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21 Cards in this Set

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What are the four function of the urinary system?

-excretion of metabolic wastes

-maintenance of water-salt balance

-maintenance of acid-base balance

-secretion of hormones

What are the nitrogenous wastes? How are the made?

-Urea,by product of amino acid metabolism, formed when ammonia from the liver combines with CO2

-creatinine, by product of creatine phosphate breakdown

-uric acid, by product of breakdown of nucleotides, build up causes gout

How is the water salt balance maintained?

-blood volume is associated with salt balance

- salt causes osmosis into the blood

-more water= higher blood pressure

- kidney controls blood pressure through water and salt regulation

-regulates potassium, bicarbonate, and calcium ions

How is the acid base balance maintained?

-kidneys regulates the pH of the blood plasma

-maintains it by excretion of hydrogen ions and reabsorption of bicarbonate

-urine pH is normally around 6 due to high acid diet

What are the two major hormones secreted by this system? What do they do?

-Renin, regulates blood pressure by releasing aldosterone from the adrenals which leads to reabsorption of the sodium ions

-Erythropoietin, stimulates red blood cell production, which activates vitamin D for calcium absorption

Describe the structure of the kidneys

-located in lumbar regions

-beneath the periotneum

-covered by tough capsule

-the concave side is called the hilus and this is where the renal artery and vein are located

What are the major functions of the ureters? Describe the structure

-conducts urine from kidney to bladder

-conveys urine by peristalsis

-3 layered: mucosa, smooth muscle and outer connective tissue

What are the major function of the bladder? Describe the structure

- stores urine

-located in the pelvic cavity

- bladder is expandable: middle layer of circular muscle, 2 layers of longitudinal muscle and lined with transitional epithelium

What is the major function of the urethra?

- conducts urine out of body

How do we sense the need for urination? How do we override this?

- when bladder fills up to 250mL the stretch receptors in the wall of the bladder sends impulses to the spinal cord

- the impulses causes the bladder to contract , and micturition reflex occurs

- reflect can be over ridden by the brain in adults and older children, which delays urination till appropriate

What is the function of the Bownman's Capsule?

-first step in filtration of blood to form urine

-cup-like structure with an inner layer of podocytes

- podocytes are specialized cells that cling to globular capillaries and form pores for passage of small molecules

What is the function of Proximal Convoluted Tubules?

-cuboidal epithelial cells with microvilli that increase the surface area for absorption from the filtrate

What is the function of the Loop of Henle?

-U shapes tube that conducts urine within each nephron

-reabsorbs water and important nutrients in the filtrate

What is the function of the Distal Convoluted Tubule?

-cuboidal epithelial cells

-responsible for reabsorption of sodium, water and secretion of hydrogen potassium

What is the function of the Collecting Duct?

-where urine is first formed

-transports the urine from the nephrons and and empties in into the renal pelvis

-absorbs water

What is the function of the Renal Vein?

-branches off the inferior vena cava

-carries deoxygenated blood from the kidneys to the heart

What is the function of the Renal Artery?

- branch from the aorta into the kidneys

-carries blood from the heart to the kidneys

What is the function Glomerus?


What is the function of the kidneys?

-extract waste from blood

-balance body fluids

- form urine

Describe the sphincters found in the bladder

Internal sphincter- composed of smooth muscle, involuntary control

External sphincter - composed of skeletal muscle, and can be voluntarily controlled

How does the urethra differ in males and females?

- very short in females, why females are more prone to urinary tract infections

-For males, the urethra leaving the bladder is encircled by the prostate gland