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39 Cards in this Set

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uniferous tubules
urine compartment
bowman's capsule
proximal and distal tubules
collecting tubules
functional unit of the kidney
renal corpuscle
proximal and distal tubules
renal corpuscle
bowman's capsule + glomerulus
blood supply
renal a, to interlobular a. to arcuate a. to interlobar a. to afferent arterioles
glomerulus blood flow
afferent arteriole - after entering bowmans capsule splits into 5 segments which subdivide into the glomerular capillary networks
efferent arteriole to the peritubular capillaries and vasa recta
bowman's capsule
parietal layer - outer layer, continuous with the PCT, simple squamous epithelium
urinary space
visceral layer - closely surrounds the glomerulus, lines the cup
podocytes on the basal lamina have primary foot processes that branch into pedicles
filtration slits b/w the adjacent pedicles are spanned by a diaphragm consisting of nephrin anchored to pedicel intercellular actin filaments
congenital nephrotic syndrome
mutation in the gene encoding nephrin results in protinurua
Blood-urine (filtration) barrier
1. glomerular capillary endothelial cells - fenestrated without diaphragms, EC coated with negative-charged glycoproteins that attract large anionic proteins, permeable to water, urea, glucose, small proteins
2. fused basal laminas of the capillary and visceral layer (podocytes) of bowman's capsule = GBM
3. pedicel filtration slit
urine (filtrate) enters Bowman's capsular (urinary) space
Glomerular Basement Membrane (GBM)
main physcial barrier of filtration
EM: central lamina densa with a lamina rara (electron-lucent) on either side
Constituents: Type IV collagen, laminin, fibronectin, negatively-charged GAGs
mesangial cells
within the basal lamina of glomerular capillaries and afferent and efferent capillaries
structural support
contractile: regulate blood flow through the glomerulus
secrete GBM constituents
secrete PGEs and growth factors
found right in the basal lamina of theGBM
nephropathy classification
diffuse: affects all glomeruli
focal: affect some glomeruli
global: entire glomeruli is affected
segmental: part of glomeruli is affected
pathology exhibited in response to disease/damage to renal corpusle
swelling and/or proliferation of capillary EC
proliferation of podocytes and parietal layer of bowmans capsule (segmental proliferation creates crescents - mounds of cells that do not belong there, may obliterate urinary space)
thickening of GBM
proliferation of mesengial cells
clinical proteinuria, hematuria, hypoalbumnemia, edema
most often due to the deposition of immune complexes or other material on the GBM
membranous nephropathy
deposit IgG and complements on the endothelial side of GBM, these get stuck, called DD, make it thick and leaky
primary - idiopathic
secondary to some cancers, drugs, infections
IgA neuropathy
deposit of IgA on GBM and in mesenagial cells, mesengial proliferation
goodpastures syndrome
affects kidneys and lungs
autoimmune, production of autoantibodies, to type IV collagen components, so u lose it and the GBM starts to break down and u have abnormal deposits
Alport's syndrome
genetic mutation in genes coding for Type IV collagen
irregular GBM with splitting becomes like swiss cheese
systematic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
deposit of most autoantibodies and complement factors on the GBM
diabetic glomerulosclerosis
atherosclerosis of the renal vessels can lead to ischemia and infart
chronic infections - immune complexes come with this and deposit on the GBM
thickening of GBM but filtration is inefficient leading to leakage of plasma proteins and fibrin deposits on the outer surface of the glomerulus and inner surface of parietal layer of bowman's capsule
less blood to kidney, less O2 to kidney start to get necrosis
Hypertensive nephrosclerosis
benign (essential) HTN: gradual thickening of TI of larger artery with TM hypertrophy, thickening of capillaries
malignant (accelerated) HTN: severe rapid rise in BP, causes acture necrosis of the small arteries and arterioles with abrupt cessation of blood supply to the nephrons
substances are taken from the urine and put back in the blood
tubular secretion
didnt make it through the filtration, they are still in hte blood, but can be picked up by the tubule
simple cuboidal epithelium, large eosinophillic cells, apical microvillus brush border, it can be sheared off so it looks like fuzzy lumen,
lateral, tight junctions with interdigitations,
start shaped bulging lumen
basal inflodings w/ mito
Absoprtion of water: aquaporin channels = transmembrane proteins that regulate water transport
Absorptoin of substances lost from the blood during filtration: Na, K, Cl, glucose, aa, poylpeptides
secretion of creatine and foreign substances
loop of henle
maintains osmotic gradient in the interstitum
descending limb thick segment similar to PCT
thin segment - is simple squamous,
simple cuboidal epithelium
some apical microvilli
basal inflodings and mitochondria
Functions: concentration of urine, acid-base balance,absorb Na from urine and return it to the blood, when Na and BP are low stimm the renin/aldosterone secretion,
ADH controls the DCT and CD permeability to water
stain palers than PCT
Juxtaglomerular apparatus
1. macula densa cells: sensitive to NaCl conc. in filtrate, mediates renin secretion from JG cells, very straight and closely packed together
2. JG cells: of the TM of afferent arterioles, synthesize and secrete renin, part of the apparutus
3. Extraglomerular mesengial cells: between the macula dense and the JG cells, and continous with the mesengial cells of the around the afferent and efferent arterioles, big role in contractile function in regulating bf into and out of the glomerulus
Collecting tubules and ducts
simple cuboidal (medulla) to comlumnar epithelium (cortex)
converge into large papillary ducts that empty into the renal papilla
have NO microvilli, NO basal infoldings, NO intercellular interdigitations
Kidney organization
outer dense irregular CT capsule
Hilum - where ureters enter, blood vessels, and lymphatics, has an expanded portion called the renal pelvis
nephrons - cortical, juxtamedullary
renal corpusles, PCT and DCT only in the cortex
medullary rays: collecting tubules and ducts and loops of henle
cortical nephrons
medullary pyramid drains into the minor calcyx
renal columns
medullary pyramid and surround cortex = kidney lobule
JA nephrons
straight portions the PCT and DCT dip down here
Excretory ducts, urinary bladder and urethra
basic organization
mucosa - transitional epithelium
adventia or serosa
Calyces and Ureters
muscularis - helical, appears as inner longitudinal, outer circular under LM
enter of ureter into bladde rwall creates a physiological valve that prevents urinary reflux
urinary bladder
muscularis - helical, appears as criss-crossing bundles
neck of bladder - internal urinary sphincter
lined with transitional epithelium
Female Urethra
epithelium: transitional to stratified squamous
shorter than male
passes through the UG diaphragm
external urethral sphincter - formed by skeletal muscles of the diaphragm, voluntary
male urethra
at the base of the bladder is prostate gland
prostatic urethra - inital portion of the urethra and surrounded by the prosate
prostatic fducts and ejaculatory ducts
membranous urethera - very short segment passes through the UG diaphragm
penile urethra- has th emost variability in length, passes through the erectile tissue of the penis
corpora spongiousum
ducts of the bulbourethra glands
epithelium - transitional to pseudostratifed columnar to stratifed squamous
tubule necrosis
any disease that affects the afferent peritubular blood flow
renal calculi
kidney stones that ppt that can form either in the calcyes of the CD, urethers
renal carcinomas
adenocarcinomas, clear cell carcinoma
bladder carcinoma
urothelial carinoma - strong link with exposure to industrial chemical and cig smoking