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118 Cards in this Set

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Spinal Accessory Nerve CN XI
Nuchal ligament, skull, C7-T12-->
lateral third of clavicle, spine of scapula, acromion
Elevate, retract, depress scapula
Latissimus Dorsi
Thoracodorsal nerve (C6,7,8)
T7-sacrum, iliac crest, lower 3-4 ribs--> intertubercular groove (Lady between two majors)
extend, adduct, medially rotate arm
Rhomboid Major
Dorsal Scapular Nerve (C5)
T2-T5--> medial border scapula from spine to inferior angle
Retract scapula, rotate to depress glenoid cavity
Rhomboid Minor
Dorsal Scapular Nerve (C5)
Nuchal ligament, C7-T1--> medial end of scapular spine
Retract scapula, rotate to depress glenoid cavity
Axillary Nerve (C5-6)
Lateral third clavicle, acromion, spine of scapula--> deltoid tuberosity of humerus
clavicular: flex/medially rotate arm, acromial: abducts arm, spinal: extend/laterally rotate arm
Suprascapular Nerve (C4-6)
Supraspinous fossa--> superior greater tubercle of humerus
Abduct arm first 90, rotator cuff
Suprascapular Nerve (C5-6)
Infraspinous fossa--> middle greater tubercle of humerus
Laterally rotates arm, rotator cuff
Teres Minor
Axillary Nerve (C5-6)
upper lateral border of scapula--> interior facet of greater tubercle of humerus
laterally rotates arm, rotator cuff
Teres Major
Lower Subscapular Nerve (C5-6)
inferior angle of scapula--> medial lip of intertubercular groove of humerus (Lady between two majors)
adducts and medially rotates arm
Upper and Lower Subscapular Nerve (C5-7)
subscapular fossa-->lesser tubercle of humerus
medially rotates arm, rotator cuff
Levator Scapulae
Dorsal Scapular Nerve (C5), Cervical Nerve (C3-4)
C1-C4-->medial border of the scapula, superior angle to the spine
elevates scapula, rotates glenoid cavity inferiorly
Biceps Brachii
Musculocutaneous (C5,C6)
short head: coracoid process, long head: supraglenoid tubercle of scapula--> radial tuberosity
flexes elbow, long head flexes arm, strong supinator when arm is flexed
Long head runs through bicipital groove-->can be used to locate rotator cuff
Pectoralis Major
Medial (C8-T1) and Lateral Pectoral Nerves (C5-C7)
medial 1/2 clavicle, sternum, ribs 2-6--> lateral intertubercular groove of humerus (Lady between two majors)
Flexes, adducts, medially rotates arm
Pectoralis Minor
Medial Pectoral Nerve (C8-T1)
ribs 3-5-->coracoid process
Draws scapula forward, medially, downward
Musculocutaneous Nerve (C5-6)
coracoid process-->mid shaft of humerus
flexes shoulder and adducts arm
resists shoulder dislocation
Musculocutaneous Nerve (C5-6)
mid shaft humerus-->ulnar tuberosity
flexes elbow
Radial Nerve (C5-T1)
Long head: infraaglenoid tubercle, lateral head: superior radial groove, medial head: inferior radial groove--> olecranon of ulna
extends forearm (long head extends/adducts arm)
Pronator Teres
Median Nerve (C5-T1)
Medial epicondyle-->middle of lateral radius
pronates forearm
Flexor Carpi Radialis
Median Nerve (C5-T1)
Medial epicondyle-->base of 2 and 3 metacarpal
flexes forearm, flexes and abducts hand
Palmaris Longus
Median Nerve (C5-T1)
Medial epicondyle of humerus-->flexor retinaculum, palmar aponeurosis (2, 3, 4 metacarpals)
flexes forearm and hand
losing: needed for hanging on trees
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
Ulnar (C7-T1)
Medial epicondyle of humerus--> pisiform, hook of hamate, metacarpal 5
flexes forearm, adducts hand
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis (FDS)
Median Nerve (C5-T1)
Medial epicondyle-->middle phalanges of fingers
Flexes proximal phalanges joints, flexes hand and forearm
Flexor Digitorum Profundus (FDP)
Ulnar (C7-T1) and Median Nerves (C5-T1)
Anteromedial ulna-->base of distal phalanges
flexes hand and only distal interphalangeal joints
Flexor Pollicis Longus
Median Nerve (C5-T1)
Anterior radius-->base of distal phalanx of thumb
flexes thumb
Pronator Quadratus
Median Nerve (C5-T1)
Anterior distal ulna-->anterior distal radius
weak pronator (unloaded hand)
Subclavian Artery
Aorta-->first rib
Branches: Suprascapular, Internal Thoracic, Transverse cervical
Axillary Artery
First rib to inferior Teres Minor, runs with brachial plexus
Branches: Screw The Lawyer, Save A Patient
1st stage: Superior Thoracic
2nd stage: Thoracoacromial trunk, Lateral Thoracic artery
3rd stage: Subscapular, Anterior and Posterior Circumflex Humeral
Brachial Artery
Inferior Teres Major-->Radial/Ulnar bifurcation
Branches: Profunda brachial artery, muscular/collateral branches around elbow
From Subclavian
Course: Runs over Superior Transverse Scapular Ligament in Scapular Notch (army over, navy under)
Anastomoses: Dorsal Scapular, Circumflex Scapular
Supplies: Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Glenohumeral and Acromioclavicular joints
Superior Thoracic Artery
From 1st stage Axillary
Course: Intercostal spaces
Supplies: 1st and 2nd intercostal spaces, Serratus Anterior
Serratus Anterior
Long Thoracic Nerve (C5-7)
Upper 8 ribs--> medial border of scapula
Rotates scapula upward, abducts arm, elevates arm above horizontal
C567 wing your way to heaven: prevents wing scapula
Transverse Cervical Artery
From Subclavian
Course: Medial border of scapula, gives rise to Dorsal Scapular->collateral circulation of scapula
Supplies: Trapezius, Levator Scapulae, Rhomboids, Serratus Anterior
Thoracoacromial Trunk
From 2nd stage Axillary
Course: Pierces clavipectoral fascia
Supplies: ABCD: Acromial, (Breast) Pectoral, Clavicular, Deltoid branches
Lateral Thoracic Artery
From: 2nd stage Axillary
Course: lateral border Pec Minor
Supplies: Pec Major, Pec Minor, Serratus Anterior, Lateral Mammary arteries
Subscapular Artery
From 3rd stage Axillary
Course: Axillary border of scapula
Supplies: Branches into Thoracodorsal and Circumflex Scapular arteries
Anterior and Posterior Circumflex Humeral Arteries
From: 3rd stage Axillary
Course: surround surgical neck of humerus, posterior through Quadrangular Space
Supplies: Deltoid, Arm muscles at shoulder joint-> collateral circulation
Thoracodorsal Artery
From Subscapular Artery
Course: Lateral border of scapula, follows thoracodorsal nerve
Supplies: Latissimus Dorsi
Circumflex Scapular Artery
From Subscapular Artery
Course: Posteriorly through triangular/unnamed space
Supplies: Infraspinous fossa, collateral circulation of scapular
Anastomoses with Dorsal Scapular and Suprascapular
Profunda brachii artery
From Brachial Artery
Course: Posteriorly through Triangular Interval and Radial Groove with Radial Nerve
Supplies: Extensors
Superior and Inferior Ulnar Collateral Arteries
From Brachial Artery
Supplies: collateral circulation of elbow joint, Medial arm muscles
I Am Pretty Smart: Inferior collateral goes with Anterior recurrent, Posterior recurrent goes with Superior collateral
Axillary Lymph nodes
Big dipper shape, distal to proximal: Humeral, Subscapular, Pectoral, Central, Apical
Internal Thoracic Artery
From Subclavian
Course: descends medially to breast
Supplies: breast
Lymphatic Drainage of Breast
Lateral: Pectoral to Central to Apical to Clavicular
Medial: Parasternal to Subdiaphragmatic
Musculocutaneous Nerve
C5-C7, lateral cord
Biceps Brachii
Coracobrachialis (pierces here)
Radial Nerve
C5-T1, posterior cord
Superficial: Brachioradialis, ECRL, sensory dorsal hand
Deep: Extensors, Abductor Pollicus Longus, Supinator(penetrates)
Upper: Triceps
Triangular interval with profunda brachial artery
Axillary Nerve
C5-C6, posterior cord
Teres Minor, Deltoid, Superolateral Arm
Quadrangular space with circumflex humeral artery
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis (ECRB)
Deep Radial Nerve (C7)
Common extensor origin (lateral epicondyle)--> base of 3rd metacarpal
Extension of wrist, abduction, against FCR
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus (ECRL)
Radial Nerve (C6-C7)
Common extensor origin (lateral epicondyle)--> base of 2nd metacarpal
Extension of wrist, abduction, against FCR
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris (ECU)
Deep Radial Nerve (C7)
Common extensor origin (lateral epicondyle)--> base of 5th metacarpal
Extension of wrist, abduction
Superficial Radial Nerve (C6)
Brachium of humerus-->styloid of radius
Flexion of elbow when in partially pronated position
Thoracodorsal Nerve
C7-C8, posterior cord
latissimus dorsi
Subscapular Nerve (Upper and Lower)
C5-C6, posterior cord
Upper: Subscapularis
Lower: Subscapularis, Teres Major
Lateral Pectoral Nerve
C5-C7, lateral cord
Pectoralis Major
Ulnar Nerve
C8-T1, medial cord
FCU, FDP (ulnar half), abductor digiti minimi m., flexor digiti minimi brevis m., opponens digiti minimi m., ulnar 2 lumbrical mm., palmar and dorsal interosseous mm
Posterior to medial epicondyle-->funny bone!
Medial Pectoral Nerve
C8-T1, medial cord
Pectoralis Major and Minor
Medial Cutaneous Nerves (Brachial and Antebrachial)
C8-T1, medial cord
Median Nerve
C6-T1, medial and lateral cords
pronator teres m., flexor carpi radialis m., palmaris longus m., FDS, FDP (radial half), flexor pollicis longus m., pronator quadratus m., abductor pollicis brevis m., flexor pollicis brevis m., opponens pollicis m., lateral 2 lumbrical mm.
runs with brachial artery, branches in forearm
can be trapped between two heads of pronator teres in bodybuilders
Long Thoracic Nerve
C5, 6, 7
Serratus Anterior
Suprascapular Nerve
C5, 6 (upper trunk)
Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus
Passes through suprascapular notch-->becomes ossified-->dip shoulder to abduct
Dorsal Scapular Nerve
C5 (root)
Rhomboids, Levator Scapulae
Reflex Tendons
Biceps (C6, musculocutaneous)
Triceps (C7, C8, radial)
Brachioradialis (C6, superficial radial)
Cutaneous Nerves of arm
Lateral cutaneous n. of forearm (musculocutaneous)
Medial cutaneous n. of forearm
Medial cutaneous n. or arm
Shoulder Dystocia
Vaginal Delivery
Upper fibers of brachial plexus-->proximal weakness
Erb's Palsy
Injury to Upper Trunk (C5/C6)
Causes:breech birth, violent displacement of head from shoulder
Effects:Proximal weakness of arm-->loss of abduction, flexion, and lateral rotation-->waiter's tip hand (arm in medial rotation, loss of lateral rotator function)
Carpal Bones
Some Lovers Try Positions That They Can't Handle
Thumb to pinkie:
Proximal: Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrum, Pisiform
Distal: Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate, Hamate
Colle's fracture
Land on hand, support with wrist-->fracture of styloid of radius-->distal end of radius tilted dorsally
Dupuytren Contracture
Connective tissue contracts and scars, palmar aponeurosis becomes hyperplastic-->pulls ring and little fingers down
requires surgery to fix, smokers/diabetics more at risk
PTS (Pronator Teres Syndrome)
Entrapment of median nerve between two heads of pronator teres-->similar symptoms to carpal tunnel
Often found in bodybuilders due to steroids
Carpal Tunnel
Superficial to Deep:
Flexor Retinaculum=transverse carpal ligament
Median Nerve (superficial palmar arises proximally-->no effect on palmar sensation) and FCR tendon
Metacarpals 2-5 and tendons of FDP, FPL- all within synovial cavity
Cause: Inflammation, anterior dislocation of lunate
Effects: pares/hypoes/anesthesia of lateral 3.5 digits (Tinel's sign), weakness in thumb (APB and opponens pollicis), atrophy of thenar muscles, Phalen's sign
Treatment: surgical division of flexor retinaculum to reduce compression
Tennis Elbow
overuse of ECRL and ECRB, lateral epicondylitis
Golfer's Elbow
overuse of flexors, medial epicondylitis
Radial Nerve (C5-T1)
lateral epicondyle-->olecranon and upper 1/4 of ulna
bloodless, nerveless-->easy to reach radius in surgery
extends forearm
Extensor Digitorum (Communis, ED)
Lateral epicondyle--> Extensor expansion of proximal 4 digits before PIP
Extends fingers and hand (not past metacarpal joint)
Ganglion Cyst
Bump on wrist full of fluid
Usually on dorsal side (ECRB on 3rd metacarpal)
Flexion enlarges-->pain
Anterior side: Can press on wrist to cause Carpal Tunnel
Extensor Digiti Minimi (EDM)
Deep Radial Nerve (C7)
Lateral epicondyle and interosseus membrane-->extensor expansion, base of middle and distal phalanges of 5th digit
Extends little finger, adducts
Cubital Fossa
TAN: tendon, artery, nerve
biceps tendon, ulnar artery (where it splits off brachial), median nerve
Floor: Brachialis and musculocutaneous nerve, Supinator
Borders: Brachioradialis and radial nerve (medial), pronator teres (lateral)
Medial cubital vein often used for venipuncture (btwn cephalic (lateral) and basilic (medial))
Artery underneath bicipital aponeurosis-->Grace a Deux
Wrist drop
Sign of radial nerve injury--> can't extend wrist/fingers
High lesion: curled up triceps as well (supinator dead but can supinate with bicep)
Low lesion: Policeman's tip
Quadrangular Space
surgical neck of humerus, long head triceps, teres minor, teres major
Contains axillary nerve and posterior circumflex humeral artery
triangular space
teres major, teres minor, long head triceps
contains circumflex scapular artery
Triangular Interval
teres major, long head of triceps, mid-shaft humerus
contains radial nerve and profunda brachii artery
Anatomical Snuffbox
Tendons of EPL (medial) and EPB/APL (lateral)
styloid of radius (proximal)
scaphoid and trapezium (floor)
contains radial artery-->pulse
Check here for fractured Scaphoid
Bicipetal aponeurosis
Grace a Dieu: Bicipetal aponeurosis in cubital fossa protects median nerve/brachial artery in venipuncture/bloodletting
Extensor Indicis (EI)
Posterior Interosseous Nerve (Deep Radial, C7)
Distal third of ulna and interosseous membrane-->extensor expansion of 2nd digit
Extends 2nd digit independently, helps extend wrist
Deep Radial Nerve (C8)
Lateral epicondyle/radial collateral, annular ligaments-->proximal third of radius
Supinates forearm, rotates forearm when elbow is flexed
Abductor Pollicis Longus (APL)
Posterior Interosseous Nerve (Deep Radial, C8)
Posterior proximal ulna, radius, interosseous membrane-->Base of 1st metacarpal
Abduct/extend thumb at CM joint
Extensor Pollicis Longus (EPL)
Posterior Interosseous Nerve (Deep Radial, C8)
Posterior middle 1/3 ulna and interosseous membrane-->Base and distal phalanx of thumb
Extends thumb at IP, MP, and CM joints
Extensor Pollicis Brevis (EPB)
Posterior Interosseous Nerve (Deep Radial, C8)
Posterior distal third radius and interosseous membrane-->proximal phalanx of thumb
Extends thumb at MP and CM joints
Superficial: Anconeus, Brachioradialis, ECRL, ECRB, ED, EDM, ECU
Deep: Sup, APL, EPB, EPL, EI
Extensor Retinaculum
Prevents extensor tendons bowing out
Covers dorsal wrist joint
Common Wrist Injuries
Fracture: Scaphoid, Triquetrum
Dislocation: Lunate
Smith's Fracture
Reverse Colle's Fracture-->distal radius tilts anteriorly
Fracture of Clavicle
Upward displacement of proximal portion by sternocleidomastoid muscle and displacement of coracoclavicular ligament, downward displacement of distal by deltoid/gravity
Causes: breeched birth, pressing against pubis symphysis
Effects: injury to brachial plexus, hemorrhage of subclavian vein, thrombosis of subclavian vein-->pulmonary embolism
Klumpke's Paralysis
Lower Trunk injury (C8-T1, Ulnar Nerve)
Causes: breech delivery (birth palsy/obstetric paralysis), cervical rib, abnormal insertion or spasm of scalene muscles
Effects: Claw Hand
Ape Hand
Injury to median nerve (C5-7)
Causes: supracondylar fracture or compression of carpal tunnel
Effects: lose pronation, thumb opposition, lateral two IPs, impair two medial IPs. Flattening of thenar muscles
Glenoid Labrum Tears
Causes: Common in athletes throwing football/baseball: Shoulder instability, subluxation-->tear in glenoid labrum
Effects: pain while throwing, esp during acceleration; popping or snapping during abduction/lateral rotation
Popeye sign
Cause: ruptured bicep tendon and bicipital aponeurosis, usually due to degeneration or injury (sudden forceful load in flexion, ie weight-lifting, throwing sports)
Effects: retracted muscle bunches up and bulges out
Impingement Syndrome
Inflammation of rotator cuff tendons and/or surrounding bursa
Anterior dislocation of the Lunate
Cause: fall on dorsi-flexed wrist
Effects: carpal tunnel, avascular necrosis of lunate
Degenerative joint disease of the wrist
Treatment: Surgical fusion of carpal bones
Skier's Thumb (Gamekeeper's thumb)
Cause: Hyperabduction of Thumb
Effect: Tear UCL of thumb MP joint-->separates from thumb--> Stener lesion- UCL lodged superficial and proximal to Adductor Aponeurosis, Severe case--> avulsion fracture of metacarpal
Mallet Finger
Cause: Sudden severe tension on extensor tendon-->avulse attachment to phalanx
Effect: DIP joint is hyperflexed
Boutonniere Deformity
'Button Hole'
Injury of central slip base of middle phalanx, lateral slips separate--> slips through extensor expansion tendon-->pulls DIP into hyperextension
PIP hyperflexion with DIP hyperextension
Opponens Pollicis
Recurrent Median Nerve (C8)
Thenar Muscle
Flexor retinaculum--> lateral MC of thumb
Opposes thumb
Abductor pollicis brevis
Recurrent Median Nerve (C8)
Thenar Muscle
Flexor retinaculum-->lateral base of PP of thumb
Abducts and helps oppose thumb
Flexor pollicis brevis
Recurrent Median Nerve (C8)
Thenar Muscle
Flexor reticulum--> lateral base of PP of thumb
Helps with positioning, secondary to flexor pollicis longus
Flexes and adducts thumb
Adductor Pollicis
Deep branch of Ulnar Nerve (T1)
Thenar Muscle
Bases of 2+3 MC-->Medial base of PP of thumb
Adducts thumb toward lateral border of palm
Abductor digiti minimi
Deep branch of Ulnar Nerve (T1)
Hypothenar Muscle
Pisiform-->medial base of PP of 5th digit
Abducts 5th digit, assists in flexion
Flexor digiti minimi brevis
Deep branch of Ulnar Nerve (T1)
Hypothenar Muscle
Hook of Hamate and Flexor retinaculum-->medial base of PP of 5th digit
Flexes PP of 5th digit
Opponens digiti
Deep branch of Ulnar Nerve (T1)
Hypothenar Muscle
Hook of Hamate and Flexor retinculum--> Oppose 5th digit with thumb
1+2- Median (T1), 3+4 Deep Ulnar (T1)
FDP tendons-->Thumb side of digits 2-5
Flex MC, extend IP joints of digits 2-5 (bye-bye muscles)
Dorsal Interossei
Deep Ulnar (T1)
Adjacent MC--> bases of PP digits 2-5 and extensor hood
DAB: Abduct fingers from axis, aid lumbricals in bye-bye
Palmar Interossei
Deep Ulnar (T1)
Palmar, long finger sides of MC 2,4,5--> bases of PP 2,4,5 and extensor hood
PAD: Adducts fingers to axis, aid lumbricals in bye bye, extension of 2-4
Medial Mid-palmar Space
Central compartment of hand btwn synovial tendon sheath 3-5 and common flexor sheath
Easily infected-->swells on dorsal side w/o aponeurosis-->extensor tendons bulge
Thenar Space
Thenar compartment of hand btwn synovial tendon sheath 2 and common flexor sheath
Easily infected-->swells
Dermatomes of Hand
C7- Middle
C8- Pinkie
Cutaneous Innervation of Hand
Median: Palm and nail beds 1-3,
Radial: Dorsal 1-3 and anatomical snuffbox
Ulnar: 4-5
Radial Nerve Injury: Wrist Drop
Ulnar Nerve Injury: Claw Hand
Median Nerve Injury: Thenar Atrophy, Ulnar Deviation
Arterial Supply of Hand
Ulnar Artery-->superficial and deep branches, medial side, main supplier of superficial palmar arch--> common and proper palmar digitals
Radial artery: Main supplier of deep palmar branch-->princeps pollicis and radius indicis
Anastomose to form superficial palmar, deep palmar, and dorsal carpal arches
Vincular arteries-->synovial sheath