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29 Cards in this Set

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the failure of the kidneys to produce urine, resulting in a total lack of urination or output of less than 100 mL per day in an adult
bladder training
client postpones voiding, resists or inhibits the sensation of urgency, and voids according to a timetable rather than according to the urge to void
Creatinine clearance
a test uses 24-hour urine and serum creatinine levels to determine the glomerular filtration rate, a sensitive indicator of renal function
Credé's maneuver
manual exertion of pressure on the bladder to force urine out
Detrusor muscle
the smooth muscle layers of the bladder
a technique by which fluids and molecules pass through a semipermeable membrane according to the rules of osmosis
the production of large amounts of urine by the kidneys without an increased fluid intake
agents that increase urine secretion
painful or difficult voiding
bedwetting; involuntary passing of urine in children after bladder control is achieved
a tuft of capillaries in the kidney surrounded by Bowman's capsule
Habit training
referred to as timed voiding or scheduled toileting, attempts to keep clients dry by having them void at regular intervals
an opening, passage, or channel
(micturition, voiding) the process of emptying the bladder
Neurogenic bladder
interference with the normal mechanisms of urine elimination in which the client does not perceive bladder fullness and is unable to control the urinary sphincters; the result of impaired neurologic function
voiding two or more times at night
Nocturnal enuresis
involuntary urination at night
Nocturnal frequency
the need for older adults to arise during the night to urinate
production of abnormally small amounts of urine by the kidney
excessive thirst
Prompted voiding
supplements habit training by encouraging the client to try to use the toilet (prompting) and reminding the client when to void
an automatic response of the body to a stimulus
Residual urine
the amount of urine remaining in the bladder after a person voids
Suprapubic catheter
catheter inserted through the abdominal wall above the symphysis pubis into the urinary bladder
a triangular area at the base of the bladder marked by the ureter openings at the posterior corners and the opening of urethra at the anterior corner
the feeling that one must urinate
Urinary frequency
the need to urinate often
Urinary hesitancy
a delay and difficulty in initiating voiding; often associated with dysuria
(micturition, voiding) the process of emptying the bladder