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57 Cards in this Set

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The urinary system excretes __________.
metabolic wastes
The urinary system excretes __________.
metabolic wastes
The _____ helps regulate acid-base balance and b/p.
In females the urethra is approximately ______ long and in the makes ______ long.
female = 1.5 inches
males = 8 inches
What is the specific gravity of urine?
1.005 - 1.030
When ADH is secreted, water is _____ in the distal convoluted tubule.
When beginning a 24-hour urine specimen what should you have the client do what?
empty bladder completely and discard urine
When client is having intravenous pylography you should assess what before beginning test?
allergies to seafood, iodine or e-ray comtrast media
Following an IVP test the nurse should assess the client's injection site for ___________.
redness, pain & warmth
Nursing considerations for a client having a renal scan are to provide __________ before procedure and ___________ after.
2 to 3 glasses of water before & encourage fluids after
DEFINE: direct visualization of the urethra and bladder using an endoscope.
If a client is having buring on urination for more than day or two after a cystoscopy they should do what?
notify MD
What are 3 options to relieve discomfort caused by a cystoscopy?
warm sitz baths
antispasmodic meds
_________ is a noninvasive test that is used to evaluate urinary retention and incontinence.
Urinary Incontinence MATCHING
A. Functional
B. Overflow
C. Reflex
D. Stress
E. Urge

1. Inability to stop urine flow long enough to reach toilet after need to void is felt
2. Inability to get to toilet facilities to urinate; self-care deficit interferese with ability to respond to urge to void.
3. Involuntary loss of moderate amount of urine occuring without warning.
4. Frequent loss of small amounts of urine
5. Brought on by sneezing, laughing, lifting
A2. Functional = Inability to get to toilet facilities to urinate; self-care deficit interferese with ability to respond to urge to void.
B4. Overflow = Frequent loss of small amounts of urine
C3. Reflex= Involuntary loss of moderate amount of urine occuring without warning.
D5. Stress = Brought on by sneezing, laughing, lifting
E1. Urge = Inability to stop urine flow long enough to reach toilet after need to void is felt
DEFINE: DX test used to evaluate voiding patterns
Nursing interventions such as bladder retraining may consists of pelvic floor exercises called _________.
Kegel exercises
Another bladder retraining effort would be to offer client oppurtunity to go to toilet every _________ (amount of time)
2 to 4 hours
Difficulty _______ & _______ urine flow is often the presenting complaint in me with BPH (Benign prostatic hypertrophy).
initiating and maintaining
Notify the charge nurse or MD if it has been _______ hours since the client has voided.
8 or more
DEFINE: a condition in which urine moves from the bladder back toward the kidney, is a common rish factor in children
vesicoureteral reflux
A urinalysis is ordered to identify ______ & ______ in the urine
blood cells and bacteria
A urine culture & senstitivity also may be done to identify the ______ _____ in a UTI.
causative organism
A. Blueberries
B. Phenazopyridine (Pyridium)
C. Sulfonamides (Bactrim, Septra)

1. urinary analgesic that may be used to relieve pain; stains the urine reddish orange
2. have been shown to contina a compound that prevents bacteria from attaching to the bladder wall to cause cystitis.
3. are effective and inexpensive for treating UTIs; are the drug of choice for most UTIs
A2. Blueberries = have been shown to contian a compound that prevents bacteria from attaching to the bladder wall to cause cystitis.
B1. Phenazopyridine (Pyridium)= urinary analgesic that may be used to relieve pain; stains the urine reddish orange
C3. Sulfonamides (Bactrim, Septra)= are effective and inexpensive for treating UTIs; are the drug of choice for most UTIs
What can you instruct a woman to do to help prevent/avoid UTI's in the future regarding sexual intercourse?
void before and after
What is the normal range & size used most for an adult cath? NG tube?
14-18g but normally a 16g
A pt presents with the following are manifestations of glomerulonephritis: hypertension > 140/94, fatigue, anorexia. During the acute phase what is goal of TX?
energy conservation and best rest
An ASO titer identifies antibodies to _______.
group A beta-hemolytic streptococci
Minimal changes disease is the most common cause of _____ _____ in children.
Nephrotic syndrome
DEFINE: development of stones within the urinary tract
Urolithiasis is the most common cause of __________.
obstructed urine flow
This manifestation of a UTI is presents as acute, severe intermittent flank pain on the affected side. What is it?
renal colic
What is the most important nursing responsibility for acute renal colic?
Pain relief
A nephrolithotomy which invades the calyces and renal parenchyma and may be required to be surgically removed is called _______.
staghorn calculus
The major risk factors for ___________ are carcinogens in the urine and chronic inflammation or infection of bladder mucosa.
bladder cancer
There is a direct link between bladder cancer and __________.
cigarette smoking
The most common initial maifestation of bladder cancer.
Painless hematuria
Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG Live, TheraCys) causes a local inflammarotry reaction that eliminates or reduces ____________ ______.
superficial tumors
The most common urinary diversion is the ___________.
ileal conduit
The nurse recognizes that a urine output of less than _______ per hour may indicate hypotension.
After a ileal conduit surgery, in regards to the catheters and stents, the nurse should do what 3 things.
1. secure with tape
2. prevent kinking or occlusion
3. maintain gravity flow by keeping drainage bags lower than the kidneys
1. secure
2. prevent
3. maintain
If a client is having decresed urine output the nurse should expect __________.
When a client has a kidney surgery pneumothorax or atelectais on the __________ are common.
operative side.
anuria is defined as < _____ mL/day.
In chronic renal failure ______ commonly results.
In renal failure what 3 things are commonly restricted/regulated?
fluid, sodium, and potassium
When clients K+ is being regulated you should instruct them to avoid __________.
salt substitutes containing potassium.
What 2 substances are used to combat anemia in clients with chronic renal failure.
folic acid & iron supplements
Hemodialysis is filtered by ________.
client's own arterial system
Complete this statement: "Feel the ______, hear the _______"
Feel the THRILL, hear the BRUIT.
Which arm should you take b/p, draw blood, or start IV's on, the dominant or nondominant arm?
start on dominant DO NOT ALLOW on nondominant
A functional AV fistual have a _________.
palpable pulsation
1. Continuous renal replacement therapy
2. Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
3. Continuous cyclic peritoneal dialysis
1. Continuous renal replacement therapy = CRRT
2. Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis = CAPD
3. Continuous cyclic peritoneal dialysis = CCPD
Assess vascular access site for a palpable pulsatin or vibration, also called a ______.
How long is kidney rejection possible after the transplant?
it is always possible even years later
Observe the dialysate solution for clarity andany evidence of blood, feces, odor or cloudiness. If it comes back cloudy then you probably have ________ present and you sould ________.
infection; notify Charge NS or MD promptly
If a client has had a kidney transplant and begins to show the following manifestations (drop in urine output, increasing BUN and serum creatine and a fall in creatine clearance) what does this indicate?
the body is rejecting the new kidneys