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33 Cards in this Set

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Beta elimination

A reaction in which a proton from the beta position is removed together with the leaving group, forming a double bond.

Also called a 1,2 elimination


A beta elimination reaction in which the leaving group is specifically a halide


A beta elimination reaction in which the leaving group is water

Degree of Substitution

A way of designating the number of alkyl groups connected to the double bond

How many carbons do you need before a cycloalkene is capable of accomodating a trans pi bond?


Bredt's Rule

Bredt's rule states that it is not possible for a bridgehead carbon of a bicyclic system to posses a C=C double bond if it involves a trans pi bond being incorporated in a small ring

Rule of thumb for stability of cis- and trans- alkenes

Cis alkenes will be less stable than its stereoisomeric trans alkene

E2 reactions

An elimination reaction in which the proton transfer and the loss of the leaving group happen at the same time.

Why can E2 reactions work with tertiary substrates?

Because the nucleophile is acting as a base and is more than happy to take a proton off of the edge of the molecule, making steric hindrances non-existant

Degree of substrates versus rate of reactivity in E2 reactions

Slowest is primary

Second fastest is secondary

Fastest is tertiary


This occurs when an E2 reaction can produce more than 1 possible product.

Zaitsev product

The more substituted alkene is regiochemistry

Hofmann product

The less substituted alkene is regiochemistry

E1 Mechanism

The elimination reaction that is a stepwise mechanism in which the loss of a leaving group and proton transfer happen in different steps

Degree of substrate versus reactivity for E1 reactions

Primary is the least reactive

Secondary is the second most reactive

Tertiary is the most reactive

Are there any differences in regioselectivity for E1 reactions compared to E2 reactions?

Yes, the regiochemical outcome of an E1 process cannot be controlled by choosing a different base


A reaction in which the substrate produces 2 stereoisomers in unequal amounts


When the substituents off of the carbon that are in the same plane as the new pi bond are across from each other


When the substituents off of the carbon that are in the same plane as the new pi bond are on the same side as each other

Which coplanar conformation will elimination occur in cyclical compounds

The anti-coplanar conformation, resulting in only one specific stereoisomeric product


A situation in which the proton and the leaving group are nearly coplanar (for example, a dihedral angle of 178° or 179°)

What conformation do the proton and the leaving group have to be in repect to each other?


For cyclohexane, what is the conformation needed for elimination?


3 steps of figuring out whether or not something is an elimination of substitution reaction

1. Determine the function of the reagent

2. Analyze the substrate and determine the expected mechanism

3. Consider any relevant regiochemical and stereochemical requirements

2 factors that influence nucleophilicity

1. Charge (negative charge means stronger nucleophile) 2. Polarizability (the ability of an atom to distribute its electron density unevenly, larger atoms are better at this)

2 groups that act only as nucleophiles

1. Halides

2. Sulfur nucleophiles

What mechanism is used if the reagent functions only as a base


What mechanism is used if the reagent is both a strong nucleophile and strong base, and the carbocation is 1°

SN2 major product and E2 minor product

What mechanism is used if the reagent is both a strong nucleophile and strong base, and the carbocation is 2°

E2 major product and SN2 minor product

What mechanism is used if the reagent is both a strong nucleophile and strong base, and the carbocation is 3°

E2 product only

What mechanism is used if the reagent is both a weak nucleophile and weak base, and the carbocation is 1°

An impractical SN2 and E2 product

What mechanism is used if the reagent is both a weak nucleophile and weak base, and the carbocation is 2°

An impractical SN1, SN2, E1, and E2 product

What mechanism is used if the reagent is both a weak nucleophile and weak base, and the carbocation is 3°

SN1 and E1 product