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31 Cards in this Set

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A renal stone in the pelvis of the kidney will alter the function of the kidney by interfering with__________?
Collection and drainage of urine from the kidney.
A patient with renal disease has oliguria and a creatinine clearance of 40 ml per minute. The nurse recognize that these finding most directly reflect abnormal function of_______?
glomerular filtration
The nurse identifies a risk for urinary calculi in a patient who relates a past health history that includes _______?
Normal changes associated with aging of the urinary system that the nurse excepts to find include ______?
urine post voiding residual
During physical assesment of the urinary system, the nurse ______?
percussess the flank area with firm blow
Normal findings expected by the nurse on physcial assessment of the urinary system include ______?
nonpalpable left kidney
An important nursing responsibility after an IVP is to ______?
encourage extra oral fluid intake.
On reading the urinanlysis results of a dehydrated patient the nurse would expect to find _____?
specific gravity of 1.035
In teaching a patient with pyelonephritis about disorders, the nurse informs the patient that the organism that causes pyelonephritis most commonly reach the kidneys through _____?
an ascending infection
The nurse teaches the femal patient who has frequent UTIs that she should ______?
urinate after sexual intercourse
The immunologic mechanism involved in glomerulonephritis include _______?
include deposition of immune complexes and complement along the GBM
One of the most important roles of the nurse in relatino to acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis is to _____?
promote early diagnosis and treatment of sore throats and skin lesions
The edema that occurs in nephrotic syndrome is due to _____?
decreased colloidal osmotic pressure caused by loss of serum albumin
A patient is admitted to the hospital with severe renal colic cased by renal lithiasis. The nurse first priority _____?
in management of the patient is administer narcotics as prescribed.
The nurse recommends genetic counsling for the children of a patient with ______?
adult onset polycystic renal disease
The nurse encourages strict diabetic control in the patient prone to diabetic nephropathy knowing that the renal changes that may occur in this condition include ______?
include thickening of the GBM and glomerulosclerosis
The nurse identifies a risk factor for kidney and bladder cancer in a patient who relates a history of ______?
tobacco use
In plannning nursing invterventions to increase bladder contol in the patient with urinary incontinence, the nurse includes ____?
resitricting fluids to diminish the risk of urinary leakage
A patient with ureterolithotomy teturns from surgery with a nephrostomy tube in place. Postoperative nursing care of the patient includes _____?
forcing fluids of at least 2-3 L per day after nausea has subsided
A patient has had a cystectomy and ileal conduit diversion performed. Four days postoperatively, mucous shreds are seen in the drainage bag. The nurse should ____?
chart it as a normal observation.
A patient is admitted to the hospital with chronic kidney disease. The nurse understands that this condition is characterized by _____?
progressive irreversible destruction of the kidney.
Prerenal causes of ARF include _____?
hypovolemia and myocardial infarction
During the oliguric phase of ARF, the nurse monitors the patient for _____?
pulmonary edema and ECG changes
If a patient is in the diuretic phase of ARF, the nurse must monitor for which serum electrolyte imbalance?
hypokalemia and hyponatremia
A systemic effect of chronic kidney disease that is usually reversed by the initiation of dialysis is _____?
nausea and vomiting
Measures indicated in the conservative therapy of chronic kidney disease include _______?
decreased fluid intake and protein intake, increased carbohydrate intake.
One major disadvantages of peritoneal dialysis is that
high glucose concentrations of the dialysate necesary for ultrafiltration cause carbohydrate and lipid abnormailities.
The assess the patency of newly placed arterioenous graft for dialysis, the nurse should _____?
listen with a stethoscope over the graft for the presence of a bruit
A patient in ESRD recieving hemodialysis is considering asking a relative to donate a kidney for trasnplant. In assisting the patient to make a decision about treatment, the nurse informs the patient that _____?
successful transplantation usually provides better qualitiy of life than that offered by dialysis
Following a kidney transplant, the nurse teaches the patient that signs of rejection _____?
fever, weight gain, decreased urinary output, increased BP.
Most of the long term problems that occur in the patient with a kidney transplant are a result of _____?
immunosuppressive therapy