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15 Cards in this Set

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What are the 7 functions of the urinary system?
2.Excretion of wastes,toxins,excess ions
3.Helps to regualte Blood Pressure
4.Simulates Red Blood cell production
5.Synthesis Calcitrol
6.Regulation of Blood pH
7.Regulation of blood glucose
What is osmoregulation?
regulation of water and solute balance
What waste,toxins, and excess ions are exreted from the urinary system?
H+ from kidneys,NH3(ammonia),urea(nitrogenous waste)
What in the Urinary System helps regulate Blood Pressure?
renin-made in kidneys,ADH(acts on kidneys)
How do the kidneys stim, red blood cell production?
they secrete erythropoietin
What is calcitriol?
an active form of vitamin D
How do the kidneys regulate blood glucose
kidneys convert an amino acid(glutamate) to glucose(gluconeogenesis)
In the kidneys,where are renal columns located?
portion of cortex that dips between renal pyraminds
What are the renal pyramids?
form medulla region of kidney, they contain collecting ducts
What drains urine from kidneys?
renal pelvis
What are the extension of the renal pelvis called?
Major and minor calyces
What is the pathway of urine as it exits the kidneys?
ureters-->urinary bladder-->urethra
What is the location where blood vessels, nerves, lymphatic vessels(where ureters attaches to kidney)?
What are the 3 layers of the ureters and what is their function?
1.mucous inner layer
2.muscular middle layer(smooth muscle)
3.Outer connective tissue-propel urine
What type of epithelium is located in the mucosa of the bladder?
transitional epithelium (cells look rounded and stretch when full-look more squamous)