = any distortion of the normal physiology or anatomy
Causative agents of UTI
1) Uncomplicated:

2) Complicated:
1) E. coli – 80%
Others 20%
2) Gram negative enterobacteriaceae, Klebsiella, pseudomonas – 80%
E. coli 20%
Groups at a higher risk for adverse outcome
-infants and young children
-pregnant women
-comprised adults(diabetes, immunosuppressed, spinal cord patients
Bacterial virulence factors(4)
1) Adherence = most important factor
2) Toxins ( Hemolysins acquire iron to feed bacteria in iron-poor environment)
3) Capsule – evades host immune response
4) Urease production – precipitate formation of struvite stones
Microscopic exam of the urine, describe findings in the following:
1) Pyuria
2) Hematuria
3) bacteriuria
4) squamous epithelial cells
1)present in most cases of UTI
2)present in only 50%, but very specific
3) specific for UTI but not sensitive
4) contamination
How do voiding symptoms differ between cystitis, urethritis, vaginitis?
cystitis: abrupt, severe, multiple symptoms with increased urgency

urethritis: mild, gradual onset

vaginitis: burning of external genitalia not of urinary tract, no increased frequency or urgency
How do other symptoms not related to uriary tract differ between cystitis, urethritis, vaginitis?
cystitis: suprapubic/low back pain; hematuria

Urethritis: vaginal discharge or bleeding; lower abdominal pain

Vaginitis: vaginal discharge, odor, itching; pain on intercourse
Diagnostic criteria for significant bacteriuria (3)
1) If grow any amount of a significant uropathogen
2) Have to grow higher amounts of atypical bacteria (to rule out contamination)
3) Also have to grow high amounts in man or asymptomatic woman
Indications of pretreatment cultures for UTI (4)
1) Atypical symptoms
2) Pyuria can't be documented
3) Presence of risk factors for occult upper tract infection or compliccated UTI
4) Clinical features of pyelonephritis
How does a lack of response to short course therapy for UTI used to localize illness?
lack of response suggests upper tract infection
antibiotics for acute cystitis (3)
1) Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (TMP/SMX, bactrim and septra) is the drug of choice
2) Fluoroquinolones (cipro) work well too, especially if resistant to TMP/SMX
3) Trimethoprim alone
o Nitrofurantoin good for use in pregnancy
Duration of antibiotic therapy for UTI
-3 days – uncomplicated cystitis with no risk factors for occult pyelonephritis
-7 days – those with risk factors (or if using something other than TMP/SMX or cipro)
-14 days – for men, because often have prostatitis as well
Acute uncomplicated pyelonephritis in women:
1) most likely bug
2) most common sign
3) effective treatment time
1) E.coli
2) pyuria
3) 2 weeks is as effective as 6 weeks
Antibiotic therapy for pyelonephritis
Don’t use bactrim unless you know it’s susceptible! Because the consequences of treatment failure (with resistance) are serious
1) Fluoroquinolones
2) Aminoglycosides (gentamicin)
3) Broad-spectrum cephalosporins (ceftriaxone)
4) Add ampicillin or vancomycin if gram-positive infection suspected
Acute uncomplicated pyelonephritis in women:
1) when do you take urine cultures
2) image if
1) urine cultures before and 1-2 weeks after completion of therapy
2) -Fever and pain > 72 hours
-More than 1 episode
-Atypical features suggesting anatomical abnormality
atypical bacteriuria indications for treatment
Neonates/young kids
Pregnant women
Anticipated instrumentation of urinary tract