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51 Cards in this Set

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Is the most widely used drug for UTIs. Is Bacteriostatic. Is 90% effective in treating e-coli. S/b taken on empty stomach. Increases ones sensitivity to sunlight.
Sulfonamides (Bactrim, Sulfadine, Septra)
Effective against most Gram-neg. bacteria; is bacterialcidal; Increased sensitivity to sunlight; Absorption affected by antacids; Classification: Fluoroquinolone
Antiseptics: most common= Cinobac, Cipro, Levequin
An azo dye that acts as a urinary tract analgesic; Relieves symptoms of dysuria, burning, freq. & urgency; Has no anti-infective action; Turns urine orange-red; Contraindicated in real insufficiency & hepatitis
Analgesics: Pyridium
state in which one experiences involuntary passage of urine soon after a strong sense of urgency to void
urge incontinence
state in which one experiences an involuntary passage of urine of less than 50mL, occurring with increased intra-abdominal pressure
stress incontinence
Defining characteristics: dribbling urine with increased intra-abdominal pressure, e.g. coughing, sneezing, laughing, straining, standing, running, lifting heavy objects
stress incontinence
Inability of usually continent person to reach toilet in time to avoid unintentional loss of urine
functional incontinence
loss of urine before or during an attempt to reach the toilet, "accident"
functioinal incontinence
state in which one experiences involuntary passage of urine soon after a strong sense of urgency to void
urge incontinence
most common cause of urge incontinence, resulting from a lack of sensation/nerve control in perineal area
neurogenic bladder
inability to suppress detrusor muscle contractions until reaching an appropriate receptacle
urge incontinence
incomplete emptying of the bladder
urinary retention
most common cause of urinary retention in male patients
irritation and inflammation of the bladder mucosa
impaired urinary elimination
What might the following meds cause r/t urinary elimination? Benzodiazepines, Anticholinergics, Antiparkinson agents, Tricyclic antidepressants, antipsychotics, opiods narcotic analgesics
urinary retention
What do the following meds treat? Flomax (alpha blocker), Avodart (anti-androgen), Proscar (anti-androgen), Bethanechol (parasympathomimetics) urecholine (cholinergic)
medications to treat urinary retention
What med, given to treat uninary retention, decreases the smooth muscles of the prostatic capsule, but also decrease blood pressure?
These medications work on urinary retention r/t BPH by reducing prostate size, and takes up to 6 mos. to work?
Avodart & Proscar
These medication increase bladder contractility & are used often in post-partum.
Bethanechol & Urecholine
These meds are used to treat stress urinary incont.
pseudoephedrine & vaginal estrogen cream
These meds are used to treat an overactive bladder
Vesicare, Detrol, Ditropan, Custospaz
These meds, used to treat overactive bladder, cannot be given to Pts. w/ glaucoma
Oxybutynin ER (Ditropan XL);
Tolterodine (Detrol)
commonly used drugs that can influence bladder function & have side effect of sedation
antidepressants, antipsychotics, sedatives/hypnotics, alcohol, narcotics
commonly used drugs that can influence bladder function & have side effect of frequency
diuretics, caffine, alcohol
commonly used drugs that can influence bladder function & have side effect of urgency
diuretics, caffine
commonly used drugs that can influence bladder function & have side effect of urinary retention(overflow incont.)
antidepressants, antipsychotics, sedatives/hypnotics, anticholinergics, narcotics, alpha-adrenergic agonists, beta-adrenergic agonists, calcium chnl. blockers
these drugs cause decreased urethral tone = stress incontinence
alpha-adrenergic blockers
these drugs cause increased urethral tone
alpha-adrenergic agonists
these drugs inhibit the detrusor muscle function
beta-adrenergic agonists
these drugs can cause a cough = stress incontinence
ACE inhibitors
these drugs increase bladder capacity & decrease frequence of voiding in Pts. w/ neurogenic bladder
anticholinergics (Detrol, Ditropan)
These drugs have the side effects of dry mouth, drowsiness, blurred vision, constipation, urinary retention
anticholinergics (Detrol, Ditropan)
this kind of incontinence results from a disease process
chronic incontinence
Acute incontinence: delirium/confusion, infection, atrophic vaginitis, pharmacologic therapy, psychological probs., restricted mobility, stool impaction
this presentation of urine means that bilirubin is up
dark, concentrated
this color indicates hematuria
dark red/brown/orange
this represents possible bacterial infection
the sudden forceful urge to void - "I've got to go & I've got to go now!"
difficult/painful urination
S&S of pain b/f voiding
probable irriated/dystended bladder
S&S of pain at the start of urination (actually starting stream)
irritated bladder neck
S&S of pain at the end of void
traditionally a bladder spasm
bedwetting, occurs during sleep, can be related to sm. bladder, allergies or UTI in adults
voiding lg. amts. of urine
decreased urine relative to intake
inability to pass all/part of urine from the bladder
delay in starting stream
blood in urine
dark red blood in urine
bleeding coming from kidneys or ureters
bright red blood in urine
bleeding coming from bladder/urethra
an involuntary loss of urine at somewhat predictable intervals when a specific bladder volume is reached
impaired urinary elimination