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383 Cards in this Set

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pectoralis major (clavicular fibers) origin
anterior surface of sternal 1/2 of clavicle
pectoralis major (clavicular fibers) insertion
crest of greater tubercle of the humerus
pectoralis major (clavicular fibers) action
shoulder flexion, medial rotation, horizontal adduction of humerus toward opposite shoulder; fixed origin: humeral adduction and MR, fixed insertion: assists in elevation of thorax in forced inspiration
pectoralis major (clavicular fibers) peripheral innervation
lateral pectoral
pectoralis major (clavicular fibers) segmental innervation
C5, C6, C7
pectoralis major (sternal fibers) origin
anterior surface of sternum, cartilages of 1st 6-7 ribs, and aponeurosis of external obliques
pectoralis major (sternal fibers) insertion
crest of greater tubercle of the humerus
pectoralis major (sternal fibers) action
depression of the shoulder girdle by virtue of attachment on the humerus and obliquely adducting the humerus toward the opposite iliac crest; fixed origin: humeral adduction and medial rotation, fixed insertion: assists in thorax elevation in forced inspiration
pectoralis major (sternal fibers) peripheral innervation
medial pectoral
pectoralis major (sternal fibers) segmental innervation
C6, C7, C8, T1
pectoralis minor origin
superior margins and outer surfaces of the 3rd-5th ribs near the cartilages; and from fascia over corresponding intercostal muscles
pectoralis minor insertion
medial border, superior surface of coracoid process of scapula
pectoralis minor action
Fixed origin: tilts scapula anteriorly; fixed insertion: assist in forced inspiration; may help with downward rotation of the scapula or at least prevents upward rotation
pectoralis minor peripheral innervation
medial pectoral
pectoralis minor segmental innervation
C6, C7, C8, T1
latissimus dorsi origin
spinous processes of last 6 thoracic vertebrae, last 3 or 4 ribs, through the thoracolumbar fascia from the lumbar and sacral vertebrae and the posterior 1/3 of the external lip of the iliac crest, a slip from the inferior angle of the scapula
latissimus dorsi insertion
intertubercular groove of the humerus
latissimus dorsi action
origin fixed: shoulder medial rotation, adduction, and extension
Depression of the shoulder girdle
Assists in trunk lateral flexion
Insertion fixed: assists in anterior and lateral pelvic tilts and lumbar hyperextension
latissimus dorsi peripheral innervation
latissimus dorsi segmental innervation
C6, C7, C8
teres major origin
dorsal surface of inferior angle and lower third of lateral border of scapula
teres major insertion
crest of lesser tubercle of the humerus
teres major action
shoulder medial rotation, adduction and extension; scapular internal rotation
teres major peripheral innervation
lower subscapular
teres major segmental innervation
C5, C6, C7
serratus anterior origin
outer surface and superior borders of upper 8 or 9 ribs
serratus anterior insertion
costal surface of medial border of scapula
serratus anterior action
Fixed origin: abducts and upwardly rotates scapula; holds medial border of scapula firmly against the ribcage. Lower fibers may depress the scapula and upper fibers may elevate. Is the best upward rotator and posterior tilter, and also aids in scapular external rotation
serratus anterior peripheral innervation
long thoracic
serratus anterior segmental innervation
C5, C6, C7, C8
supraspinatus origin
medial 2/3 of supraspinous fossa of scapula
supraspinatus insertion
superior facet of greater tubercle of humerus, and shoulder joint capsule
supraspinatus action
shoulder abduction, stabilizes head of humerus in glenoid cavity during movements, and may assist with shoulder lateral rotation from neutral to full LR
supraspinatus peripheral innervation
supraspinatus segmental innervation
C4, C5, C6
infraspinatus origin
medial 2/3 of infraspinous fossa of the scapula
infraspinatus insertion
middle facet of greater tubercle of the humerus, shoulder joint capsule
infraspinatus action
shoulder lateral rotation, stabilizes the head of the humerus in the glenoid cavity during movements, and prevents humeral anterior glide
infraspinatus peripheral innervation
infraspinatus segmental innervation
C4, C5, C6
subscapularis origin
subscapular fossa of scapula
subscapularis insertion
lesser tubercle of humerus and shoulder joint capsule
subscapularis actions
shoulder medial rotation, stabilizes head of humerus in glenoid cavity during movement, and prevents humeral anterior glide
subscapularis peripheral innervation
upper and lower subscapular
subscapularis segmental innervation
C5, C6, C7
anterior deltoid origin
anterior border, superior surface of acromion, and lateral 1/3 of clavicle
anterior deltoid insertion
deltoid tuberosity
anterior deltoid action
shoulder abduction; shoulder flexion and medial rotation
anterior deltoid peripheral innervation
anterior deltoid segmental innervation
C5, C6
middle deltoid origin
lateral margin and superior surface of acromion
middle deltoid insertion
deltoid tuberosity
middle deltoid action
shoulder abduction; scapular downward rotation
middle deltoid peripheral innervation
middle deltoid segmental innervation
C5, C6
posterior deltoid origin
inferior lip of posterior border of spine of scapula
posterior deltoid insertion
deltoid tuberosity
posterior deltoid action
shoulder abduction, shoulder extension and lateral rotation, scapular internal rotation
posterior deltoid peripheral innervation
posterior deltoid segmental innervation
C5, C6
upper trapezius origin
external occipital protuberance, medial 1/3 of superior nuchal line, ligamentum nuchae, and spinous process of C7 vertebra
upper trapezius insertion
lateral 1/3 of clavicle and acromion process of scapula
upper trapezius actions
stabilizes scapular adduction, scapular upward rotation, scapular elevation; extension, lateral flexion, and rotation of head and joints of cervical vertebrae so face turns to the opposite side; neck extension and accessory muscle to respiration; elevates and retracts the clavicle
upper trapezius peripheral innervation
spinal accessory (CN XI), anterior primary rami
upper trapezius segmental innervation
CN XI, C2, C3, C4
middle trapezius origin
spinous processes of T1-T5
middle trapezius insertion
medial margin of acromion process and superior lip of spine of scapula
middle trapezius action
scapular adduction, stabilization of scapular upward rotation; scapular external rotation
middle trapezius peripheral innervation
spinal accessory nerve (CN XI), anterior primary rami
middle trapezius segmental innervation
CN XI, C2, C3, C4
lower trapezius origin
spinous processes of T6-T12
lower trapezius insertion
tubercle at apex of spine of scapula
lower trapezius action
primarily external rotator and upward rotator of the scapula; assist with posterior tilt
lower trapezius peripheral innervation
spinal accessory (CN XI) and anterior primary rami
lower trapezius segmental innervation
CN XI, C2, C3, C4
levator scapulae origin
transverse processes of cervical vertebrae 1-4
levator scapulae insertion
medial border of scapula between superior angle and root of the spine
levator scapulae action
with origin fixed: elevates the scapula and assists in rotation so that glenoid cavity faces caudally
with insertion fixed and acting unilaterally: laterally flexes cervical vertebrae and rotates to the same side
acting bilaterally: assists in cervical extension
levator scapulae peripheral innervation
dorsal scapular and cervical spinal nerve
levator scapulae segmental innervation
C4, C5
C3, C4, C5
rhomboid major origin
spinous processes of T2-T5
rhomboid major insertion
by fibrous attachment to medial border of scapula between spine and inferior angle
rhomboid major action
adducts, elevates, downwardly rotates scapula; externally rotates the scapula, and stiffness helps prevent scapular internal rotation
rhomboid major peripheral innervation
dorsal scapular
rhomboid major segmental innervation
C4, C5
rhomboid minor origin
ligamentum nuchae, spinous processes of C7-T1 vertebrae
rhomboid minor insertion
medial border of root of spine of scapula
rhomboid minor action
adducts, elevates scapula, and rotates scapula so that the glenoid cavity faces caudally; externally rotates scapula
rhomboid minor peripheral innervation
dorsal scapular nerve
rhomboid minor segmental innervation
C4, C5
teres minor origin
upper 2/3 and dorsal surface of lateral border of scapula
teres minor insertion
lowest facet of greater tubercle of the humerus, and shoulder joint capsule
teres minor actions
shoulder lateral rotation, stabilizes head of the humerus in glenoid cavity during movements, and scapular internal rotation
teres minor peripheral innervation
teres minor segmental innervation
C5, C6
pronator teres origin
humeral head: immediately above medial epicondyle of humerus, common flexor tendon, and deep antebrachial fascia
ulnar head: medial side of coronoid process of ulna
pronator teres insertion
middle of lateral surface of the radius
pronator teres action
forearm pronation and assists in elbow flexion
pronator teres peripheral innervation
pronator teres segmental innervation
C6, C7
flexor carpi radialis origin
common flexor tendon from medial epicondyle of humerus, and deep antebrachial fascia
flexor carpi radialis insertion
base of 2nd metacarpal and slip to base of third metacarpal
flexor carpi radialis action
abduction (radial deviation) and flexion of the wrist, assists in forearm pronation and elbow flexion
flexor carpi radialis peripheral innervation
flexor carpi radialis segmental innervation
C6, C7, C8
palmaris longus origin
common flexor tendon from medial epicondyle of humerus, deep antebrachial fascia
palmaris longus insertion
flexor retinaculum, and palmar aponeurosis
palmaris longus action
tenses palmar fascia, flexes wrist; assists in elbow flexion
palmaris longus peripheral innervation
palmaris longus segmental innervation
C6, C7, C8, T1
flexor digitorum superficialis origin
humeral head: common flexor tendon from medial epicondyle of humerus, ulnar collateral ligament of elbow joint, and deep antebrachial fascia
ulnar head: medial side of coronoid process
radial head: oblique line of radius
flexor digitorum superficialis insertion
by 4 tendons into sides of middle phalanges of 2-5th digits
flexor digitorum superficialis action
flexion of PIP of 2-5th digits, assists in MCP flexion and wrist flexion
flexor digitorum superficialis peripheral innervation
flexor digitorum superficialis segmental innervation
C7, C8, T1
flexor digitorum profundus origin
anterior and medial surface of proximal 3/4 of ulna, interosseus membrane, and deep antebrachial fascia
flexor digitorum profundus insertion
by 4 tendons into bases of distal phalanges, anterior surface
flexor digitorum profundus action
flexes DIP of 2-5th fingers; assists in PIP, MCP, and wrist flexion
flexor digitorum profundus peripheral innervation
median-lateral-anterior, interosseus
flexor digitorum profundus segmental innervation
C7, C8, T1
flexor pollicis longus origin
anterior surface of the body of radius below tuberosity, interosseus membrane, medial border of coronoid process of ulna, and/or medial epicondyle of humerus
flexor pollicis longus insertion
base of distal phalanx of thumb, palmar surface
flexor pollicis longus action
thumb IP flexion, assists in MCP and CMC flexion of thumb and wrist flexion
flexor pollicis longus peripheral innervation
median-anterior interosseus
flexor pollicis longus segmental innervation
C6, C7, C8, T1
flexor pollicis brevis origin
superficial head: flexor retinaculum and trapezium bone
deep head: trapezoid and capitate bones
flexor pollicis brevis insertion
base of proximal phalanx of thumb, radial side, and extensor expansion
flexor pollicis brevis action
flexes the MCP and CMC of the thumb; assists in opposition and may extend IP joint
flexor pollicis brevis peripheral innervation
median-superficial head
ulnar-deep head
flexor pollicis brevis segmental innervation
C6, C7, C8, T1
C8, T1
pronator quadratus origin
medial side, anterior surface of distal 1/4 of ulna
pronator quadratus insertion
lateral side of anterior surface of distal 1/4 of radius
pronator quadratus action
pronates the forearm
pronator quadratus peripheral innervation
median-anterior interosseus
pronator quadratus segmental innervation
C7, C8, T1
abductor pollicis brevis origin
flexor retinaculum, tubercle of trapezium and tubercle of scaphoid
abductor pollicis brevis insertion
base of proximal phalanx of the thumb, radial side and extensor expansion
abductor pollicis brevis action
palmar abduction of thumb CMC and MCP joints; extends thumb IP joint
assists in opposition and flexion, medial rotation of CMC joint
abductor pollicis brevis peripheral innervation
abductor pollicis brevis segmental innervation
C6, C7, C8, T1
opponens pollicis origin
flexor retinaculum and tubercle of trapezium bone
opponens pollicis insertion
entire length of first metacarpal bone, radial side
opponens pollicis action
opposes thumb CMC
opponens pollicis peripheral innervation
opponens pollicis segmental innervation
C6, C7, C8, T1
lumbricales origin
1st and 2nd: radial surface of flexor profundus tendons of index and middle fingers, respectively
3rd: adjacent sides of flexor profundus tendons of middle and ring fingers
4th: adjacent sides of flexor profundus tendons of ring and little fingers
lumbricales insertion
into the radial border of the extensor expansion on the dorsum of the respective digits
lumbricales action
extends IP joint and simultaneously flexes MCP joints of 2-5th digits; extends IP joints with MCP extended
lumbricales peripheral innervation
median-1st and 2nd
ulnar-3rd and 4th
lumbricales segmental innervation
C6, C7, C8, T1
C7, C8, T1
flexor carpi ulnaris origin
humeral head: common flexor tendon from medial epicondyle of humerus
ulnar head: by aponeurosis from the medial margin of the olecranon, proximal 2/3 of posterior border of ulna, and the deep antebrachial fascia
flexor carpi ulnaris insertion
pisiform bone and by ligaments to hamate and 5th metacarpal bones
flexor carpi ulnaris action
flexion and ulnar deviation of the wrist, assists in elbow flexion
flexor carpi ulnaris peripheral innervation
flexor carpi ulnaris segmental innervation
C7, C8, T1
abductor digiti minimi origin
tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris and pisiform bone
abductor digiti minimi insertion
by 2 slips, one into base of proximal phalanx of little finger, ulnar side, 2nd into the ulnar border of the extensor expansion
abductor digiti minimi action
little finger MP joint abduction; assists in opposition and flexion of CMC of the 5th digit and assists in extension of its IP joint
abductor digiti minimi peripheral innervation
abductor digiti minimi segmental innervation
C7, C8, T1
flexor digiti minimi origin
hook of hamate and flexor retinaculum
flexor digiti minimi insertion
base of proximal phalanx of 5th digit, ulnar side
flexor digiti minimi action
flexion of MCP joint of little finger, assists in opposition
flexor digiti minimi peripheral innervation
flexor digiti minimi segmental innervation
C7, C8, T1
opponens digiti minimi origin
hook of hamate and flexor retinaculum
opponens digiti minimi insertion
entire length of 5th metacarpal, ulnar side
opponens digiti minimi action
opposes 5th CMC joint
opponens digiti minimi peripheral innervation
opponens digiti minimi segmental innervation
C7, C8, T1
dorsal interossei origin
1st lateral head: proximal 1/2 of ulnar border of 1st metacarpal bone
1st medial head: radial border of 2nd metacarpal bone
2-4th: adjacent sides of metacarpal bones in each interspace
dorsal interossei insertion
into extensor expansion and to base of proximal phalanx as follows:
1st: radial side of index finger, chiefly to base of proximal phalanx
2nd: radial side of middle finger
3rd: ulnar side of middle finger into extensor expansion
4th: ulnar side of ring finger
dorsal interossei action
abduction of index, middle, and ring fingers from axial line through third digit; assists in MCP flexion and IP extension of 2-4th digits; 1st assists in thumb adduction
dorsal interossei peripheral innervation
dorsal interossei segmental innervation
C8, T1
palmar interossei origin
1st: length of 2nd metacarpal bone, ulnar side
2nd: length of 4th metacarpal bone, radial side
3rd: length of 5th metacarpal bone, radial side
palmar interossei insertion
chiefly into the extensor expansion of the respective digit, with possible attachment to the base of the proximal phalanx as follows:
1st: ulnar side of index finger
2nd: radial side of ring finger
3rd: radial side of little finger
palmar interossei action
adduction of 2, 4, and 5th digits; assists in MCP flexion and IP extension of 2, 4, and 5th digits
palmar interossei peripheral innervation
palmar interossei segmental innervation
C8, T1
adductor pollicis origin
oblique fibers: capitate bone, bases of 2nd and 3rd metacarpals
transverse fibers: palmar surface of 3rd metacarpal
adductor pollicis insertion
oblique head into extensor expansion
transverse head into ulnar side of base of the proximal phalanx of thumb
adductor pollicis action
adduction of CMC and adduction and assistance in flexion of MCP joint of thumb, assists in thumb opposition and IP joint extension
adductor pollicis peripheral innervation
adductor pollicis segmental innervation
C8, T1
triceps brachii origin
long head: infraglenoid tubercle of scapula
lateral head: lateral and posterior surface of proximal 1/2 of body of humerus, lateral intermuscular septum
Medial head: distal 2/3 of medial and posterior surface of humerus below the radial groove, and from medial intermuscular septum
triceps brachii insertion
posterior surface of olecranon process of ulna and antebrachial fascia
triceps brachii action
elbow extension; long head assists in adduction and extension of the shoulder
triceps brachii peripheral innervation
triceps brachii segmental innervation
C6, C7, C8, T1
anconeus origin
lateral epicondyle of humerus, posterior surface
anconeus insertion
lateral side of olecranon process, upper 1/4 of posterior surface of body of ulna
anconeus action
elbow extension; stabilizes ulna during pronation and supination
anconeus peripheral innervation
anconeus segmental innervation
C7, C8
brachioradialis origin
proximal 2/3 of lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus, lateral intermuscular septum
brachioradialis insertion
lateral side of base of styloid process of radius
brachioradialis action
elbow flexion, assists in pronation and supination of forearm
brachioradialis peripheral innervation
brachioradialis segmental innervation
C5, C6
extensor carpi radialis longus origin
distal 1/3 of lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus and lateral intermuscular septum
extensor carpi radialis longus insertion
dorsal surface of base of 2nd metacarpal bone, radial side
extensor carpi radialis longus action
extends and radially deviates the wrist, assists in elbow flexion
extensor carpi radialis longus peripheral innervation
extensor carpi radialis longus segmental innervation
C5, C6, C7, C8
extensor carpi radialis brevis origin
common extensor tendon from lateral epicondyle of humerus, radial collateral ligament of elbow joint, and deep antebrachial fascia
extensor carpi radialis brevis insertion
dorsal surface of base of third metacarpal bone
extensor carpi radialis brevis action
wrist extension and assists in wrist radial deviation
extensor carpi radialis brevis peripheral innervation
radial (posterior interosseus nerve)
extensor carpi radialis brevis segmental innervation
C6, C7, C8
extensor digitorum origin
common extensor tendon from lateral epicondyle of humerus, and deep antebrachial fascia
extensor digitorum insertion
by 4 tendons, each penetrating a membranous expansion on the dorsum of the second to fifth digits and dividing over the proximal phalanx into a medial and two lateral bands
Medial band: into the base of the middle phalanx
lateral bands: reunite over the middle phalanx and insert into the base of the distal phalanx
extensor digitorum action
extends MCP joint and in conjunction with lumbricales and interossei, extends IP joints of 2-5th digits
Assists in abducting index, ring, and little finger
wrist extension and radial deviation
extensor digitorum peripheral innervation
radial (posterior interosseus nerve)
extensor digitorum segmental innervation
C6, C7, C8
extensor digiti minimi origin
common extensor tendon from lateral epicondyle of humerus and deep antebrachial fascia
extensor digiti minimi insertion
into extensor expansion of little finger with extensor digitorum tendon
extensor digiti minimi action
extension of MCP joint and in conjunction with lumbricales and interossei, extends IP joints of little finger
assists in abduction of the little finger
extensor digiti minimi peripheral innervation
radial (posterior interosseus nerve)
extensor digiti minimi segmental innervation
C6, C7, C8
extensor carpi ulnaris origin
common extensor tendon from lateral epicondyle of humerus by aponeurosis from posterior border of ulna and deep antebrachial fascia
extensor carpi ulnaris insertion
base of 5th metacarpal bone, ulnar side
extensor carpi ulnaris action
extends and ulnarly deviates wrist
extensor carpi ulnaris peripheral innervation
radial (posterior interosseus nerve)
extensor carpi ulnaris segmental innervation
C6, C7, C8
extensor indicis origin
posterior surface of body of ulna distal to origin of extensor pollicis longus and interosseus membrane
extensor indicis insertion
into extensor expansion of index finger with extensor digitorum longus tendon
extensor indicis action
extends MCP joint of index finger, and in conjunction with lumbricales and interossei, extends IP joint of index finger, assists in index finger adduction
extensor indicis peripheral innervation
radial (posterior interosseus nerve)
extensor indicis segmental innervation
C6, C7, C8
abductor pollicis longus origin
posterior surface of body of ulna distal to origin of supinator, interosseus membrane, and posterior surface of middle 1/3 of body of radius
abductor pollicis longus insertion
base of 1st metacarpal bone, radial side
abductor pollicis longus action
extension of CMC joint of the thumb with slight abduction, wrist radial deviation and assists in wrist flexion
abductor pollicis longus peripheral innervation
radial (posterior interosseus nerve)
abductor pollicis longus segmental innervation
C6, C7, C8
extensor pollicis longus origin
middle 1/3 of posterior surface of ulna distal to origin of abductor pollicis longus and interosseus membrane
extensor pollicis longus insertion
base of distal phalanx of thumb, dorsal surface
extensor pollicis longus action
extends IP joint of thumb, assists in thumb MCP and CMC extension, assists in wrist radial deviation and extension
extensor pollicis longus peripheral innervation
radial (posterior interosseus nerve)
extensor pollicis longus segmental innervation
C6, C7, C8
extensor pollicis brevis origin
posterior surface of body of radius distal to origin of abductor pollicis longus and interosseus membrane
extensor pollicis brevis insertion
base of proximal phalanx of thumb, dorsal surface
extensor pollicis brevis action
extends thumb MCP joint, extends and abducts CMC joint, assists in wrist radial deviation
extensor pollicis brevis peripheral innervation
radial (posterior interosseus)
extensor pollicis brevis segmental innervation
C6, C7, C8
supinator origin
lateral epicondyle of humerus, radial collateral ligament of elbow joint, annular ligament of radius, and supinator crest of ulna
supinator insertion
lateral surface of upper 1/3 of body of radius covering part of anterior and posterior surface
supinator action
forearm supination
supinator peripheral innervation
radial (posterior interosseus nerve)
supinator segmental innervation
C5, C6, C7
coracobrachialis origin
apex of coracoid process of scapula
coracobrachialis insertion
medial surface of middle of shaft of humerus, opposite deltoid tuberosity
coracobrachialis action
flexion and adduction of the shoulder
coracobrachialis peripheral innervation
coracobrachialis segmental innervation
C6, C7
biceps brachii origin
short head: apex of coracoid process of scapula
long head: supraglenoid tubercle of scapula
biceps brachii insertion
radial tuberosity, aponeurosis of biceps brachii
biceps brachii action
shoulder flexion
long head: may passively restrict humeral anterior and superior translation
origin fixed: elbow flexion moving forearm toward humerus, forearm supination
insertion fixed: elbow flexion moving humerus toward forearm
may contribute to scapular anterior tilt
biceps brachii peripheral innervation
biceps brachii segmental innervation
C5, C6
brachialis origin
distal 1/2 of anterior surface of humerus, medial and lateral intermuscular septa
brachialis insertion
tuberosity and coronoid process of ulna
brachialis action
elbow flexion
brachialis peripheral innervation
musculocutaneous, radial
brachialis segmental innervation
C5, C6
external abdominal oblique origin
anterior: external surface of ribs 5-8 interdigitating with serratus anterior
lateral: external surface of 9th rib interdigitating with serratus anterior and external surface of 10-12th ribs, interdigitating with latissimus dorsi
external abdominal oblique insertion
anterior: into a broad, flat aponeurosis in the linea alba, obliquely downward and medially with uppermost fibers more medial (hands in your pockets)
lateral: as the inguinal ligament, into anterior superior spine and pubic tubercle and into the external lip of anterior 1/2 of iliac crest, obliquely downward and medially, more down than the anterior fibers
external abdominal oblique action
anterior: bilaterally flexes vertebral column, approximate thorax and pelvis anteriorly, support and compress abdominal viscera, depress thorax, assists in respiration
Acting unilaterally with internal obliques of opposite side, rotates vertebral column forward or pelvis backward, side bend to same side
external abdominal oblique peripheral innervation
anterior primary rami
external abdominal oblique segmental innervation
internal abdominal oblique origin
lower: lateral 2/3 of inguinal ligament, a short attachment on iliac crest near anterior superior iliac spine
upper: anterior 1/3 of intermediate line of iliac crest
lateral: middle 1/3 of intermediate line of iliac crest and thoracolumbar fascia
internal abdominal oblique insertion
lower: with transversus abdominis into crest of pubis, medial part of pectineal line and into linea alba by means of an aponeurosis
direction: transversely across
upper: linea alba by means of aponeurosis
direction: medial and upward
lateral: inferior borders of 10-12th ribs and linea alba via aponeurosis
direction: up and medial (more upward that upper fibers)
internal abdominal oblique peripheral innervation
anterior primary rami of T7-L1
internal abdominal oblique segmental innervation
T7-T12, L1
internal abdominal oblique action
lower: compress and support the lower abdominal viscera in conjunction with the transversus abdominis
upper: bilaterally flexes vertebral column, approximate thorax and pelvis anteriorly
assists in respiration, rotates the vertebral column, bringing thorax back or pelvis forward
lateral: bilaterally flexes vertebral column,
unilaterally with the fibers of external oblique on the same side, laterally flexes the vertebral column, and with the external oblique on opposite side rotate vertebral column
rectus abdominis origin
pubic crest and symphysis
rectus abdominis insertion
costal cartilages of 5-7 ribs and xiphoid process of the sternum
rectus abdominis actions
flexes the vertebral column by approximating thorax with pelvis anteriorly
rectus abdominis peripheral innervation
anterior primary rami of T5-T12
rectus abdominis segmental innervation
masseter origin
superficial: zygomatic process of maxilla, lower border of zygomatic arch
profundus: posterior 1/3 of inferior border and medial surface of zygomatic arch
masseter insertion
superficial: angle and ramus of mandible
profundus: superior 1/2 of ramus and lateral surface of coronoid process of mandible
masseter actions
elevates the mandible
small effect on side to side movement, protraction and retraction
pulls mouth closed
masseter peripheral innervation
CN V3 (mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve)
temporalis origin
temporal fossa and fascia
temporalis insertion
coronoid process of mandible and anterior border of ramus of mandible
temporalis actions
elevates mandible (closes the jaw)
Posterior fibers retrude mandible
assists with lateral deviation
temporalis peripheral innervation
CN V3 (mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve)
medial pterygoid origin
medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate, pyramidal process of palatine bone, and tuberosity of maxilla
medial pterygoid insertion
inferior and posterior part of medial surface of ramus and angle of mandibular foramen
medial pterygoid actions
elevation (closes the jaw)
deviation to opposite side
medial pterygoid peripheral innervation
CN V3 (mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve)
longus capitis
upper cervical flexion and head on neck flexion
longus capitis peripheral innervation
cervical plexus (anterior rami) of C1-C3
longus capitis segmental innervation
C1, C2, C3
longus colli actions
lower cervical flexion
longus colli peripheral innervation
cervical plexus (anterior rami) of C2-C7
longus colli segmental innervation
rectus capitis anterior actions
anterior flexion of head on neck (nodding)
ipsilateral rotation
rectus capitis anterior peripheral innervation
ansa cervicalis
rectus capitis anterior segmental innervation
rectus capitis lateralis actions
lateral flexion of head to SAME side
rectus capitis lateralis peripheral innervation
ansa cervicalis (anterior primary rami)
rectus capitis lateralis segmental innervation
scalenus anterior origin
anterior part of transverse processes of C3-C6
scalenus anterior insertion
1st rib
scalenus anterior actions
flexes the lower cervical vertebrae and lateral bending
elevates the first rib
scalenus anterior peripheral innervation
anterior primary rami of C4-C6
scalenus anterior segmental innervation
scalenus medius origin
transverse processes of C2-C7
scalenus medius insertion
1st rib
scalenus medius actions
lateral bending of the cervical spine, elevates the first rib
scalenus medius peripheral innervation
anterior primary rami
scalenus medius segmental innervation
scalenus posterior origin
posterior part of the transverse processes of C5-C7
scalenus posterior insertion
2nd rib
scalenus posterior actions
lateral bending of the cervical spine, elevates the 2nd rib
scalenus posterior peripheral innervation
anterior primary rami of C6-C8
scalenus posterior segmental innervation
platysma actions
neck flexion
platysma peripheral innervation
facial (CN VII)
orbicularis occuli actions
closes eyelids firmly (orbital part) or gently (palpebral part)
orbicularis occuli peripheral innervation
facial (CN VII)
frontalis actions
raises the eyebrows
frontalis peripheral innervation
Facial (CN VII)
orbicularis oris actions
closes the lips and protrudes them forward (whistle)
orbicularis oris peripheral innervation
facial (CN VII)
zygomaticus major actions
draws up the angles of the mouth (SMILE)
zygomaticus major peripheral innervation
facial (CN VII)
depressor anguli oris actions
draws down the angles of the mouth
depressor anguli oris peripheral innervation
facial (CN VII)
levator anguli oris actions
draws down the angle of mouth straight upward, deepening the furrow from the side of the nose to the side of the mouth (sneer-show the canine tooth on one side)
levator anguli oris peripheral innervation
facial (CN VII)
buccinator actions
presses cheeks firmly against the side teeth, pulling back the angle of the mouth (blowing a trumpet)
buccinator peripheral innervation
facial (CN VII)
corrugator supercilii actions
draws the eyebrows together (as in frowning)
corrugator supercilii peripheral innervation
Facial (CN VII)
sternocleidomastoid origin
sternal head: manubrium
clavicular head: medial 1/3 of clavicle
sternocleidomastoid insertion
sternal head: lateral surface of mastoid process
clavicular head: lateral 1/2 of superior nuchal line of occipital bone
sternocleidomastoid actions
unilaterally: rotates cervical spine to opposite side and laterally flexes to the same side
bilaterally: flexes the lower cervical spine (forward translation)
extends the upper cervical (head or neck extension)
sternocleidomastoid peripheral innervation
spinal accessory (CN XI) anterior primary rami
sternocleidomastoid segmental innervation
CN XI, C1, C2
semispinalis capitis actions
acting bilaterally: extension (posterior sagittal rotation)
acting unilaterally: rotation to opposite side
semispinalis capitis peripheral innervation
posterior rami of adjacent nerves
semispinalis cervicis actions
acting bilaterally: cervical extension (posterior sagittal rotation)
acting unilaterally: rotation to opposite side
semispinalis cervicis peripheral innervation
posterior primary rami of adjacent spinal nerve
longissimus capitis actions
acting bilaterally: cervical extension
acting unilaterally: lateral flexion and rotation to same side
longissimus capitis peripheral innervation
posterior rami of adjacent spinal nerves
longissimus cervicis actions
acting bilaterally: cervical extension
longissimus cervicis peripheral innervation
posterior rami of adjacent spinal nerves
longissimus thoracis actions
extension and lateral flexion to same side
longissimus thoracis peripheral innervation
posterior rami of adjacent spinal nerves
lumbar multifidus actions
primary stabilizer of lumbar spine
anti-fexion and anti-shear action
lumbar multifidus peripheral innervation
posterior rami of adjacent spinal nerves
quadratus lumborum origin
iliac crest and occasionally transverse processes of lower 3 or 4 lumbar vertebrae, iliolumbar ligament
quadratus lumborum insertion
inferior border of rib 12 and transverse processes of L1-L4
quadratus lumborum actions
assist in extension, laterally flexes the lumbar vertebral column, and depresses the last rib
bilaterally: acting together with the diaphragm fixes the last two ribs during inspiration
quadratus lumborum peripheral innervation
anterior rami of T12, L1-L4
quadratus lumborum segmental innervation
T12, L1-L4
splenius capitis actions
rotation to same side, extension/posterior sagittal rotation
splenius capitis peripheral innervation
greater occipital nerve, posterior primary rami C2
splenius cervicis actions
rotation to same side, extension/posterior sagittal rotation
splenius cervicis peripheral innervation
lesser occipital nerve, posterior primary rami C3
rectus capitis posterior major origin
spine of axis
rectus capitis posterior major insertion
inferior nuchal line of occipital bone
rectus capitis posterior major actions
extends the head, turns face to the same side
rectus capitis posterior major peripheral innervation
posterior rami of C1
rectus capitis posterior major segmental innervation
rectus capitis posterior minor origin
tubercle on posterior arch of atlas
rectus capitis posterior minor insertion
medial inferior nuchal line of occiput
rectus capitis posterior minor actions
extend, rotate neck
rectus capitis posterior minor peripheral innervation
posterior rami
rectus capitis posterior minor segmental innervation
oblique capitis inferior origin
spine apex of axis passing lateral and upward
oblique capitis inferior insertion
transverse process of atlas (inferior, posterior part)
oblique capitis inferior actions
rotate head to same side
oblique capitis inferior peripheral innervation
posterior rami of C1
oblique capitis inferior segmental innervation
oblique capitis superior origin
transverse process of atlas passing upward and backward
oblique capitis superior insertion
occipital bone
oblique capitis superior actions
extends head, lateral flexion to same side
oblique capitis superior peripheral innervation
posterior rami
oblique capitis superior segmental innervation