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52 Cards in this Set

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Structures within the Anterior Axioappendicular Musculature

1. Pectoralis Major

2. Pectoralis Minor

3. Subclavius

4. Serratus Anterior

5. Deltopectoral Triangle and Groove

Structures within the Posterior Axioappendicular Musculature

1. Trapezius

2. Lattismus Dorsi

3. Levator Scalpulae

4. Rhomboid major and minor

5. Deltoid

6. Supraspinatus

7. Infraspinatus

8. Teres Minor

9. Teres Major

10. Subscapularis

What are the four rotator cuff muscles?

1. Supraspinatus

2. Infraspinatus

3. Teres Minor

4. Subscalpularis

What is the nerve supply of the pectoralis major?

The medial and lateral pectoral nerves.

What is the nerve supply to the pectoralis minor?

Only the medial pectoral nerve.

What innervates the subclavius?

The subclavian nerve.

What innervates the serratus anterior?

The long thoracic nerve.

What innervates the trapezius?

Accessory nerve.

What inneravtes the lattissimus dorsi?

The thoracodorsal nerve.

What innervates the levator scalpulae?

The dorsal scalpular nerve.

What innervates the rhomboid major and minor muscles?

The dorsal scalpular nerve.

What innervates the deltoid?

The axillary nerve.

What innervates the supraspinatus nerve?

Suprascalpular nerve.

What innervates the infraspinatus nerve?

The suprascalpular nerve.

What innervates the teres minor?

The axillary nerve.

What innervates the teres major?

The lower subscalpular nerve.

What innervates the subscapularis?

The upper and lower subscapular nerves.

What divides the arm into myofascial compartments?

Medial and lateral intermuscular septa.

In the anterior compartment of the upper limb, what nerve innervates these muscles?

Musculocutaneous nerve

Where does the blood supply come from to supply the anterior compartment?

The arterial branches of the brachial artery.

What is the action of the muscles in the anterior compartment?


What muscles are in the anterior compartment?

ACBB - A Colored Big Balloon

1. Coracobrachialis

2. Biceps Brachii (Long and Short Heads)

3. Brachialis

What innervates all muscles in the posterior compartment?

The radial nerve.

What supplies the blood for the posterior compartment?

The brachial and profunda brachial arteries.

What is the job of the muscles in the posterior compartment?


What are the muscles that are located in the posterior compartment?

PTA - Parent/Teacher Association

1. Triceps Brachii (Long, Medial, and Lateral Heads)

2. Anconeus

What tissues are located in the fascia (antebrachial) of the forearm


A fun fact. Everything fun rocks.

Extensor and Flexor Retincula

What innervates the anterior/posterior compartment of the forearm?

The median nerve and the ulnar (only 1.5 muscles) nerve.

What action do anterior compartment muscles of the forearm do?

A.F. American Flag


What are the superficial muscles of the forearm? (4)

FPFP Forearm Foreplay foreplay

1. Pronator teres

2. Flexor carpi radialis

3. Palmaris longus

4. Flexor carpi ulnaris

What innervates the flexor carpi ulnaris?

Ulnar nerve

What is the only intermediate muscle of the anterior forearm?

The flexor digitorum superficialis.

What are the (3) muscles of the deep anterior forearm?

1. Flexor digitorum profundus

2. Flexor pollicis longus

3. Pronator quadratus

What innervates the deep muscles of the anterior forearm?

1. Lateral

2. 0.5 - Median

3. 0.5 - Medial

4. Ulnar

What innervates the posterior compartment of the forearm? (All muscles)

The radial nerve.

What supplies blood flow to the posterior compartment of the forearm?

Arterial branches of the radial and posterior interosseus arteries.

What are all of the muscles of the superficial portion of the forearm?

Think superficial portion..first part of the alphabet with extensor muscles.

1. Brachioradialis

2. Extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis

3. Extensor digitorum

4. Extensor digiti minimi

5. Extensor carpi ulnaris

What are all of the muscles of the deep poriton of the forearm?


Extensor indicis

Abductor pollicus longus

Extensor pollicius longus

Extensor pollicus brevis

What does the palmar apopneurosis of the fascia of the hand do?

It extends a medial and lateral fibrous septum to divide the hand into thenar, central, and hypothenar compartments.

What are the muscles of the thenar portion of the hand? (3)


To pinch butt.

1. Abductor pollicus brevis

2. Flexor pollicis brevis

3. Opponens pollicis

What are the muscles of the hypothenar portion of the hand (3)?



1. Abductor digiti minimi

2. Flexor digiti minimi brevis

3. Opponens digiti minimi

What are the central muscles of the hand?


1. Adductor pollicis

2. 1st and second lumbricals

3. 3rd and fourth lumbricals

4. Dorsal interossei

5. Palmar interossei

What is the apex of the axilla?

Clavicle, lateral border of the first rib and superior border of the scapula.

What is the base of the axilla?

Axillary fascia

What is contained within the walls of the axilla?


PSTMLD - Post traumatic stress disorder, many limitiations



Anterior - Pectoralis minor and pec. major

Posterior - Subscapularis, Teres Major, Lat. Dorsi

Medial - Serratus Anterior

Lateral - Intertubercular (Bicepital) Groove of Humerus

What are the contents of the axilla?





1. Axillary sheath

2. Axillary artery and vein

3. Lymph nodes

4. Brachial plexus

What are the boundaries of the cubital fossa? (3)

SMLE - Smelly

MPT - Mean puta tramp

LB - Loud bitch

1. Superior - Medial and lateral epicondyles

2. Medial - Pronator Teres

3. Lateral - Brachioradialis

What are the two muscles on the floor of the cubital fossa?

Fun son of a basket

1. Brachialis

2. Supinator

What is the muscle on the roof of the cubital fossa?

Rabies bites are caustic

1. Bicipital aponeurosis

Where does the brachial artery terminate?

The radial and ulnar arteries.

What are the contents of the cubital fossa?


After cooking food, a nurse (MRN) with deep vein thrombosis went to best buy.

1. Deep veins

2. Tendons of biceps brachii

3. Median nerve

4. Radial nerve

What are the contents of the flexor retenaculum?

1. Tendons (all of the flexor digitorum tendons)

2. Median nerve