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121 Cards in this Set

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Coracoid process attachments?
O: Coracobrachialis, Short head of biceps brachii
I: Pectoralis minor
Ligaments: Coracoacromial, Coracoclavicular and Coracohumeral
Other: Costocoracoid membrane
Scapular notch is covered by?
Superior transverse scapular ligament
Which structure goes through scapular notch? and affect of entrapment?
suprascapular nerve which affects the function of supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles.
Supraglenoid tubercle attachment?
Long head of biceps brachii
Infraglenoid tubercle attachment?
Long head of triceps brachii
Greater tubercle attachments?
Teres minor
Lesser tubercle attachments?
Intertubercular groove attachments?
Lateral lip: I: Pectoralis major
Medial lip: Teres major
Floor: Latissimus dorsi
Intertubercular groove is covered by?
transverse humeral ligament
Surgical neck fracture may damage?
Axillary nerve and posterior humeral circumflex artery
Spiral groove lodges? and separates what?
Radial nerve
above: lateral head of triceps brachii
below: medial head of triceps brachii
Fracture of humerus shaft may damage?
Radial nerve and deep brachial artery
supracondylar fracture may damage?
median nerve
fracture of medial epicondyle may damage?
ulnar nerve
Lateral epicondyle attachments?
O: Supinator m and extensor muscles of forearm
Medial epicondyle attachments?
Ulnar collateral ligaments, pronator teres and the common tendon of forearm flexor muscles
Head of radius articulations?
Capitulum of humerus and radial notch of ulna
Structures in groove of medial epicondyle?
Ulnar n. and superior ulnar collateral a.
Head of radius is surrounded by which structure to attach to ulna?
Annular ligament
distal radius articulations?
Scaphoid, Lunate and Triquetrum
Styloid process of radius attachments?
I: brachioradialis m.
Anatomical snuffbox is between what tendons?
Extensor pollicis brevis and longus
Coronoid process attachments?
Brachialis m.
First row of carpal bones?
Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrum and Pisiform
Second row of carpal bones?
Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate and Hamate
Pisiform is lodged in what structure?
Flexor carpi ulnaris tendon
Guyon's canal syndrome entraps what nerve?
Ulnar n.
Guyon's canal is formed by?
Pisiform, hook of hamate and pisohamate ligament
Ulnar tunnel (Guyon's canal) contains?
Ulnar n. and a.
Ulnar n. do what in ulnar tunnel?
Divides to superficial and deep branches
Coracoclavicular ligaments consists of?
Conoid and Trapezoid ligaments
What join do coracoclavicular ligament reinforce?
Acromioclavicular joint
Sternoclavicular joint reinforcment?
anterior and posterior sternoclavicular
costoclavicular ligaments
Fibrous capsule reinforcement?
Rotator cuff, glenohumeral ligaments and coracohumeral ligaments
What nerves innervates glenohumeral joint?
axillary, suprascapular and lateral pectoral nerves
Dislocation of glenohumeral joint may damage what?
Axillary n. and posterior humeral circumflex vessels
glenohumeral joint blood supply?
branches from suprascapular, anterior and posterior humeral circumflex and scapular circumflex arteries.
Paint to shoulder involves what nerves?
supraclavicular (Sensory fibers to skin over shoulder) (C3-C4) which has the same origin as phrenic nerve (C3-C5)
Rotator cuff consists of?
SITS: Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres minor and Subscapularis.
Ligaments of glenohumeral joints are?
Glenohumeral ligament (superior, middle, inferior)
transverse humeral ligament
coracohumeral ligament
coracoacromial ligament
Bursae around shoulder?
subacromial bursa
subdeltoid bursa
subscapular bursa
which shoulder bursa communicates?
Subacromial and subdeltoid

(Subscapular communicates with synovial cavity)
Elbow joint consist of what joints?
Humeroradial, Humeroulnar and PROXIMAL radioulnar joints!
What nerves innervates elbow joint?
Elbow joint blood supply?
anastomosis formed by branches of brachial artery and recurrent branches of radial and ulnar arteries

(brachial, radial, ulnar)
Elbow joint reinforcements?
Annular ligament
Radial collateral ligament
Ulnar collateral ligament
Ulnar collateral ligaments consist of?
Anterior, posterior and oblique bands
Radiocarpal (wrist) joint is reinforced by? and type?
condylar joint: Capsule made of: Radial and Ulnar collateral ligaments
Palmar and dorsal radiocarpal ligaments.
Midcarpal joint is what type of joint?
plane joint with compound articulation
Scaphoid + trapezium and trapezoid (plane joint)
scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum + capitate and hamate (condylar joint)
Carpometacarpal joints consist of?
saddle joint (between trapezium and thumb)
plane joints (between the rest)
Metacarpalphalangeal joint type and support?
condyloid joint supportet by 2 collateral ligaments and palmar ligament
interphalangeal joints type and support?
hinge joints supported by 2 collateral ligaments and palmar ligament
dermatome for medial side of arm
Medial brachial cutaneous nerve (C8-T1) (medial cord)
dermatome for medial side of forearm
Medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve (C8-T1) (medial cord)
dermatome for lateral side of the arm
Lateral brachial cutaneous nerve (C5-C6) (axillary nerve)
dermatome for lateral side of forearm
Lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve (C6-C7) (musculocutaneous nerve)
dermatome for posterior arm and forearm
Posterior brachial and antebrachial cutaneous nerves (C5-C8) (Radial nerve)
Intercostobrachial nerve comes from?
Cutaneous branch of 2nd intercostal nerve which pierces intercostal and serratus anterior muscles.

(may communicate with medial brachial cutaneous nerve)
Continuation of dorsal venous system on radial side and on ulnar side?
Cephalic vain on radial
Basilic vain on ulnar
what strucutre connect cephalic vein with basilic vein? over what structure?
Median cubital vein (in front of elbow) Over cubital fossa
Cephalic vein and basilic vein continue as?
Axillary vein then Subclavian vein
What stuctures do the cephalic vein pierce?
brachial fascia and costocoracoid membrain
What nerve do basilic vein acompany?
medial antrebrachial cutaneous vein
How is median cubital vain separated from brachial artery?
It is separated by the bicipital aponeurosis! (it is superficial to the aponeurosis)
Median antebrachial vein terminates in?
median cubital vein or basilic vein
Medial group of lymphatic vessel drainage route?
Accompanies basilic vein, passes through cubital or supratrochlear nodes, enters lateral axillary nodes > central axillary nodes > apical axillary nodes
Lateral group of lymphatic vessels drainage route?
Accompanies cephalic vein > lateral axillary nodes &> deltopectoral nodes > apical axillary nodes
Dorsal venous system recieves veins by?
intercapitular and palmar metacarpal veins
Central node recieves and drain into?
R: Lateral, Pectoral(anterior) Posterior(subscapular) nodes
D: Apical nodes
Lymph node locations? (lateral, central, pectoral, posterior, apical)
Lateral: posteromedial to axillary vein
Central: between lateral thoracic and subscapular vein
Pectoral: inferolateral boarder of pectoralis minor
Posterior: along subscapular vein
Apical: medial to axillary vein, above upper border of pectoralis minor
Lymph node orientation?
Lateral: brachial
Posterior: Subscapular
Anterior: Pectoral
What fascia envelops subclavius and pectoralis minor? and what are its components?
Clavicopectoral fascia
components are: costocoracoid ligament and membrane, and the suspensory ligaments of axilla
What structure covers deltopectoral triangle? and is pierced by?
Costocoracoid membrane
Pierced by: cephalic vein, thoracoacromial artery, lateral pectoral nerve
Axillary fascia connections?
Anterior: Pectoral fascia, clavicopectoral fascia
Lateral: brachial fascia
Posteromedial: Fascia over latissimus dorsi
What structure encloses axillary vessels and brachial plexus
Axillary sheat
What structure supporst breasts? from where to where?
Suspensory ligaments (Cooper's ligaments) go from skin of breasts to deep layer of superficial fascia
Level of nipple?
4th intercostal space
Breast receives blood from?
medial mammary branches (anterior perforating branches of internal thoracic artery)
lateral mammary branches (lateral thoracic artery)
pectoral branches (thoracoacromial trunk)
lateral cutaneous branches (posterior intercostal arteries)
Breast innervation?
anterior and lateral cutaneous branches of 2nd to 6th intercostal nerves
Breast dysfunctions?
Polymastia (more than 2 breasts)
Polythelia (more than 2 nipples)
Amastia (abcense of breasts)
Athelia (abcense of nipple)
Extension of mammary gland superolatteraly?
Axillary tail
superficial and deep fascia are separated by?
Retromammary space
Breast cancer occurance and may affect what?
Upper lateral quadrant (60%)!
cooper's ligaments and dimples the overlying skin by shrinking the ligaments, can shorten lactiferous ducts to cause inverted nipple, and it can affect pectoralis major
Lymph drainage of breasts and routes?
Lateral> axillary nodes (75%) (pectoral nodes)
medial> parasternal nodes

May connect to other breast lymphatics and anterior abdominal wall lymphatics
Boundaries of the axilla
Medial: Upper ribs and intercostal muscles and serratus anterior muscle
Lateral: Humerus
Anterior: Pectoralis major + minor
Posterior: Teres Major, subscapularis, latissimus dorsi
Base: Axillary fascia
Apex: Intervall between; scapula, clavicle and 1st rib
Contents of axilla?
Axillary vasculature, branches of brachial plexus, lymphnodes and areolar tissue
Quadrangular space boundaries and content?
Superior: Teres minor and subscapularis
Inferior: Teres major
Lateral: Surgical neck of humerus
Medial: Long head of triceps brachii

Contents: Axillary nerve and posterior humeral circumflex vessels
Upper triangular space boundaries and content?
Superior: Teres minor
Inferior: Teres major
Lateral Long head of triceps brachii

Content: Circumflex scapular vessels
Lower triangular space boundaries and content?
Superior: Teres major
Medial: Long head of triceps brachii
Lateral: Medial head of triceps brachii

content: Radial nerve and profunda brachii artery (deep brachial artery)
Triangle of auscultation boundaries?
Inferior: Upper border of latissimus dorse
Medial: Lateral border of trapezius
Lateral: Medial border of scapula
Scapular anastamoses?
a. suprascapular, descending scapular and circumflex scapular a.
b. acromial and posterior humeral circumflex a.
c. descending scapular and posterior intercostal a.
Cubital fossa boundaries?
Lateral: Brachioradialis
Medial: Pronator teres
Floor: Brachialis and supinator m.
Cubital fossa contents?
RonBeatsBadMan (L to M): Radial nerve, Biceps tendon, Brachial artery and Median nerve!
Lower end of cubital fossa divides brachial a. into what?
Radial and Ulnar arteries
Bicipital aponeurosis lies on what structures?
Median n. and Brachial a.
What strucutures pass between interosseous membrane and oblique band? (proximal)
posterior interosseous vessels
what structures pierces interosseous membrane?
anterior interosseous vessels
Which is trongest? Pronation or supination?
What forms the carpal tunnel on anterior and posterior aspect of wrist
Anterior: Flexor retinaculum
Posterior: Carpal bones
Contents of carpal tunnel?
Median n.
Tendons of: Flexor pollicis longus, flexor digitorum profundus, and flexor digitorum superficialis
Fascial spaces of the palm and content?
Thenar space (lateral): flexor pollicis longus and flexor tendos of index finger.
Midpalmar space (medial): flexor tendons of medial 3 fingers
Brachial plexus formed by?
Brachial plexus roots passes between what muscles?
Anterior scalene and middle scalene
Brachial plexus is enclosed with and by?
axillary a. and v. within axillary sheath
What nerve pierces scalene medius m.?
Dorsal scapular n. (C5)
what nerve runs over the serratus anterior muscle and innervates it?
Long thoracic n. (C5-C7)
Damage to what nerve causes winged scapula?
Long thoracic n. (C5-C7)
Branches from brachial plexus roots?
Long thoracic n.
Dorsal scapular n.
Branches from upper trunk?
Suprascapular n.
Nerve to subclavius
Branches from lateral cord?
Lateral pectoral n.
Musculocutaneus n.
Branches from medial cord?
Medial pectoral n.
Medial brachial cutaneous n.
Medial antebrachial cutaneous n.
Ulnar n.
Branches from medial and lateral cords?
Median n.
Branches from posterior cord?
Upper subscapular n.
Thoracodorsal n.
Loswer subscapular n.
Axillary n.
Radial n.
What n. does not branch in brachium?
Ulnar n.
Largest branch of brachial plexus?
Radial n.
What n. innervates all the flexor muscles in the anterior compartment of the arm? continue as?
Musculocutaneus n. (C5-C7)
continue as: Lateral antebrachial cutaneous n.
Median n. innervates what?
all the anterior muscles of the forearm except for:
flexor carpi ulnaris and ulnar half of flexor digitorum profundus.
Claw hand caused by what nerve?
Ulnar n.
Ape hand caused by what nerve?
Median n.
Wrist drop caused by what nerve?
Radial n.
Central structure of axilla?
Axillary artery